Top 10k strings from Alchemist News - Issue 19 (1996)(Alchemist Research).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Magazines - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   7 - - - - - - - - - -
   5 James Waddington
   4 m4j5m4n2m5j4
   4 Graham Collier
   4 Dave Fountain
   4 Carl Murray
   4 11 Finsbury Drive
   3 Silvertown
   3 Paul Howard
   3 Network error.
   3 Miles Kinloch
   3 Marcus Prichard
   3 Lloyd Garland
   3 By Paul Howard.
   3 Andy Davis
   3 AN12,3  CP/M
   3 11 Camel Road
   2 |~~__OOGGCCAA
   2 software service.
   2 password, keep scanning and stop if no&
   2 or   'M' to return to the menu.
   2 match was found
   2 m4j5m4n2m5
   2 m4j2m4n2m4
   2 j44m44n44o44
   2 Wolfgang & Monika Haller
   2 Robert Skene
   2 Richard Main
   2 Price: `2.94
   2 Paul Westlake
   2 PRINT "This is in black but"
   2 Order no: K30-STAR90
   2 Mark Harris
   2 Justin Thorpe
   2 John Elliot
   2 J7:A?>A??>>BC
   2 Hylas Lane
   2 GO TO 9000
   2 Fixes to PCG system
   2 Ferry Groothedde
   2 Disc corruption.
   2 Dave Forrest
   2 Carma ref: 2954FN
   2 By Dave Fountain
   2 By Andy Davis
   2 Ben Douglas
   2 Arnold Yates
   2 AN14,11 +3 DOS Masterclass (iii) 
   2 AN13,19 Maxisweep & CP/M utils
   2 AN13,18 DU52
   2 AN13,16 +3 Utilities
   2 AN13,14 CP/M
   2 ;"Loading ";
   2 64 Roebuck Road
   2 62 Tithe Barn Lane
   2 36 Budges Road
   2 20 PRINT "You have ";LIVES;" lives left.")
   2 126 Hayward Road
   2 12 Frederick Street
   2 110 PRINT "Game over - no lives left!"&
   2 * LC-90 ORIGINAL
   2 ))&()+(&n))()o&+-+
   2 (Game routine)
   2 'D' CAT +D DISC
   1 |--LETTER---|
   1 |---DIGIT---|
   1 your very own touch screens.
   1 your help.
   1 you'll need to convert the file into an   opentype file, which I've also got aN
   1 you can get the full version"
   1 works on most computers, even though  this5 tries to include a piece of string  thatisn't there. In this case "xt" is PRINTed.The  Spectrum,  however,  gives  an  errorreport. By the way: instead of A$(1 TO  x)and A$(x TO LEN A$) you may enter  A$(  TOx) and A$(x TO ). Why waste memory space?
   1 without a +D? Well, now it's possible%
   1 with DISCDOS -  my  latest  (serious)%
   1 wiringconfigurations, but haven't  had  time  tore-configure them. I'll let you know how Iget  on.  (Spectrum  Internet?  Well,  themodem cable goes INTER the Spectrum!)
   1 winging its way to you!!!"
   1 willautomatically restart.
   1 which is the startup 'program'.
   1 where "start" is the start address of  thecode (the number preceding the comma on  adisc catalogue). The code is now in memoryand the next step is to scan  through  it.You can assume that all the passwords willbe stored together, so  write  down  thosewhich you already know.
   1 when saving has finished type:
   1 when ASW and FPD were founded, both  begandistributing a comprehensive collection ofutilities  for  the  Microdrive  and  OpusDiscovery disk systems. In  this  article,we   shall   extract   and   examine   theMicrodrive suite.
   1 weekends as it's only half the price!) andphone Arcade again. SET YOUR SPOOL ON.P
   1 want the full  version  just  send  a%
   1 want one of those smelly PCs would you?2) A phone line6
   1 vitalinformation on your favourite blasts  fromthe past. There will also be a chance  foryou to advertise your own items for sale!
   1 values. The Avenger will stop  shaking&
   1 utility to do. When you have it loaded in,you'll find that you can view all 80N
   1 utility ever written!
   1 usestatements like the following:!
   1 up by pulling BACK on the joystick.#
   1 undetaken at Alchemist Research. 
   1 tutorials,information and much more. Sadly, you needa PC and Internet access to be able to seethis, but we are making negotiations  withthe editor to try  and  let  some  GENUINEreaders see their work!
   1 toalter/customize an exsisting font.$
   1 to'camouflauge' it  so  it  cannot  be  felteasily through the envelope. If sending  acheque or P.O. please make them payable toD.FENNESSY.
   1 to restart.
   1 to recovering damaged tapes.
   1 to read +D discs from BASIC on  a  +3%
   1 to emulator wordprocessors.
   1 to 00FF, the 'one' page runs from 0100  to01FF and so on.9
   1 timingrelationships. The actual  connects  whichare almost  universally  used  (DB-25  andDB-9 sometimes  called  "EIA  connectors")are recommended, but not mandatory. On theSpectrum, the  Interface  1  uses  a  DB-9connector, yet the 128k machines  use  theobscure 6-way IPC  connector.  The  latterare fiddly,  expensive  and  non-standard,much  like  all  Spectrum   hardware   andsoftware.
   1 time... <Or, even simpler, DELETE the filefrom your disk and then use a recoveryP
   1 thissentence:
   1 they are!!! Yup, my first BASIC  game%
   1 thestatements between FOR and NEXT.#
   1 thesoftware, a microphone and stand, and  thebox.1
   1 thesestatements  are   made   into   a   single'compound statement' by  putting  a  BEGINand END at the  beginning  and  end  of  agroup of statements:
   1 therevolutionary new technique of REM jumping- and  what  did  Andy  do  with  my  finecontribution?   While   transferring{
   1 then you must insert your PC disk into theinternal. If you wish to use  an  externalthen PC1: or PC2: must be typed.  The  oldemulator used to  be  able  to  load  somegames from tape, using  a  sound  sampler,but  when  I  tried  to  load  a  game  itwouldn't  (probably  a  fast   loader   orsomething.)
   1 theAlchNews font is better!
   1 the scene.
   1 the Sinclair colour logo.
   1 the POKE is undone by the attempt to  jumppast the end of the program, so you get "0OK 15:1" (or a report generated by a  diskinterface, such as "program  finished"  byInterface 1).
   1 the Multiface one. The example  extracts  the Romantic Robot mesage.D
   1 the   machinecontrolled A15. The ROM was either one 64Kby eight bytes  or  two  32K by eight bytejobs. It didn't really matter as long as Iknew what was going on.
   1 terminal software, but a much neater way  is to load it into Tasword 128. Again,P
   1 syntax to  ALL  filing  routines.  With  asimple  POKE,  you  can  alter  the  drivenumber to any you wish.k
   1 sum:= sum+no;
   1 suchenthusiasts!
   1 start of screen memory.
   1 sprite of the Spectrum is back!
   1 spooler on and read the message. Saving   the spool file will give you the sameO
   1 speccy for  `1.00.  Need  I  say 
   1 something wrong!
   1 sofware library.
   1 serialcommunication.  It  defines  a  number  ofparameters  concerning   voltage   levels,loading   characteristicss
   1 sent. Thankyou for using the service." or a nasty message saying that you got your  password wrong, or you got the e-maily
   1 selector 1,2 or 3.
   1 second part of our series.
   1 scroller - I'd forgotten how much fun%
   1 screen full of text, saying something like"Welcome to Arcade, the Acorn BBS inN
   1 s$=s$(2 TO )+s$(1)
   1 return it to the screen.
   1 ressurrected!
   1 resolutiontechniques. The only disadvantage is  thatthe program is very slow.M
   1 resolution of the Speccy, the most it can display is 64 chars. across the screen.   This means that the remaining 16 letters  wrap onto the next line of the screen,
   1 regitered user. You'll have to sort this  out for yourself.;
   1 registered blind person and has difficultyreading handwriting.>
   1 recieving six e-mails in one night (one a 25k manual and one a 200+ line demoM
   1 rant - definition,  to  write  meaninglessarticles for a Spectrum media magazine.Q
   1 quickly or your aircraft may explode.%
   1 program. It will allow you to re-specify  the file type as any you desire. Ed>N
   1 program,substituting A and B with  the  respectivestart and finish addresses (note that  thefinish address  is  the  start  address  +length), and replacing "X"  and  "Y"  withthe  first  two  letters  of   the   firstpassword, and "x" and "y"  with  the  sameletters in lower case.
   1 program  allows  you  to   read/write%
   1 problems/queries/suggestions etc then please feel  free  towrite to me (address at the  end  of  thisfile). Enjoy.r
   1 print. Plus, keyguide to BIGSHOT.!
   1 pressing 1.
   1 press enter to confirm.
   1 power operated ball turret.
   1 popular Amiga emulator,  by  Dave!
   1 password. In the second line you can put  in "Subject: " and then a subject for the message. This isn't really needed though, but the password must be correct or the   e-mail won't be sent.
   1 password to the finish addr.
   1 our new SAM department head.
   1 or a standard torpedo.
   1 once again from BASIC... If you  want%
   1 on-line or upload it with your terminal   software - always use ASCII not Xmodem forthis! Either way, to send an e-mail, go   tothe main Arcade menu, press "P" for
   1 on LIGHTS switch.
   1 omitted for speed)
   1 off, LEAN for flying)
   1 off the screen light.
   1 ofGrieg's 'In the hall of the Mountain King'played.3
   1 ny=y: LET nx=x
   1 nvg, but if you  haven't  got  access%
   1 non-commericalpurposes,  and  would  like   it   to   bedistiributed to all  the  'Zeddy'  family.b
   1 necessary)
   1 n=n+2: RETURN
   1 mybeautifully tabulated listing to 32-columnformat, he messed up the demo  program  sothat two lines were on the same  line,  ifyou see what I  mean.  Oh,  it's  useless.<Oops, sorry. Let that be a lesson to  youto write in 42 column mode in future! Ed>
   1 mw>CFECFCEC?A>
   1 mw<<??==>>apJKJNJQ
   1 multi-load
   1 messaging, press "I" for the Internet%
   1 message, press "/" and you'll get the%
   1 message editor. In the first line you musttype "Password: " and then your e-mailP
   1 menu, press "A" for Arcadelink E-mail and then press "S" for Send. YOU DO NOT HAVE  TO WAIT FOR ALL THE TEXT TO BE DISPLAYED  BEFORE YOU PRESS!
   1 meaning a letter is defined as A or B or Cor D or E or F or G etc.B
   1 may be gone,  but  theres  a  new!
   1 marvellous software library.
   1 making it a bit hard to read...
   1 m>>AA>><<apKJKJHJ
   1 m= 0 minutes
   1 list will become HUGE!!
   1 library.Congratulations! The End.!
   1 last byte of RAM (plus one!).
   1 l= 15 minutes
   1 l$="O": LET r$="P": LET u$= "Q":  LET%
   1 l = CODE LENGTH
   1 k= 30 minutes
   1 j= 45 minutes
   1 j)'m)'j)m'j$m'j)'m),j)m'j,m)j,.m,.j,m)j.m,j'.m,)j.m'j$m'
   1 item 3 = "*"
   1 isunavoidable. This is why a second revisionof the program is being made.I
   1 ispresentation. Whether it's writing  a  bitof homework, writing a program or DTP.R
   1 is not a bug! It's perfectly allright thatthe   computer   doesn'tB
   1 is   formatted, if not then format the  disk   for the user.<
   1 inlays, programmers,   game   adverts,&
   1 in almost 4 years...and ain't it fun?%
   1 imagine it held any!
   1 i.e. C-3 4000 (note C is being  played  inthe third OCTAVE, SAMPLE 4 is being used)`
   1 h{-+-t+r-t+
   1 hobby, so snap up those bargains!!
   1 h= 1 hour 15 minutes
   1 grand-parents
   1 goesSkiing,  Horizons,  Jason's   Gem,   Kane,Matchpoint,  Mcoder  II,  Milk  Race,   OpThunderbolt,  Personal  Banking  Roadtoad,Rollaround,
   1 gently bring the nose of  the  avenger&
   1 games impractical since only the data in memory at the time is stored. Games with  random elements such as Ant Attack will  be  the same each time also.
   1 g= 1 hour 30 minutes
   1 fullinstructions for it's  use  and  no  otherexplanation should be necessary,  however,before I added the instructions  to  it  Ihad already told Andy (Davis, the big  bodat AlchNews) <Thats better - respect! Takenote Paul Howard! Ed.> that I  would  sendan article detailing it's use  and,  sinceI'd promised, here it is. Still, this willbe easier to print  out  (for  reference),so, without further ado:
   1 fuel mixture and  throttle  to  medium&
   1 front cowl and another in the
   1 fromAlchemist Research.
   1 files to a +D disc using  +D  syntax,%
   1 files from a PC disk.
   1 files between +D discs and +3 drives,%
   1 file through your software. If you're not sure of how to do this, just try out all  the options until you find one that works.If you're using FireScroll, quite a lot ofthe chars. will not be displayed and some missed out. Don't worry, as all of them   will have been sent. This can take quite awhile, but it's still quicker than writingon-line. When you've finished your
   1 f= 2 hours
   1 f&&o//i+o+i)o)((
   1 excellent  printing  system.   By!
   1 er, perhaps not very useful!
   1 enter the recipient's e-mail address in   full. Press enter and you'll be at theP
   1 end,  it(s  been   revised   FOUR!
   1 emulatorsavailable  for  them  (an  emulator  beingsoftware and/or hardware  that  lets  thatcomputer behave like another computer  andrun   it's   software).   Usually,   theseemulators are for  business  purposes  (soyou can run PC software on  your  MAC,  orvice versa), but there are some  (probablymany) that are designed to  let  you   run8-bit software (Spectrum, C64, Amstrad CPCetc) mainly for the purpose of  games.  Infact, on at least  one  machine  (the  PC)there   have   been   CD   ROMs   releasedconsisting of nothing but Spectrum  games!Sounds brilliant, doesn't it?
   1 emulators of +2a/+3.
   1 effect as leaving the message on the BBS, but you won't have to log on to read it.R
   1 editor prompt. For more details of this   see the message help function. For now,   just press "S" to send the message andz
   1 easiest to phone once to download all the files, and then again to reply to themP
   1 e= 2 hours 30 minutes
   1 dq+&+&+&+&+&+&+&r+
   1 dq&+&+&+&+&+&+&+r&
   1 don't know where yet)
   1 does not crash the 48K  Spectrum;  neitherdoes it crash any other Spectrum if it  isin 48K mode. This bug exists  in  all  thedifferent 128K ROMs only. By the way, thisneedn't be a direct command;  it  has  thesame  effect  if  it  is  done  within   aprogram, provided  the  POKE  hasn't  beenundone  by  the  time   the   program   isfinished:
   1 disc  and  stamp  to:  20   Greenhill%
   1 deck and are airborne, return  to  the&
   1 data has been loaded in)
   1 d= 3 hours
   1 d$="A": LET m$="R": LET q$="G"
   1 currently available.
   1 corruption
   1 controller by Emily Software.
   1 control code
   1 containing
   1 consumable buys at present.
   1 computers,
   1 comprehensivecartridge analysis, showing  sectors  freeand used, as well as  giving  a  graphicaldisplay  of   the   cartridge   and   it'soccupancy at the base of the screen.
   1 compiler of the Speccy  CD  wants!
   1 communication,electrical analysis and repair, topographyand  even  diverse  subjects  and  psychicinvestigations and simple detective  work.
   1 columns, and Arcade's 80 column graphics  are not mucked up. An even easier way of  viewing the spool file is to read it on a 'real' computer, and then you can load it into your fave DOS text editor and view itin it's full 80 column glory.
   1 collection list from Icabod!) it is#
   1 codenamed'Blackhawk' - earned a reputation  as  themost deadly torpedo bomber ever  developedduring World War Two.  It  quickly  becamethe standard torpedo bomber for the entireUS Navy and was produced in larger numbersthan any other torpedo bomber.
   1 circuit diagrams amongst others.  There  is  also documentation on various  games,  cheats, maps, in fact this has to be one  of  the most  complete  collections  of  Spectrum related items available.
   1 cheque for `6 and a copy will soon be%
   1 cheekcomparision between a 486 and ZX81  (guesswhich  wins!),  a  tutorial  and   circuitdiagram of expanding your ZX81 to  16k  or48k! and ends  with  a  look  at  the  Z80family  and  the  computers  besides   theSpectrum which used it.
   1 cannotinterpret them.
   1 cannot predict lottery numbers.
   1 can convert to hex  in  your  5ead  you   obviously need  to  get  out  and  meet   people more!`
   1 c= 3 hours 15 minutes
   1 c/o Emulator Help
   1 by: Mike Mee - Co-Compiler of the!
   1 but in fact NOT O and SGN PI are each  twobytes and thus equal. If you think  you'vegot the hang of all this, try to work  outwhich  is  the  more  economical  of   thefollowing:
   1 beincremented/decremented  by  use  of   thearrows next to OTHER.A
   1 becomesfractionally slower where VALs (and the PIexpressions  which  I'll  come  to  in   aminute) are used. This is only  noticeablein iterations, eg lengthy FOR-NEXT  loops,where VAL expressions  are  a  real  speedbarrier and should be avoided!
   1 become a registered user...
   1 because of the 80 column text) and a$
   1 b= 3 hours 30 minutes
   1 attacks,threats  and   hate   mail   from   MartynSherwood!;
   1 are rewarded. Plus, new visitors.!
   1 and to turn it back on again, type:#
   1 and the credits for this issue.
   1 and as a  bonus  you  can  also  copy%
   1 and CP/M, hardware and smalls.
   1 and (last and bloody  well  least)  Mike  Mee for passing me the  .SNAps  to  test  it.W
   1 and  you'll  conserve  fuel.  Do  this&
   1 and  '5' THANKS TO...
   1 allinterchangeable. Both  JPP  and  Z80  comewith a utility to convert the  files,  butas the registered  version  of  Z80,  withwhich it is supplied, costs a  minimum  of`15, it  is  far  wiser  to  get  the  JPPemulator for  the  program,  since  it  isshareware and average price is `1.
   1 all. Even so, all 6 mails were recieved   and replied to at a grand total of 97p.   Not exactly expensive, but just watch yourtotal!
   1 address...
   1 address wrong. Any incoming e-mail will   show up on your message list, and can be  read in the usual way. If you want to keepthe message, you can just leave it on the BBS without deleting it, or put your
   1 aconsiderable   delay   as   the   computercalculates the square root. Try these  twoand you'll notice the difference:v
   1 access it, and you can easily ignore the  machine specific stuff...C
   1 a= 4 hours
   1 a single TAP file on the PC.
   1 a demo copy should  be  on
   1 a demo copy just write to me  with  a%
   1 a b c d e f g h i j k l m
   1 `1 each (large box)
   1 Zenobi Reviews, R. Main
   1 Zen and the Art of Noise (i)
   1 ZX Spectrum 48K, 128K
   1 Z: Window DOWN
   1 Z: Enter superprint mode
   1 Z80 uses a format with the suffix .Z80&
   1 Z80 Support:
   1 Z80 -xr MYROM.BIN
   1 Your tape or disc (formatted)
   1 Your remittance (if more than 6 titles)   A loose stamp or SAE>
   1 You'll hear some strange noises at first, then four tones. On the last one, flick   down the switch on the modem and put the  phone down. All being well, you should nowhave some mucked up graphics (this is
   1 You'll have to experiment  with  differentOCTAVES  to  get  certain  sounds  to   berecognised as the above. The  Snare  soundfor instance sounds good within the  rangeof OCTAVE 4-5  whilst  the  Hi-hat  reallycomes into its own in a very high OCTAVE.
   1 You would, I assume,  have  to  write  thefirst version of this program assuming theuser has two  disk  drives  to  read  fromdrive #1 and write the compressed file  todrive #2.
   1 You would expect it to print, at  the  topleft corner, a star, then an  exclaimationand then the  contents  of  the  top  leftcorner (0,0) again, which is a star.  But,no, we get ***!!! (39597,201)
   1 You will need:
   1 You will know when a tank is almost  emptywhen the engine starts to  stall.  If  youswitch   immediately   to   another   tankcontaining   fuel
   1 You may be thinking 'drive 1 -  surely  itwould be drive 2?'. Well,  yes,  normally,but since the internal drive works with noadded syntax, and you can  only  have  oneexternal drive, the number is  irrelevant.Type CAT 2 if you prefer.
   1 You have 3.1415927 lives left.
   1 You have 2.1415927 lives left.
   1 You have 1.1415927 lives left.
   1 You have 0.1415927 lives left.
   1 You could take a  look  at  address  3&
   1 You can see how  much  you've  removed  bylooking at the marks on the spool windows.There are three types of marks: a  dot,  ashort vertical line and  a  long  verticalline. It looks something like this:
   1 You can read the spool file with the$
   1 You can now either type the text of your  message on-line, or upload a Tasword 2]
   1 You can look at any of the system variablepointers   using   the   same   line,   bysubstituting  the  variable's  two  memorylocations. The BASIC keyword PEEK looks atthe contents of any  byte  of  memory  andreturns  the  decimal  equivalent  of  thenumber it finds there.
   1 You can get a copy by  sending  your  nameand  address  and  ONE  Internation  ReplyCoupon (IRC - available from Post Office),but the editor has allowed the magazine tobe   distributed   under
   1 You can also launch the torpedoes from thePilot's  screen  -  though  much  of  yourcombat is handled  from  the  Tail  Gunnerposition.
   1 You can also  use  these  three  commands inconjunction with the  SCREEN$  command, so:W
   1 You can  even  change  the  baud  rate  ofcassette loading by subtracting  8  or  14from address 1487. You will also  need  tomatch  the  SAVE  speeds   the   same   bysubtracting 12 or 21  from  the  followingaddresses:
   1 You can  also  get  the  collection  on  amicrodrive   cartridge   emulationL
   1 You are familliar with the team  who  workon the Spectrum side, but we also  have  aclose team who work on the other subjects.The team comprises of Ford Shillito,  NeilThompson, Phil Glaves and  Dave  Saunders.We all met at various times, from up to 25years ago, right to just two  months!  Thething  we  all  had  in  common  was   ourinterest in the above areas.
   1 You  would  also   have   to   write   thedecompressor as a seperate program or evenbuild the two programs into one. Using the128K ramdisc as a buffer area, you  shouldbe able to make the process even faster byusing the extra 80K of RAM to read in 1/10of the source disk. Mind you, you couldn'treally compress  this  as  the  compressorwould  want  to  write   this   compressedversion somewhere else in RAM 
   1 You  could  maybe  rewrite  one   of   themultitude of screen compressors to  handle6912 bytes of +D sector data instead of  ascreen !
   1 Yes, the tutorials are back! This issue wetake a look  at  the  suite  of  utilitiesMiles  Kinloch   has   written   for   theMultiface and +D. There have been a numberavailable loosely before, but the suite isnow available in one tidy collection.
   1 Yes, later on in this  very  article,  youwill be able to participate in  a  unique,real-time, interactive crap adventure, thefirst of its kind! But first...
   1 Yes, Jet Set Willy 3 is not available fromAlchemist  Software.  The  plot  continueswhere  the  last  game  left  off:  Willy,finally  gets  to  bed  for  another  welldeserved sleep, but awakens to  find  thatthe  monsters  have   returned,   with   avengeance and have re-designed the  entirehouse to confuse you.
   1 X: Expand VERTICAL
   1 Write protect tab is down.
   1 Write down the start and finish  addressesof  your  code  file.  The  passwords  arelikely to be at the  end  of  the  machinecode, but this does vary between games  soit's best to scan the whole code file.
   1 Wrightington
   1 Wrath of God picture
   1 Wonderfull!!! Hey, guys  ever  wanted%
   1 Wolfgang Haller
   1 With both 32K blocks of the ROM saved off,I could now set  about looking at what thecode of the  game  did  - a much differentkettle of fish  to  how  it's  done in theSpectrum, I can tell you!
   1 With Caps shift:
   1 Why do we change? Purely down to  personalpreference! I do it because, like FORTH, Ilike to see a language expand,  thanks  tomy own handiwork. Nothing makes me happierthan to type a command that I wrote.
   1 Why do all "modern" computers  have  sillyicon buttons? The Apple computers  have  akey with an apple on it. The Amiga  has  akey  with  the  "A"  logo  on   it.   <TheCommodore's all had silly  'C'  logo  keyswhich did very little.  You  never  saw  a'rainbow' key on the  Spectrum,  did  you?Ed.>  And  now  the  latest  PC  keyboardsfeature nothing less than  a  Windows  '95key! The whole point of screen icons is toperform functions too complex to  merit  akey.
   1 Why  I  didn't  patch   in  an  old  128'skeyboard right off, the final solution, isanyone's guess!c
   1 Whomever wrote it to begin with, 
   1 Whilst the tune is playing you can  switchoff anyone of the three channels  to  hearjust exactly  what  is  on  each  channel.Moving the cursor to the top-right hand ofthe screen and clicking on the  individualchannels will toggle OFF/ON.
   1 Whilst I know Andy  used  to  have  a  fewcompressors in his  PD  library  they  allwere as 1 program, which  would  mean  youwould have to rip out the compression codefrom the program and  probably  annoy  theoriginal author as well as infringe  theircopyright.
   1 While in Backus Naur, this looks like:&
   1 While I thought Dominic was hard at  work,he  was  hard  at  killing  his  sobriety,sunning it up in glorious Germany (at  ourexpense i'll bet!). But, as ever, he comesup with the goods, which are always betterthan we expect. In fact, I  have  a  smallarchive  of  revolutionary   programs   byDominic,  including  some  wonderful   newshells for AlchNews.
   1 Whether or not he had the "right  to  selfdefence", Mr Sherwood  certainly  did  nothave the right to distribute any  part  ofAlchNews,  which   was   and   is   Andy'scopyright. To conclude,  the  considerableamount of evidence that  Mr  Sherwood  hasbeen  an  illegal   software   distributorprevents me from publishing an apology  atthis time.
   1 Whenever you write an  article  about  theSam, please send it to me. Articles  aboutthe Spectrum may be sent to  Andy  or  me.Andy tends to publish them  just  as  theyare,  but  if  you  don't  mind  (or  evenprefer) mistakes  to  be  corrected,  sendthem to me. I'll always  correct  them  insuch a way that  the  readers  won't  evenknow that they  have  been  corrected,  sodon't worry
   1 When you've done all that you wish,  pressF10  and  the  X  to  access   the   extrafunctions. Press S to  save  memory  blockand   then   enter   the   following   hexaddresses:
   1 When you first run the program,  you  willhave to wait for a short  time  while  thecode is poked  into  memory  (starting  ataddress 43000). Make sure that you type inall of the numbers correctly as  a  singlemistake could  prevent  the  routine  fromworking!
   1 When you enter the world of  machine  codeprogramming you are approaching your  homecomputer on its most fundamental level.   Not  only  do  you  have   to   understandsomething about  the  hexadecimal  nimbersyou key in, and  the  binary  numbers  thecomputer converts them into, you also haveto  understand  how  the  computer  itselfworks.
   1 When you come to write a  Pascal  program,this means that you  must  work  within  aprecisely defined form for each statement.These standard definitions are given in  aformal notation developed during the 1960sand know as Backus Naur form  (BNF).  Theycan also be given as syntax diagrams.
   1 When the program thinks it has located thefirst password (ie the first  two  lettersmatch those of the  password),  it  leavesthe scanning loop and  prints  the  entirerest of memory to the  screen.  Hopefully,the   passwords   will   now   appear   insuccession for you to write them down.
   1 When it's loaded in, return  to  normal   Spectrum BASIC and then save the  file,   using:Z
   1 When all is done, have a quick nose aroundthe BBS and note down the contactK
   1 When a +D disc has  been  catalogued,  youmay press:4
   1 When I connected it all up and switched iton the LED lit. I assumed it  was  just  apower on  light,  but  when  I  spoke,  itflashed!
   1 When  you've  finished,  quit   from   theemulator and then re-start it by typing:R
   1 When  loaded,  we  need  to  make   TWO   conversions. The first  -  option  7  -   blanks off all the  control  characters   which are  not  needed.  The  second  -   option 8 - converts the file to Tasword   2. On the Spectrum, these two processes   would take a few minutes to work, on my   emulator, they took a second each!
   1 When   sending   cash   please   try$
   1 What's more, it  gave  people  choice.  Itwould be far  cheaper  to  buy  a  +3  andexternal disk drive than pay for a +D  anddrive.  (See  our  article  +D  Vs.  +3  -AlchNews 13.3).
   1 What exactly do we want ?
   1 What do you get in return ? We can't offeryou much, other than a  very  large  THANKYOU in the documents and  a  discount  offthe price of  a  copy  of  your  very  ownCD-ROM which you had  a  helping  hand  incompiling.
   1 What do we change? Well, thats entirely upto you. The first places  to  go  are  thenasty bugs  in  the  Spectrum.  There  areliterally dozens.  A  few  can  be  easilycured by one simple value  change,  othersare more  complex.  Ferry  Groothedde  haswritten  a  custom  ROM  which  eliminatesEvery bug, and also  added  new  commands,but this consists of a  major  rewrite  ofcertain  areas,  which  are   beyond   theconfines of this basic  introduction.
   1 What  you  change  the  keywords   to   iscompletely up to you, but  here  are  somesuggestions to get you started:s
   1 What  a  brilliant  introduction  to  thisdevice! My only  grievance  was  that  thecars came too  fast  and  didn't  give  meenough time to move away! However, as  thepackage includes a listing of the program,you can easily change it.
   1 West Yorkshire
   1 Well, where did I go from here? It was allwell and good  knowing  the hack required,but how could I implement it in a working Sega base unit?
   1 Well, wasn't that  a  thrilling,  excitinghigh-speed adventure?  If  you  say  "No",then in  fact  you  have  agreed  with  mebecause I  said  "wasn't  that..."  ratherthan "was that...".  Does  anyone  in  theworld know what I'm talking about?
   1 Well, thats all the Speccy news I can giveyou. If you  want  any  extra  info   thenplease feel free to write to:q
   1 Well, now it's payback time! (Where did  Iget that pathetic phrase  from?).  By  thetime  this  issue  of  AlchNews  hits  thestreets (thud!), the British Battletrackerdemo will hopefully  have  been  released.Coordinated by Technium 220, the BBT  demofeatures music by the top UK coding groupsso that the best musician can be  elected.I knew I'd be taken seriously one day!
   1 Well, here's the easy solution:
   1 Well, another jam packed issue,  with  ourusual mix  of  fine  entertainment,  greatreading, and top exclusives.  Plus,  thereare our free gifts after  this  issue.  Attime  of  writing  you  should  find   thefollowing:
   1 Well,  this  is  one  of  my  first,   buthopefully not the last of my many promisedarticles\
   1 Well! You could have  knocked me down witha sledge hammer!:
   1 Welcome   to   the   first   Fountain   PDcatalogue,  a  brand  new  Public   DomainLibrary for the ZX Spectrum range of  homecomputers. We hope you find  something  ofinterest / use for your spectrum.
   1 Weekend National Rate
   1 Weekend Local Rate
   1 Weekday Evening Ntl. Rate: Approx. 6p/min.Weekday Evening Loc. Rate: Haven't a clue!T
   1 We'll end this issue with a special  awardto  someone  who  certainly  deserves  it:CARL MURRAY!`
   1 We support Tape and 3.5" +D disc (specific+3 programs can be copied onto  3"  disc).Please try to send branded tape or disc ina padded  jiffy  bag,  this  will  greatlyreduce the chances of software duplicationerror or damage  in  transit.  All  titlescome with a lifetime guarantee and will bereplaced  free  of   charge   should   youacidentally mislay or erase files (or  thesoftware is upgraded).
   1 We stopped the car and I  leapt  out  intothe field, looking for our ghostly friend.Nothing.\
   1 We sort of  head  north,  in  a  clockwisestyle  not  being  able  to   escape   theclutches of  a  small  town  called  Leigh(Brigadoon the second I think).
   1 We now enter 1996 with  a  game  featuringone of the most popular (if not THE)  mostpopular game characters of the  Spectrum'shistory.
   1 We have been ZX enthusiasts since 1982 andhope to improve and expand FPD  with  eachnew catalogue. Thank you for your custom.}
   1 We finally  found  it  as  the  light  wasdimming and my patience wearing. The  nextsurprise sprung on me was that Martin  andDave weren't talking and I had to  go  andfetch the disk. A disk of which I  had  noidea what was on it, from a person  I  hadnever  spoken  to  in  my  life.  It   wasactually Simon 'Spec Tec' Cooke,  who  metme, who looks NOTHING like his charicaturein YS.
   1 We established that the reliability of theghost was due entirely  to  whether  therehad been any previous rain, which ran intothe dip  and  made  a  tiny  stream  whichfilled the puddle, the speed and  positionof  your  car  on  the  road   and,   mostimportantly,  what  car  you  were  using.Headlamp alignment  is  different  on  allcars, as is the shape. I had tried  it  onboth my Minis and my Metro and  there  wasnothing. Ford had a Fiat Panda, which gavethe best effect!
   1 We end with a new magazine, aimed directlyat ZX81 users.8
   1 We end with  the  ZAP  utility  which  canperform  block   file   deletes   from   acartridge. The  program  also  comes  withZAPMOD and ZAPMOD2, two merge-in  routinesto give extra  functions,  such  as  bytesfree.
   1 We do this by loading up the PD program   TASDFUE. Load it up  and  you  will  be   presented with a menu.j
   1 We change the ROM by quite simply  loadingthe ROM area to RAM, where  we  can  alterit. There are two ways of doing this:y
   1 We can MOVE (or copy) any PATTERNS CHANNELdata  to  any  other.  In  the   followingexample we will MOVE PATTERN 1  CHANNEL  Ato PATTERN 2 CHANNEL B.
   1 We at this new software  house  understandthis. That's why our  first  release  willjust be a plain collection of high quality'mini' colour graphics.
   1 We are now going to create a simple  tune.First let's get rid of the tune in memory,it'll only confuse things. Go to the OTHERmenu and select CLEAR PATTERN. You will beasked  to  confirm.   Now   select   CLEARPOSITION. Finally select RETURN and off wego.
   1 Warrington
   1 Waddington.
   1 WRITELN(sum)
   1 WING LOCK. The wings  are  of  a  foldablenature, for berthing the aircraft  in  theunder-deck  hangars  of  the  Ark   Royal.Ensure the wings are  locked  DOWN  beforeany flight.
   1 WHILE no <> 0 DO
   1 WHILE <logical statement> DO <statement>(
   1 WHILE .. DO
   1 W: Clear window
   1 Vision's World of demos
   1 Video  tapes  don't  last  forever.   Likeeverything else, they gradually  wear  andthis rubs off (literally)  on  your  videorecorder.
   1 Victoria Road
   1 Vic Bishop is something  of  a  POWERPRINTexpert. Should you  wish  to  drop  him  aline, send an SAE to:i
   1 Vic Bishop
   1 Version 4a (released around 14th Jan  '96)Simply version 4 with a few  extra  thingsI've added. (Supplied with AlchNews 19 +D)~
   1 Version 4 (released early Jan  '96)  MilesKinloch has modified SNAP READER  so  thatit now  uses  the  +D  RAM  as  a  buffer,solving the problem of screen  corruption.Also, now the games that  crashed  if  thescreen was corrupt (i.e.  MERCENARY)  willnow work fine. Unavoidably, SNAP READER isnow incompatible with Beta-DOS and some +Dpatches
   1 Version 3 (released  around  5th  December'95) When I contacted Andy Davis and  toldhim about SNAP READER he asked me to  sendit to him, and he'd pass it  on  to  MilesKinloch (THE +D programmer). So I bunged afew extras onto version  1  (Instructions,re-cat, speeded it up etc) and sent it  toAndy.
   1 Version 2 (never  released)  This  was  myattempt to get SNAP READER to use  the  +DRAM as a buffer instead,  unfortunately  Iknew  next  to  nothing  about  the   +D'sinternal operations so it had  a  tendencyto crash.
   1 Version 1 (release  date  unknown,  authorunknown) was given to me around June 95 Itused the screen display as a buffer and socaused partial screen disruption and  alsocaused some programs to  crash.  <Featuredas a listing in an earlier article in thisissue. Ed>
   1 Various Spectrum and QL books, manuals andover 100 magazines from 1984 onwards.O
   1 Various PD libraries (mainly PC ones,  I'dhave thought)7
   1 VTX5000 modem for all 48k  and  grey  +2s.(+3 / +2a needs FIXIT, see below): `8.50R
   1 VSS supply
   1 VIKING DIRECT. 0800 424445
   1 VERTICAL SPEED. Fourth round dial (Upper).The number indicate up or  down  speed  in10's. The needle  on  a  horizontal  planeindicates level flight. If it  points  UP,the aircraft is climbing at that  rate  offeet per minute. If it  points  DOWN,  theaircraft is diving at that  rate  of  feetper minute.
   1 VE!", shouted Rob.
   1 VDD supply
   1 VAR no,sum: INTEGER;
   1 VALUE: 10/10 Only `1.00 for emulator  withchoice of game (from me!)C
   1 VAL "2^9" = 16384 =
   1 VAL "2^11" = 65536 =
   1 VAL "2^10" = 32768 =
   1 VAL "20" in line 100 cannot  be  improved,and nor can the  variable  allocations  inline 5. The following  may  look  like  animprovement:
   1 Usual address or via  Alchemist  Software,Fountain, Impact or  Albhar  libraries  inUK. SUBSCRIPTIONS: ASW ADDRESS.s
   1 Using our example, we know  it's  3759.   Simply   press   F5   to   access   the   Multiface, press T for TOOL,  SPACE  to   enter a value and then  type  3759  and   press ENTER. Now press H and we get  an   instant hex conversion to 0EAF. If you
   1 Using VAL expressions in place of  numbers(VAL "number" is the same as the number onits  own)  can  save  a  lot  of   memory.Unfortunately,   the
   1 Updated from previous registered  versionsare `5 and `10. Now with a set  of  VORTEXsoftware and Don Priestley games.u
   1 Up went the little man!
   1 Unrecognised hook code.
   1 Unrecognised channel.
   1 Unlike BASIC, Pascal is precisely defined,without the individual  variation  betweendifferent systems that mean a BBC  programwould  not  run  on  the   Spectrum,   forexample.  This  is  transportability,   asboasted by FORTH and many other languages.So you may not be able to save  a  programto disk and load it into another machine -but you can print it out and  re-enter  iton a different host.
   1 Unknown filetype (eg Sam).
   1 United Minds
   1 Uncle Clive & Uncle Sam
   1 USR 8 before booting DOS.
   1 U: UDGs to printer
   1 Type "NEW" for new user, and enter some   details about yourself. When it comes to  the Terminal Emulation bit, press "3" for TTY.
   1 Two streams to one device.
   1 Two extra PFN  Font  packs  are  availablecontaining 12 font files  each.  More  areplanned for the future.k
   1 Two Wright double row  R-2600
   1 Two  programs.  Both  perform   the   samefunction of allowing you to store a  pieceof code in the Multiface RAm and  have  itdumped back when the  button  is  pressed.The only difference is that version  1  isfor tape only and version 3 allows you  tochoose tape or drive.
   1 Try experimenting  with  colours  of  yourown, or even changing the graphic  of  thestripe.  Send  your  work  in  and   we'lldisplay the best in AN20 and  dish  out  aprize.
   1 Trowbridge
   1 Trevor Mossman
   1 Toodle Pip,
   1 Too few kilobytes <or bytes. Ed> 
   1 Tony Jeenes
   1 To this day,  the  person  who brought themachine to me has  never  called back so Ipresume it is now mine by default.v
   1 To send an e-mail, you can write it#
   1 To see the new rom, you will need to pressF9 and then choose option 1,2 or 4  for  a'true' 48k spectrum.h
   1 To re-load the ROM which is now a PC file,press  F10,  X  and  then  L.  Enter   theaddresses as shown  above  in  the  savingsection.
   1 To name but four.
   1 To ensure that  your  order  is  processedquickly,  please  note   down   both   thereference  codes   and   titles   of   allrequested items. Circumstances demand thatcustomers  ordering  any  titles  in   thecatalogue   labelled   ADULT   must   signseperately to indicate that they are  over18.   Impact   PD   apologises   for   anyinconvenience this may cause,  but  pleasebear in mind that these titles may not  besupplied to anybody who does not comply.
   1 To ensure everyone gets a fair  deal,  thecaptain  will  make  you  pick  straws  todetermine your mission.  The  short  strawwill be the most difficult mission.
   1 To ensure a successful  take  off,  followthese steps:6
   1 To ditch your plane: Land very  gently  atthe lowest possible speed (under 100  mph)with your landing gear UP.n
   1 To create the touch  screen  code,  simplytype in this program and run it.  You  maywish to copy it down  or  use  the  "printpage" option in AlchNews (press Z  with  aprinter attached).
   1 To check the value of P-RAMT switch on themachine and enter the line:E
   1 To avoid  problems  with  your  snapshots,state clearly from  the  supplier  of  anysnapshots that you require the programs ona double density (DD) disk, and the  filesin JPP's 'SNA' format.
   1 To  create  a  large  .TAP  file  from   amultitude of others is as follows:L
   1 Through the compilation  of  the  emulatorCD-ROM, I have also come in  contact  withthe following:b
   1 Those of you who know David  Ledbury  willcertainly know that when in close vicinityof him, things get complicated, and it wasthen that I found he wanted to do a  worldtour of Cheshire.  OK,  Mini's  are  greatlittle cars but, when you've been  sat  init since 9am and you are  six  foot  four,you get a little achy, but when you  don'tknow you'll  be  in  it  for  another  sixhours, you bravely soldier on.
   1 Thomas Eberle, SUC
   1 This will play each PATTERN in turn. Don'tforget to set the LENGTH to  more  than  1otherwise on PLAY, the ST  will  only  letyou hear the first PATTERN over and over.
   1 This was the big problem until  I  decidedthat Andy Davis was reliable enough to  dothe job. The  SCB  (Sinclair  ComputerclubBenelux)  has   been   renamed   AlchemistResearch  Continental,   and   our   jointmagazine  has  a  double  name.   AN/UC&USfeatures both the Spectrum and the Sam.
   1 This was absolutely great!  'Up',  'Down','Up', 'Down'. The man moved  to  my  everyword!  He  even  moved  to  other   words.'Sausage'. 'Tootle'. 'Supercalifragilisticetc. etc.'. I spoke, he dodged.  Sometimeshe jumped INTO the path of a car!
   1 This view shows the rear of the  aircraft,along with display of remaining rounds  ofammunition  and  status   box   of   otherscreens.
   1 This type of loop is usually used when  insome circumstances the loop is not changedat all and the number  of  repetitions  isnot known beforehand. The repetition  willcontinue once each time a known  conditionspecified in the program remains true.
   1 This trick can be  performed  by  all  andthere is no chance of damage to  equipmentif the guidelines are followed  correctly.I have used this trick for over  15  yearsand  in   all   that   time   have   neverencountered problems.  However,  AlchemistResearch does not take responsibility  forany poor attempts which fail  or  fail  towork, or video recorder damamge.
   1 This takes the  ABCD  membership  to  wellover 50! If you'd like to recommend anyonefor an ABCD award, write and let us know.}
   1 This simply selects which drive is  to  beused by SNAP READER (the current drive  isdisplayed on screen). Thanks go  to  MilesKinloch by the way, for pointing out  thatthis  didn't  originally  work,  and   forfixing it.
   1 This should return 65535 on a 48K model.  If  it  doesn't  and  you  haven't   POKEdanything into these locations  then  thereis something wrong  with  your  spectrum'smemory.
   1 This short and simple program gives  briefsystem details of the  Spectrum,  such  asRAMTOP, free memory, length of  microdrivemaps in memory, free space etc.
   1 This routine makes the player lose a  lifeand then loops back to the game until  hislives are used up. Fine as it is,  but  ifwe replaced the  number  3  with  PI,  thedecimal places would mess things up.  Thisis what you'd see:
   1 This program performs the same function asthe routines earlier, but is for users  ofany Multiface who do not have a +D.w
   1 This program is revolutionary. It  is  fartoo good to be given away for peanuts.  Itis only fair that Dominic  be  given  fullcredit and reward for his hard work.
   1 This program is only really useful  for  afull cartridge of programs you  are  goingto keep. You store the program's  filenameand some brief details  in  a  string  andthen save  the  program  as  an  auto-bootfile. It is similar in principle  to  AndyDavis's DLS system.
   1 This program is for the Interface 1 or  +Dand, like  Multibasic,  adds  some  simplecommands to treat the Multiface memory  asan 8k ramdisk.
   1 This program gives  full  details  of  allfiles on your cartridges. It is  colourfuland well presented.g
   1 This particular example is no use at  all,since VAL "2^5" is longer than VAL "64" byone byte. The good thing  is  that  powersallow huge  numbers  to  be  expressed  insmall terms.  In  addition,  powers  of  2(where the a in a^b is  equal  to  2)  areuseful numbers for programming  with,  dueto the computer's binary system (base  2).Some examples? No problem...
   1 This option is  simply  here  so  you  cancheck if a disc you've put in the drive isa +D one or not. If you  try  this  optionand it is not a +D disc then the  Spectrummay  keep  trying  to  access   the   +D'sdirectory data.  If  this  occurs,  simplyinsert a +D formatted disc and it will  becatalogued.
   1 This joins the two files together (the  xxbeing whatever the current issue is). Thisprocess is repeated for all  the  seperatefiles. I  start  with  the  loader  (afteraltering  it  to  run  from   line   300),followed by the two pieces of code for themusic (ANxxC &  ANxxD).  I  then  use  thefollowing lines to speed up the process.
   1 This issue of AlchNews had  no  less  than133 parts, making over  TWO  MEGABYTES  ofdata! However, it is no longer tape or  +3disks which limit the magazine, but the 80file capacity of +D disks! So, all  futureissues will have a ceiling of 75 parts.
   1 This is where the patience comes in:$
   1 This is the memory which is  open  to  theuser, but is not quite as wide open as itsname implies. The ROM takes over  some  ofit for screen displays and other  specificfunctions  and  if  you   try   to   writesomething in these  memory  locations  theROM will  change  it  back  for  you.  Butfundamentally it  is  an  empty  slate  onwhich you can  write  whatever  you  want,then read back at your leisure.
   1 This is the engine  which  will  give  theutility its  ability  to  store  those  +Dsectors  in  smaller  amounts  of  storagespace than it actually takes up on disk.
   1 This is more of a simple  routine  than  aprogram. It disables the  Multiface  menu,so you get the full 8K of RAM available toyou.
   1 This is more of a list than an article - Icompiled it after scanning through BetaDOSfor all  the  +D  resident  messages.  Thefirst list contains  only  error  reports;the  second   contains   all   the   othermessages. The network errors were used  bythe Disciple system but are  redundant  asfar as the +D is concerned.
   1 This is  the  main  option,  the  one  theprogram was written for. To use it, insertthe PC disc containing the .SNA files thenon the menu press 'C' (or 'SPACE'  ).  Thedisc will then be catalogued.
   1 This is  the  cockpit.  It  is  from  thisscreen that you actually fly the aircraft.Here you make sure you don't go  too  highor too low, too fast or too slow.
   1 This has not been tested  on  an  emulatorwith TAP files - use at your own risk!P
   1 This file can now  be  accessed  from  theEmulator. Using the TAPE menu (F7), selectthe magazine file from your hard-drive. Ifyou are in 128K mode then you  can  changethe music  by  MERGEing  the  program  andaltering the line which loads  in  'ANxxC'and change it to 'ANxxD'.
   1 This example should be simple  to  follow,and you  might  like  to  try  writing  healgorithm on which it is based.s
   1 This can be determined by holding the tapenear a light source. If you see creases ormarks of ANY kind on the main part of  thetape, it should be discarded. If the  edgeis rough  or  creased  in  any  way,  thatshould also be discarded, since the  videorecorder records the picture on the centreof the tape and the sound on the edges.
   1 This article may be utterly pointless  andwholly  inaccurate,  but  it   nonethelesscontains  a  completely   original   idea,guaranteed to generate new interest in theSpectrum.
   1 This article comes as a  follow-up  to  myprevious one on the same theme. The aim ofthese tips is to decrease  the  amount  ofmemory used by  your  BASIC  programs,  inseveral ways.
   1 This approach did  indeed  work, though, Ihad  to  modify  the  circuit  and  fit  adisable switch till  the  game  was up andrunning as the  base  unit  checks the ROMfor  errors  -  there   appears  to  be  achecklist at  the  end  of  the  first 32Kblock  of  the  ROM  which  it  uses  as areference,  though  I   have  not  as  yetfigured it  all  out  ...  if the checksumdoes not tally with  the ROM then the gameis not entered  and  the message 'Softwareerror' appears on  the  screen and nothingelse happens until the machine is switchedoff and re-booted with another game.
   1 This CD really uses the potential of this medium. It contains about  3000  Spectrum program snapshots, lots  of  pictures  of Spectrum
   1 This  program  does  a  catalogue  to  thescreen and then places a menu  bar  there.Using the cursor keys, you  can  select  afile of your choice  and  press  ENTER  toload it.
   1 This  doesn't  mean  that  you   have   tounderstand how the chips are etched or howthey are wired up. But you do have to knowa little of the  overall  architecture  ofthe  machine,  How  the  major  parts  andsystems are  related  and  what  each  onedoes.
   1 This  article  will  detail  an  effectivemethod of obtaining game passwords with noknowledge of  machine  code  necessary.  Ihave  successfully  used   the   followingtechnique on  Earthshaker  and  Snare,  toname but two.
   1 This   natty   utility   allows   you   topersonalise your disc headings, by  addingcolour   and`
   1 Thinger,Breakaway, Chequered Flag,  Chess,  CluedoCodename Mat, Confuzion, Cyrus  is  Chess,Daley  Thompson  Decathlon,  Digger   Dan,Exodus, Fighter Pilot,  Flight  Simulator,Haunted Hedges, Highway Encounter,  HobbitHorace and  the  Spiders,  Horizons  tape,Make a Chip, Mr Freeze, Kentilla, Komplex,Matchpoint,   Personal   Banking   System,Planet of Death, Roadtoad, Snooker,  Spawnof  evil,  Star   Trader,   Super   Cycle,Survival, Tarzan,  Travel  with  Trashman,Ugh!, Vakyrie 17, Viper III, Vu  Calc,  VuFile, Zig Zag, Spectrum + user  tape,  abcliftoff, Countabout,
   1 They are also obtainable from Mike Mee. Tofind his address, send a SAE to:J
   1 They  are  a  simple  enough  program   tocomprehend. This disk has got some data onit, and I want to ensure that if  it  evergoes 'belly up' I will be able to  restoreit from a backup I've kept 
   1 These can all be replaced with NOT PI  andSGN PI, of course, to save bytes,  but  ifany number crops  up  particularly  often,it's worth allocating it to a variable.  Ialways  use  the  variables  O  and  I  torepresent  0  and  1  when  writing  BASICprograms of a considerable  length.  Let'srewrite  our  lives  routine  in  a   moreefficient way:
   1 There were various  reports  of  sightingsand lack of them. Usually, in a case  likethis there may be some natural  phenomenonto blame to the apparition. Our  team  didextensive work but found nothing.
   1 There is another suite, called 'Run',  butit's in German and won't run properly,  sowe'll leave it out!g
   1 There is also Version 2.0b available but Ihave been informed that  there  is  littledifference to 2.0. to warrant upgrading.|
   1 There are two ways  of  removing  the  badtape from the cassette. The  first  methodis to  fast  forward  the  tape  from  thebeginning to a part where you know  it  isgood.
   1 There are two private sellers of a  numberof  Microdrive  cartridges.   Check   eachseller for price.e
   1 There are two different types of memory  -ROM and  RAM.  ROM  stands  for  Read-OnlyMemory. That means you can read out of ROMmemory locations,  but  you  cannot  writeinto them. The information they contain isfixed permanently when the ROM  chips  aremanufactured  and   they   are   protectedagainst tampering. No matter what  you  doto  your  computer  -  short  of  physicaldamage  -  the  ROM   will   restore   itsfunctions to working order if  you  switchit off and then back on again.
   1 There are some things which  are  lacking though.  The  nature   of   taking   game snaphots\
   1 There are four possible viewpoints on yourAvenger bomber. To  move  from  screen  toscreen press the appropriate key  on  yourkeyboard. Each screen will be described indetail in the following sections.
   1 There are five demo programs and a  screenpicture which give working examples of theroutines. They are:g
   1 There are currently two  versions  of  theprogram available. The first, and originalis the one you get here. The second is thesame as the  first,  but  has  had  visualimprovement  by  EWGF  on  8/12/95.   Thisupdate has machine code and a font  storedin REM statements, so  cannot  be  listed.The  program  features  details   on   theprogram,  plus  addresses   of   AlchemistResearch and Mike Mee. A third version  iscurrently being made.
   1 There are a number of emulators  availablefor the Spectrum. The most popular is Z80,by  Gerton  Lunter.  There  are   numerousreviews on the system so I will not  dwellon it. But, there are  two  other  popularones; JPP by Arnt Gulbrandsen (Norway) andSPECTRUM  by  Pedro  Gimeno  (Spain).  Allthree each employ different techniques  insaving games in snapshot  format  (nothingon the Spectrum is simple!).
   1 There are a lot of bargains out there,  itjust depends  where  to  look.  I've  beeninformed of some  services  charging  wellover the odds for some  consumables,  it'sjust not on.
   1 There are a couple of  examples  to  provethis. The first program gets the  computerto print five random numbers:q
   1 There are  6  spaces  between  the  quotessigns in line 6.:
   1 There  have  been  a  couple  of  programsavailable for some time which allow  usersto access  double  density  PC  disks  andextract text files from them. Now there isa simple BASIC program which allows you toview and load games from a PC disk,  whichhave been saved as a  'snapshot',  similarto the +D's.
   1 There  are  two  main  classes  of  RS-232devices,   namely   DTE   (Data   TerminalEquipment), such  as  terminals,  and  DCE(Data Terminal Equipment), such as modems.Typically, one only interfaces a DTE to  aDCE, as opposed to one DTE to another DTE,or one DCE to another DCE, although  thereare ways to do the latter two by  buildingnon-standard cables. Rarely  if  ever  aremore than two devices involved in a  giveninterface (Multidrop is not supported).  Aserial  port  on   a   computer   may   beimplemented  as   either   DTE   or   DCE,depending on what type  of  device  it  isintended to support. The Spectrum 128k  isconsidered a DCE.
   1 There  are  still  two  great   lists   ofhardware, software  and  books  doing  therounds. Should you want one, send  an  SAEto:
   1 Then, as I read the  magazine,  I  noticedsome Emulator based articles from Andy andsomeone else whose name escapes  me  rightnow.
   1 Then, Dave changed his mind and decided toget the bus, so I took him to  Manchester.Tired, exhausted, badly in  need  of  somemedicine, we turned and drove up  a  wrongway street, down  several  bus  lanes  andblank endings, tram routes, Moss Side, andmuch more. We gave up trying to  find  thebus  station  so  I  threw  him   out   atPicadilly.
   1 Then the character on screen, say "*",  isstored twice:7
   1 Then  appeared  1.6  which  had   improvedconsiderably. Next was 1.7 (or 1.6b) Therewere 2 versions of this, one for the  A500and  one  for  the  A1200.   The   earlierversions were meant for the A500 but  werereally too slow to be any use, unless  youenjoy making cups of tea  in  between  keypresses!
   1 The workspace is used  for  general  taskslike storing input data and  concatenating(running  together)  strings.  WORKSP   isstored in 23,649 and 23,650 (5C61 and 5C62in hex) in the system variables area. Whenit  is  not  being  used   the   workspacecollapses to nothing.
   1 The version I'm going to talk about is forthe A1200, the AGA version.E
   1 The variables area stores  the  values  ofthe variables being used  in  the  currentBASIC program. It starts  at  VARS,  whoselocation is held in locations  23,627  and23,628 (5C4B and 5C4C hex) of  the  systemvariables area. When the program  is  RUN,the start  of  the  variables  area  stayswhere it is, nothing below  it  in  memoryneeds to expand, but  the  variables  areaitself grows as new variables are defined.  The editing area is where the editing ofBASIC lines is done.  As  a  line  can  beedited while it is being keyed  in,  BASICprogram lines always appear in the editingarea first. When ENTER is pushed, they arecopied into the BASIC  program  area.  Theediting area starts at  the  E-LINE  whoseaddress is held in  locations  23,641  and23,642 (5C59  and  5C5A  in  hex)  in  thesystem variables area.
   1 The usual disclaimer rules apply;  NeitherI,  nor   Miles   Kinloch,   Andy   Davis,Alchemist News, whomever you received thisprogram off (or the .SNA files) etc can beheld  in  any  way  responsible  for   anyloss/damage caused in any way by  the  useof the program or whatever.
   1 The uses are endless. You could  begin  byenhancing Kevin's original program to givea more detailed display of how a  word  iscomposed, and perhaps  create  yourself  alittle  database  of  words,  so  you  canquickly add them to a program.
   1 The two CD4040s were  wired  to the ROM asfollows:2
   1 The two  365  hex  tri-state  buffers werewired between the  ROM  and the data linesof the Spectrum as follows:o
   1 The trip was wild, varied, exhausting, butgreat fun. Really nice to see  Dave  again(this was our third  meet),  and  also  toMeet Matt, Spec Tec  Cookie,  Malcolm  andhis family. Looking forward  to  the  nextone!
   1 The theory 
   1 The team straightened themselves  out  andgot back to the card game.  Dave  returnedto his chair and sat the crate back on hisknee.
   1 The team rushed  outside  and  piled  intothe AlchMobile - Andy's Mini.G
   1 The system  variables  are  the  locationswhich hold the addresses, or pointers,  ofthe beginnings of the specific areas abovethem in memory.
   1 The square in the top half of  the  screenis where individual characters are  workedon. The following is a  brief  descriptionof the icons.
   1 The solution to Andy's problem  lies  withthe COPY command.;
   1 The services and  contacts  here  are  allin regular  communication  with  AlchemistResearch and are considered  reliable  andtrustworthy.
   1 The second problem (the  file  format)  ismore complicated. An emulator  is  just  aprogram that simulates a  computer  (so  aSpectrum emulator running on a PC is  justa program that makes the PC 'behave'  likea Spectrum. The problem is that there  area variety of Spectrum emulators  availablefor various machines and since  there  wasnever a standard snapshot for the Spectrum(apart  from  the   +D   there   was   theMULTIFACE,  the  MIRAGE  MICRODRIVER,  theSWIFTDISC,  the  Beta  Disc  etc)  and  sorather than base their emulators' snapshotformat on any  of  these  (which  wouldn'thave been necessary anyway, since the discformat was so  different)  the  emulators'authors  tended  to  develop   their   ownsnapshot formats. As far as I can see  theclosest to a standard seems to be the .SNAformat which SNAP READER reads.
   1 The routine is fairly simple and  as  suchit splits up the  screen  into  just  foursquare quarters (see details below),  eachof which is a different "touch registeringarea".  However,  the  touch   screen   isnonetheless a fascinating addition to  anyprogram. When touching  the  screen,  makesure that your finger  is  firmly  againstthe screen and  hold  it  there  until  itregisters with the computer.
   1 The result should be 127...
   1 The reason for turning  the  printer  portoff is simple; some  games/programs  crashif the port is active (at present  I  knowof three: CITY SLICKER, RED MOON and LORDSOF MIDNIGHT). This problem occurs  whetherthe program is loaded  from  cassette,  +Ddisc, PC disc or whatever. So if you  everget a program (be it on tape or disc) thatcrashes  when  loaded  try  it  with   theprinter port turned off. To turn the  portoff from BASIC type:
   1 The real programming will be  small.  Why?Well, do  you  really  want  menus  beyondbelief  or  would  you  prefer  your   48kcrammed full  of  graphics  instead  whichwill be what you want  to  pay  your  cashfor?
   1 The quad two input nor gates were wired tothe ROM, the 1st CD4040, the Spectrum, thetwo 365s and itself as follows:s
   1 The program works by first cataloguing thePC disk.  It  does  this  by  loading  thesectors of the catalogue track into memory(32768-37138).  A   short   routine   thendisplays the files and allocates a  numberto each.
   1 The program works by adding  new  commandsto Basic. All disk access to and from  theexternal drive is to a +D disk.  So,  it'slike you  only  have  the  basic  +3  withinternal  drive.  But,  you  have   a   +Dattached, which is far more versatile than+3DOS.
   1 The program worked by paging in a RAM pageinto a normally  ROM  resident  area.  Theresult was a little bit  slower,  but  wasPOKEable. It also helped a number of gamesto  run  better  on  the  +3,  which   hadterrible compatability problems with  somegames.
   1 The program is very simple.  Enter  the   source drive number (0), the  filename,   the drive number for the converted file   (0  again)  and  then   the   converted   filename, TEST3. With the emulator, the   conversion will take only a second.
   1 The program for  the  Spectrum  will  loadonly the SNA format, which also happens tobe used by the Spectrum  emulator  runningon the Amiga.
   1 The program allows you to store up  to  8kof a Basic  program  /  screen  picture  /machine code in the Multiface, recalled bysimply pressing the button. The  advantageof this program is that  no  machine  codeknowledge  is  necessary,  just  a  simpleRANDOMIZE USR does all the work for you.
   1 The procedure behind the theory of a  diskcompressor is as follows:C
   1 The printer buffer holds the next line  oftext that is going to be fed  out  to  theprinter.\
   1 The price for the full version?  A  paltry`6. And worth every penny. However, if youhave registered  a  program  with  Dominicbefore, such as with SLOWDOS, the price isjust `4. Being registered,  you  then  getfree updates and  revisions,  and  a  freecopy of all Dominic's programs.
   1 The pointers are so called  because,  whenthe computer looks at them, it is directedto the location it should move to.v
   1 The plan was to wire the 9-way D socket tothe cable (for the PC) and the 6 way stufffor the +2.  Because  of  the  messy  joinbetween the two, and the trial  and  errorof which wire goes to which, I decided  tomount a terminal block inside the  box.  Icould then swap and change each wire if  Ineeded to.
   1 The other programs supplied are a tad moreserious. They allow you to speak into  thedevice and get  an  analysis  of  how  thecomputer interprets  what  you  say.  Thisallows you  to  speak  certain  words  andget details of how the computer recognisesthem  -  allowing  you  to  add  your  owncommands  in  a  game.  Imagine  modifyingthe Tasword main menu and speaking 'PRINT'to start it printing!
   1 The only real way to do this on  a  singledrive system, would be to read x amount oftracks in 1 go, compress the whole lot andthen swap the source and destination disksaround and write the compressed  block  tothe destination disk. Then ask the user tore-insert the source disk. Painful  but  anecessity to enable all +D owners  to  usethis package.
   1 The officer paid a visit to  Mr  Sherwood,to  get   further   information   on   hiscomplaint, where it was found  that  Prismonly had approximately "20 to 25 members",says  Charles   Nickson,   of   the   DataProtection Registrar!
   1 The obvious benefits of this program wouldbe to store a help screen  or  any  screenresident utilities, such as UTILS1 or  anyof the packer routines available.
   1 The numbers 0 and 1 are used very much  inBASIC   programs.   You'llD
   1 The next step was  getting the data in theACTION FIGHTER  ROM  into  the  RAM  of mySpectrum,  so  as  to   find  a  hack  forinfinite  time.   This   was  achieved  byconstructing a circuit on Vero board using2 x CD4040  binary  counters,  2 x 74LS365quad hex tri  state  buffers,  1 x 74LS502quad two input nor  gates  and 1 x twenty-eight pin IC socket for the ROM.
   1 The next step is to  configure  the  touchscreen for your monitor. A red square willappear on the screen  which  you  will  beasked  to  touch.  When  the  program  hasconfigured the code to suit  your  monitor(although the chances  are  that  it  willalso   work   on   most   other   Spectrumcompatible monitors), it  will  stop  withthe  message  "Touch  screen  code  is  inplace".
   1 The next project in the pipeline for  thismachine is to completely extract the  tapemechanism, fibre glass over the tape  deckdoor, spray it  black  and  add  some  +2akeys. I will then  be  re-siting  the  I/Osocket  in  it's  place  so  that  the  +Ddoesn't stick out attracting dust.
   1 The names of any masks portrayed  in  thisstory and their relation to  any  persons,alive or dead, is purely co-incidental.{
   1 The most common problem with  video  tapesis their  length.  The  most  common  tapelength is three hours (E180), but in  mostcases, the entire tape is rarely used.
   1 The middle third is the PATTERN editor, itshows the three sound channels, A,  B  andC. This  part  seems  to  cause  the  mostterror but it looks much more  complicatedthan it actually is. The  important  partsare the first three values of  every  lineon  each  channel.  The  first  value   isactually a NOTE of music, C,  F#,  G  etc.The second value is the current OCTAVE andthe third is what SAMPLE  is  being  used.The remaining three  possible  values  foreach entry are used to shape the sound butwe need not concern ourselves  over  theseyet. You  can  create  excellent  soundingtunes without those last three values. Thebottom area of the  screen  is  a  graphicequalizer; it can  be  seen  as  either  apretty light show or an  invaluable  guideto bass and treble balance  (but  only  ifyou are a dull old muso).
   1 The microdrive map area only exists if youhave  a  microdrive   attached   to   yourSpectrum. Otherwise CHANS,  whose  addressis stored at locations 23,631  and  23,632(5C4F and 5C50), moves down to 5BC6.
   1 The memory map shown below is  a  pictoralrepresentation of where things are in  thememory. These are not thier exact physicalpositions, as the memory space is  dividedup onto a number of different chips insidethe computer. But the map  does  show  youschematically how  various  parts  of  thememory are used for different things.
   1 The matter was closed. Alchemist  Researchdoes NOT need to be registered and we  areallowed to store names  and  addresses  onthe computer if we wish, and  are  allowedto create and edit  our  articles  on  ourcomputers.
   1 The main screen is split into  three;  thetop third contains the menu,  the  choicesbeing activated with a cursor:r
   1 The magic  ingredient  missing  from  thisuseful   piece   program   is   the   codecompressor._
   1 The lower byte, 57, goes  into  the  loweraddress and the higher byte, FF, goes intothe higher address. This may look like  anodd way round, but the spectrum  finds  iteasier to cope with this way.
   1 The letter R can be entered to  signify  aREST. If you wish to delete an entry  thenpress ENTER.`
   1 The latter can also supply  a  variety  oflegal snapshots  of  games,  including  anauthorised collection of over  30  GremlinGraphics games. The collection is suppliedon two  PC  disks  and  costs  `1.50,  allinclusive.
   1 The last two bytes 225 and 0 are  NOT  theend of the  variables  area!  225  is  theFOR/NEXT  variable  A,  followed  by   itspresent value, the end value  (after  TO),the STEP value, and finally the  line  andstatement where it has  been  set  up;  19bytes  in  total.  The  real  end  of  thevariables area is a byte holding 128.
   1 The interview was great, very informal andrelaxed and generally a  tape  version  ofRoy's Rantings! I  showed  Matt  and  Davesome examples of Prism problems  (Prism's,not mine!), and Matt explained that he WASjustified in being featured on the Hall ofShame and had no  problem  with  his  namebeing listed. Dave was the same, which  isnot  surprising,  since  we  have   workedtogether for many years and I know that  acertain someones claims were  wrong.  Davealso informed  me  about  Prism  illegallyselling some ARCADIA disks as PD when theywere not, which  reminded  me  of  similarproblems with  programs  written  by  AndyDavis, Theo Develegas, Miles Kinloch,  TheUnited Minds, Chris Taylor (need I go  on?This is all very boring.).
   1 The interesting thing was that  there  arethree lanes  all  in  the  close  vicinitywhich give off these strange effects. One,which worked very well in  the  Mini,  wasstraight and flat  but  with  some  gentledips, and gave a UFO  effect,  with  threesaucer shaped discs in the sky in front ofyou. Even now as we know  the  reason  forthese effects, they  still  amaze  us  andfrighten us a little as we pass!
   1 The instructions gave  clear  and  concisedetails on how to  connect  it.  Presentedwith such a tool, the usual  method  wouldbe to just 'bang it  in'  and  then  panicwhen  it   didn't   work.   Although   theinstructions  were  standard  of  how  youwould connect an interfaced  device,  theyshould still be read.
   1 The instructions are  well  detailed  and,after  some  practice,  the  game  can  beeasily  mastered.  The  game  runs  at  animpressive speed  on  both  Spectrums  andemulators.
   1 The important difference between the threeforms  is  the  control   condition   thataffects the number of repetitions. In  theWHILE .. DO, repetition continues while  aknown condition holds true. In the  REPEAT.. UNTIL it  goes  on  until  a  conditionoccurs. These techniques are used when thenumber of repeats is not known beforehand.Where it is known,  or  standard  SpectrumBasic  users,  FOR  ..   NEXT   is   oftenpreferred, getting around conditions  withsuitable IFs, ANDs and THENs.  Messy,  butessential.
   1 The full version also boasts  these  extrafunctions,  which  you   would   find   asstandard on the +D,  and  some  which  younever would:
   1 The following routine was written in  1984by Mr F Lipar of Somerset, who has  kindlypermitted its  reproduction  in  AlchNews.Using only a short piece of code,  createdby a BASIC program, you will  be  able  tohave  a  touch  screen  which   works   onvirtually every type of  monitor  with  noadditional hardware required.
   1 The following program looks at  this  areaand PRINTs out the number in  each  memorylocation. Alongside  that  it  PRINTs  theASCII symbol corresponding to the  number,which shows what you typed in.  Note  thatthe keywords are not stored  character  bycharacter as ASCII strings but are encodedas single-byte, or in some cases a double-byte number. These are known  as  'tokens'and are translated back  to  the  keywordsautomatically by the Spectrum.
   1 The following program defines the UDG  andthen displays a simple  bar  to  show  theeffect. It is quite simple  to  adapt  thecolour to any you desire.
   1 The following is  a  description  of  eachCockpit control - along  with  informationon how to use these  dials  in  flight  ancombat.
   1 The following commands will now  give  youinformation about  the  touch  screen.  Ineach case,  use  LET  A=USR  q
   1 The following article is a  collection  ofSpectrum record breakers,  inspired  by  asimilar piece in Sinclair Classic. I  hopethey don't mind  'cos  I  nicked  some  oftheir  ideas!  All  games  mentioned   arecommercial  releases,  so   Roy   Benson'slawnmower  game  with  its  paragraph-longtitle sadly fails to qualify!
   1 The first step is to get  a  copy  of  themachine code.  If  the  game  has  a  verysimple BASIC loader, this should be  easy.However, protected games will need  to  behacked -  something  which  I  can't  helpwith. Try your local hacker!
   1 The first problem  (the  disc  format)  isbecause there is no standard disc  format;most computers store information on  discsin their own way.  That's  why  you  can'tread (for example) an Atari ST disc  on  a+D. This explains why when you first use adisc you first have to format a disc; thislets  the  computer  organise  the  disc'sstructure to it's own method  of  storage.The  closest  thing  to  a   disc   formatstandard is the PC/MS-DOS  Double  Densityformat, which is the one SNAP READER uses.These different disc formats, by the  way,all use the same  3.5"  discs.  You  can'ttell (of course) how a disc  is  formattedjust  by  looking  at  it,   they're   allphysically the same.
   1 The first part of this  series  on  Pascalshowed  how  you  need  to  work  out  thesolution to a problem before you start  toprogram the  computer.  And  you  need  torefine your solution until it approximatesto a Pascal program that can be  given  interms that your computer will be  able  tounderstand.
   1 The first issue is a  simple  8  page,  A5affair, but despite hailing from  Germany,is in English - excellent English at that.~
   1 The firm CPC which stocks spares  for  theSpectrum sells a box  of  ten  NEW  Amsoftdisks for `18.99 + VAT. For more  details,contact:
   1 The final trick up  a  BASIC  programmer'sproverbial sleeve is that of  mathematicalpowers. As  anybody  with  an  inkling  ofarithmetic will know, the ^ sign  (on  theSpectrum's H key)  denotes  raising  to  apower.   For   example,   a^b   means   "amultiplied by itself b times", so:
   1 The file format of the +D compressed  diskshould ideally contain  some  checksum  orother form of failsafe routine  to  ensurethe data being written back to the +D diskis as it was when it was compressed.
   1 The faster version doesn't  crash  out  asmuch, but the music  is  sometimes  slowerthan the complet e version.o
   1 The emulator runs certain games perfectly,PHEENIX and JETPAC come to mind.  However,games like GHOSTS ' N' GOBLINS, just crashwhen you get to the beginning. If you  hadan accelerator I  suppose  it  would  workokay, because I copied G'N'G to try it  ona friends PC emulator <Mine. Ed.>  and  itworked fine, so it must be  the  computer.RENEGADE will work fine but runs about twothirds the proper speed,  so  I  sometimesfall asleep while walking from one  screento the next.
   1 The emulator is a fine program.  A  littletoo fine in some cases. Listing a  programto a printer can  sometimes  be  an  awfulpain. If you are emulating a  +D  in  128kmode, you have to make sure that  you  arenot printing via the 128k RS232 port.  Youthen may have  to  mess  around  with  thePOKE@6 address depending on how  your  DOSis set up, and so on.
   1 The display area controls what is shown onyour  TV  screen.  Each  memory   locationcorresponds to a line of eight pixels.z
   1 The demo song within  ST  is  made  up  ofSAMPLES. ST can store up to 15 SAMPLES andeach one is selected  to  be  the  currentSAMPLE by the  increment/decrement  arrowsto the right of the SAMPLE option box. Thefollowing is a brief description  of  whattype of sounds are included:
   1 The data you  see  in  the  EDIT  channelswindow is translated thus:D
   1 The data  was  worked  out  by  drawing  asimple 8 * 8 grid on paper and filling  inthe colours. Each block filled denotes a 1in binary, or 0 if empty. PRINT  BIN  willgive the decimal figure of the line.
   1 The computer  uses  IN  191  to  read  themicrophone and works in BASIC.  There  arethree  values  used   to   determine   thecharacteristics of a word.
   1 The commands are:
   1 The cheapest  place  for  blank  disks  iscurrently ESCOM. Prices are  approximately`1.86 for a box of ten.k
   1 The best way to learn the ins and outs  ofthe Sound Tracker is to load in files thatare available from all good PD  libraries.This will give  you  the  chance  to  saveindividual sounds that take your fancy andto study what is on each channel,  how  itis linked together and what makes a 'good'tune. Also, check out PD  demos;  alot  ofcoders swear by the Sound Tracker!
   1 The best  way  is  to  simply  direct  theprinted output AWAY from the printer!O
   1 The attributes area controls the PAPER andINK colours of each of  the  screen's  768character areas and whether the display isFLASHing or steady, BRIGHT or normal.
   1 The aim of Impact PD is to bring  togetherSpectrum users from around the  world  andto act as a base for Spectrum software.  Iam a proficient BASIC  programmer  with  agood  knowledge  of  memory-saving  hints,usefulo  routines  and   of   course   theinevitable bugs, and will  try  to  answerany queries on this subject. Impact PD  isproud  to  be  associated   with   Crashedmagazine, Alchemist Research and  FountainPD.
   1 The United Minds Team
   1 The THIRD line prints the YELLOW stripe.(
   1 The Spectrum's 16K ROM runs from  "
   1 The SOUNDTRACKER is the most  widely  usedmusic creation utility amoungst PD coders;an official instruction manual  was  neverpublished and so it has been  passed  overby many potential  users.  Hopefully  thisbeginners guide (and the  ADVANCED  guide)will make things a bit  clearer  and  willencourage  use  and  experimentation  withthis excellent 128k music utility.
   1 The SNAPREAD programs can be ordered  fromthe following sources:@
   1 The SIXTH  line  adds  a  black  trail  tofinish off.5
   1 The SECOND line prints the RED part of thestripe. The CHR$ 144  relates  to  graphiccharacter A. This method is usually betterthan pressing GRAPH  then  A,  because  itappears correct on a printed  listing  andyou are not having to guess what characteris what, or have  to  explain  that  GRAPHmust be pressed first. It's  all  down  totidy programming. Most  amateur  magazinesdon't think of  this  and  it  looks  verymessy and unprofessional.
   1 The SCREEN$ bug (cured in the SCS  ROM  ofcourse, and not at all present in the  SamROM) is the simple fact that the result isstored twice. So if we start with an emptycalculator stack, this is what happens:
   1 The Rectory
   1 The Rantings!
   1 The ROM contains the computer's  operatinginstructions  and  the  interpreter   thattranslates  your   BASIC   programs   intomachine code. It also imposes a  structureon the rest of the  memory  which  can  beseen in the memory maps below.
   1 The RAM is divided up into areas, each  ofwhich has a specific job to do.I
   1 The PFN system comes with a full 20k Basicexplanation program. The  system  contains10 PFN fonts ready to use.n
   1 The PFN EDITOR allows you to create a  newfont   for   the   PFN   system   orN
   1 The PC, however, can go one  step  better.Although when you boot  up  the  emulator,the ROM is fixed and cannot be poked,  norcan you shuffle the pages around  like  onthe +2a or +3 (it emulates a black  128k),but it does allow you to  load  in  a  16kROM file in the setup 'INI' file.
   1 The Multiface suite is available from  ASWand FPD,  with  a  50p  royalty  going  toMiles.  Other  'services'  do  sell   thisprogram,  but  ask  yourself  this:  wherewould YOU prefer to  get  it  from!  Milesregularly  supplies  offical  updates  andrevisions to ASW, FPD, IPD, MDL only!
   1 The INTERNET  holds  (reportedly)  severalthousand of them.;
   1 The INT function rounds any number to  itsnearest integer. This means that INT PI isequal to  3.  Let's  look  at  the  memorysaving over VAL "3".
   1 The IN A, (F7) performs two functions - Itenables the ROM  and tri-state buffers andincrements the  address  counter  once theinstruction has been executed.
   1 The GOSUB stack stores the number  of  theline the computer has to return to when ithas completed the subroutine.q
   1 The FOURTH line prints the GREEN stripe.(
   1 The FIRST line gives a 'leader'  of  blackup to the first stripe.A
   1 The FIFTH line prints the CYAN stripe.&
   1 The Emily Software Voice Controller#
   1 The CD4040's were wired as a 16 bit binarycounter, Q12 of the first connected to theclock input of  the  second  and, in turn,Q5 of the second was wired to the reset ofboth ICs,  which  was  grounded  by  a 10Kresistor.
   1 The CD4040 is  negative  edge triggered sopin 10 of the  first  counter will be highwhen the  ROM  and  tri-state  buffers areenabled and will only be clocked after thedata has been read from the ROM.
   1 The CD does provide some ways around this though.  For  example  providing  virtual tapes which act like the genuine tape and can be accessed when needed. There  is  a lack in Public Domain software  and  most of the demos are  very  old  dating  from between 1989 and 1991. Some of the  demos contain some 'adult' content, such as the RTL series which is included.
   1 The BASIC program area holds  the  currentlines of any BASIC  program  you've  keyedin, and its size depends on the length  ofthe program.  It  starts  at  the  addressgiven by the systems variable PROG,  whichis held in  locations  23,635  and  23,636(5C53 and 5C84) in  the  system  variablesarea. This points to 23,755 (5CCB in  hex)if no microdrive is attached.
   1 The Avenger carried a crew of three men; apilot, a gunner and a  navigator  /  radiooperator who also manned the lower gun  insome models.
   1 The Amiga one is called Disk Masher as hasgone through a myriad of upgrades,  mostlydone  by   the   hacker   fraternity   fortransferring the latest games  around  theworld !
   1 The Adventures of the Alchemist Foundation  Episode 1. Attack  of  the  LawnmowersR
   1 The A register will  hold the value of thebyte  in  the  ROM  addressed  by  the twoCD4040s.\
   1 The 8K RAM
   1 The 2 versions for AGA are a) complete andb) faster version.<
   1 The /B  parameter  is  a  necessity  whichallows the COPY  command  to  join  binaryfiles together, otherwise it  will  assumethe files are ASCII  and  the  end  resultwhich probably crash the emulator.
   1 The 'club' consists of:
   1 The  useful  advantage  of  this  routine means that you don't  have  to  put  your code in the Multiface, it can be used  as a general  relocation  tool.  Eg,  moving BASIC to  high  RAM  while  you  load  in another  program  to,  perhaps,   examine something.
   1 The  screen  panned  back,   showing   theconveyor belt leading  to  a  Roymo  giantLawnmower. Roybenson pressed a switch  andthe conveyor moved, Paul inched closer  tothe spinning blades.
   1 The  result?  Gibberish!  Total  junk  wasbeing sent by  the  Spectrum.  I've  sincefoundY
   1 The  reason  is  because  some   emulatorsemulate  the  issue  2  keyboard  of   theSpectrum. However,  this  can  be  avoidedwith help of the Z80  emulator.  This  canemulate  issue  2  keyboards  and  it   ispossible,  with  just  the  aid   of   onekeypress, to change issue 2  emulation  toissue 3. The modified games  can  then  besaved as a Z80 snapshot, for conversion ofSNA format.
   1 The  program  is  an  excellent  one.  TheGerman text is a bit off-putting,  but  itis easy to follow and modify.q
   1 The  program  became  confused  when   thecatalogue  spilled  over   the   'Scroll?'command, as there were more than 21  fileson my cartridge.
   1 The  program  allows  you  to  remove  anyvariables  in  programs  and  there  is  amanual or automatic option.o
   1 The  package  arrived  very  securely  andwell sealed. Inside  was  a  comprehensiveinstructions  sheet,  listing  of  exampleprograms,
   1 The  numbers  on  the  left  indicate  thepositions of each report in +D ROM or RAM.These are the addresses to POKE @  if  youwant to change a message -  unfortunately,many of them are in the  ROM  rather  thanthe RAM and can't be changed. <Except  foremulator users. Ed> The error messages arevery similar  to  those  of  the  Disciplesystem, in fact, with a few exceptions.
   1 The  nearest  convenient  number  is  400,which is 1,024 in decimal and  representedby 1 with ten zeros after  it  in  binary.This number is defined as 1K.
   1 The  magazine  is  now  looking  for  morematerial  and   contributions.   AlchemistResearch have  offered  lots  of  softwarelistings and articles  courtesy  of  INPUTand other sources.
   1 The  following  describes  each   of   thecontrols  in  this  screen,   along   withinformation on how to use  these  controlsfor take off's, landings and other  flightoperations.
   1 The  first  issue  comprises  of  a   warmwelcome,   a   very   tongue   inK
   1 The  crippleware  version  only  has   twooptions, CAT a +D disk and load files fromit. The syntax is:f
   1 The  collection  comprises  of  six  primeutilities, plus demo programs to show  theutilities' uses, and a document  detailingthe programs and their benefits, plus someinformation on the Multiface  in  general.Depending on the set-up of the library youorder the collection from, you may receivea printed booklet.
   1 The  challenge  has  been  set,   so   getcracking you Z80 fiends. The world  awaitsyour new brainchild h
   1 The  calculator  stack  is  used  to  holdfloating point numbers, five-byte integersand  five-byte  sets  of  parameters  whendealing with strings. It starts at STKBOT,whose address  occupies  locations  23,651and 23,652 (5C63 and  5C64)  and  ends  atSTKEND, which is found in 23,653 and 23654(5C65 and 5C66).
   1 The  Microdrive  utilties  collection   isavailable on tape or +D disk from ASW  andFPD.X
   1 The  Atari  one  is  called  Magic  ShadowArchiver, and if you use  the  very  firstone released (v1.41) you can  compress  +Ddisks into files on your Atari  and  storethem on a hard-drive as backups !
   1 The  +D  version  uses   the   MF_MAXIRAM routine to protect the  contents  of  the Multiface, in case you reset the  machine and re-enable the Multiface  by  pressing the button. Sadly, this also  means  that the full 8k of memory is not available.
   1 The  'box'  consisted  of  a  black   box,narrower, but fatter  and  taller  than  aMultiface. It had the usual  I/O  plug  atthe bottom, and a socket at the  side  forthe microphone, and a big green LED on thetop. The box was strong  and  secure,  andhad some solution on the screws to preventprying eyes and screwdrivers!
   1 The   first   mock-up   issue   has   beencirculating for a while now,  and  by  thetime you read  this,  Issue  1  should  beready. The price is 40p or you can order a3 issue sub. for `1.20,  which  will  meanthat any future increases are ignored.
   1 The   Grumman
   1 Thats why the second  of  the  two  memorylocations  in   the   program   above   ismultiplied by 256, otherwise the  Spectrumwould return the decimal equivalent of FF,rather than FF00.
   1 Thanks to: Albert Harper
   1 Thanks to  Miles  Kinloch  for  his  help,explanations and  the  little  brainteaserfeatured later in this article!s
   1 Texas TI994A
   1 Telesoftware tests
   1 Telephone: 0181 287 4180
   1 Telephone: 0181 200 8870
   1 Telephone: 01274 590559 (17:00 GMT+)$
   1 Telephone: 0113 232 6726
   1 Telephone: (0171) 476 5915
   1 Tel: 01952 462135
   1 Tel: 01772 654455
   1 Tel: 01625 617262
   1 Tel: 01494 871319
   1 Tel: 01353 777006
   1 Tel: 01274 590559 (17:00+ GMT)
   1 Tel: 01257 421915
   1 Tel: 01257 278464
   1 Tel (Voice): 0181 287 4180
   1 Tel (Fax)  : 0181 391 0744
   1 Technium 220
   1 TURBO  ESPRIT,  one   of   my   all   timefavourites is different in that the  musicplays at exactly the  same  speed  as  theoriginal except that it is slow er and thekeys  cannot  be  redefined   (BIG   MAJORPROBLEM HERE!)
   1 TRY: Allows you to test the font by typingas normal. Display is output to the  largewindow in the lower screen.o
   1 TRANSPOSITION:  Similar  to  HEIGHT.   SeeADVANCED guide.9
   1 TRADING POST. Consisting of:
   1 TORPEDO. If you are planning an attack  onthe Bismarck, you should ensure a  torpedois being carried by your Avenger. To  loadthe torpedo, flick the LOAD TORPEDO switchto YES prior to take off.
   1 TO POSIT  (00-63): 00
   1 TO PATTERN (01-31): 02 (the copy)!
   1 TO DROP TORPEDO Press L twice
   1 TO CONTROL A SWITCH: Using the joystick ormouse, move the cursor across the  controlpanel  until  it  is  on  the  switch   inquestion and press FIRE.
   1 TO CHANNEL (A-C): B (the copy)
   1 TO BRAKE, Press K
   1 THROTTLE. Increases or decreases the  flowof fuel to  the  carburettor,  controllingthe speed of  the  engine.  During  normalflying  it  should  be  approximately  3/4open.
   1 THEN POKE 43019,IN 187
   1 THEN LET y=n: LET x=4+m: LET
   1 THE way to access +D disks on a +3"
   1 THE FONT: Who designed the Sinclair  font?Was he a plant from Commodore? EVERY 8 bitcomputer  has  a  nicer  font   that   theSpectrum! So,  without  any  further  ado,select a font of your choice from  ASW  orFPD and load it to address  45616.  Ensurethat the font length is 768 bytes though.
   1 THE  COPYRIGHT  MESSAGE:   You   shouldn'treally change this, but for your referenceonly, you will find it starts  at  address35433 and runs to 35460. Remember that thefinal character has 128 added  to  it,  toshow that it is the end of that  block  oftext. So, if you end on a space, the ASCIIvalue will not be 32, but 160.
   1 THANKS to Andy  Davis,  Neil  Laws,  MilesKinloch and Womo PD  for  endless  supportand encouragement in compiling FPD.w
   1 TASWORD 128
   1 TAPE LEADS for above: `1.50
   1 TAIL WHEEL AND LANDING GEAR.  Ensure  bothof these are in the DOWN  position  beforeyou attempt to land.  During  flight  theyshould both be in the UP position.
   1 T: Enter text
   1 Sutton-In-The-Isle
   1 Surrey KT9 1JX
   1 Superglue or Pritt Stick
   1 Suddenly, theres a car zooming towards  mylittle man.5
   1 Suddenly there was a crackle on the  vidi-screen. It flickered into life.I
   1 Subtract 12 OR 21
   1 Subtract 08 OR 14
   1 Sub-Editor:
   1 String array filetype.
   1 Stream number out of range.
   1 Str M. Kogalniceanu
   1 Stock no:9218
   1 Stock no: 9847
   1 Stock no: 9557
   1 Stock no: 9543
   1 Stock no: 9525
   1 Stock code: 9848
   1 Steve Winter, Chic
   1 Starring:  Paul  Howard,   Robert   Skene,Robert  Purchase,  Patrick  Morriss,  DaveFountain, Miles Kinloch, Lloyd Garland andsome bloke called Andy Davis.
   1 Star Wreck (ii)
   1 Star Wreck (i)
   1 Star Micronics
   1 Staffs.  ST3 5BH
   1 Staff Writers
   1 Spellunkler 5
   1 Specword - Word processor
   1 Spectrum: LOAD ""
   1 Spectrum E-mail
   1 Spectrum +3 Tasword utils
   1 Spectrum   service
   1 Specialising libraries idea
   1 Special filetype.
   1 Speccy compatibility. And how many of you think it would cost a bomb for an e-mail  account?\
   1 Speccy Sensations 2 is the  long  awaited sequel to the popular  Speccy  Sensations CD, It  can  be  read  on  any  ISO  9660 compliant  CD-Rom  Drive   and   contains Spectrum  Emulator   programs   for   the IBM-PC,  Amiga,  Atari   ST,   Unix   and Archimedes.
   1 Speccy Sensations 2
   1 South Wales
   1 Soon after, the flood  gates  opened,  andlots of people told  us  of  their  grislystories of Prism. The rest, is history!{
   1 Soon after, Roy Benson  wrote  to  me.  Heasked if I would print an article of  his,relating to  poor  quality  software  fromPrism. So, there were two  of  us.  I  putboth  our  information  in  a  letter   toSherwood,  asking  if  he  would   commentbefore we printed. He ignored our  letter.The information was made public.
   1 Some ten minutes of  waiting  in  freezingcold weather, he arrives.  We  proceed  tothe Alchmobile for the grilling.t
   1 Some BT phone prices:
   1 Some  of  the  fixed   frontiers   betweensections of memory, like the  one  betweenROM and RAM, do coincide with  the  changefrom one chip to the next. Other frontiersare  flexible  and   thier   position   isindicated by a  'pointer'  in  the  systemvariables area.
   1 So, we will use 3
   1 So, on the 15th February, Mr Nickson  paida  visit   to   Alchemist   Research.   Heexplained  what  Sherwood  had  complainedabout. Sherwood had sent him some materialdating as far  back  as  APRIL  1994!  Onewonders  what  Mr   Nickson   would   havethought, seeing information which  was  soold.  Why  did   Sherwood   not   complainearlier?
   1 So, if you notice the quality has gone  onrecording, or ever have the misfortune  toget a 'chewed' tape, don't throw it away -a simple modification  can  make  it  nearperfect again.
   1 So, if you can help  and  you  would  likeyour name in 'lights' and also the  optionof a discount on the finished CD-ROM, thenplease  write  to  me  at  the   followingaddress:
   1 So, how do we go about changing  the  ROM,what do we change and why?D
   1 So, heres to JSW 4 - good luck!
   1 So, for all you hackers who also have someelectronics skills, I will go through whatI did and also describe the circuits I hadto design to  reach  the desired end, thatof giving  myself  infinite  time for eachlevel  of  ACTION  FIGHTER,  a  game whichalmost claimed my  sanity trying to battlea way through it  when  it was obvious theprogrammers had done everything they couldto prevent anyone from doing just that ...loads  of  enemy  craft  moving  about thescreen  at  a   much   faster  speed  thanyourself, having to cope with cloud cover,in which you can't  even see yourself, letalone anything  else,  plus  the fact thatthe enemy craft  seemed  to be fitted withradar as they  always  knew where you wereat any given  time  and  all were armed tothe teeth!!!
   1 So, I worked out the wiring and  purchasedthe necessary parts from Maplin:J
   1 So, 9am Saturday morning,  the  AlchMobileand I set off West.=
   1 So,  off  came  the   covers  and,  to  mysurprise, there, staring  up  at me, was aZ80 processor!b
   1 So,  Sherwood's  complaint  is  dismissed,Alchemist Research continues and  all  arehappy - except Sherwood,  but  who  cares!What is most amusing is that,  because  heis unable to get  rid  of  us  by  sendingstupid reports to everyone, he resorted tothis and it backfired on THREE counts:
   1 So therefore the procedure behind  the  +Duncompressor would be fairly similar:O
   1 So if you  need  to  identify  64K  memorylocations, you could number them from 1 to65,536 in decimal. But  as  these  numbersthemselves will be used by the computer itis more convenient to number them  in  hexfrom  
   1 So far, so good. But you  cannot  hope  towrite a Pascal program in this way  unlessyou know to start with what you are aimingtowards. In other words, you need to  knowwhat commands and structures are supportedby Pascal,  so  that  you  can  plan  yourprogram in terms of these.
   1 So far we  have  only  entered  sounds  inchannel A of PATTERN 1. Move the cursor tothe start of the data lines in  channel  Band enter notes/values here in EDIT  mode.On playback you will hear  the  data  fromchannels A and B  being  played  together.You can build  up  very  complex  soundingtunes  using  all   three   channels   perPATTERN. You might like to put drum soundsin channel A, a bassline in channel B  andthe main tune in channel C.
   1 So before going any further  into  writingprograms in Pascal, the next thing  to  dois to look at how the structures are builtup.
   1 Snapshot filename prefix.
   1 Skateboard
   1 Sinclair News closedown
   1 Sinclair News 3
   1 Since the last issue  I've been hard at ithacking in to  this,  that  and the other,including a Sega  Master  System II, whichturned out  to  be  difficult, though, notimpossible.
   1 Since clicking on an icon and  pressing  akey take almost the same amount  of  time,why  have  these  icon  buttons   suddenlybecome  so  popular?  Could   it   be   todifferentiate today's identical keyboards,with their numeric keypads, Esc  keys  andDel buttons all in the same place? Oh, forthe days of the dead flesh rubber keys!
   1 Since VAL is a token, or keyword, it is  asingle byte in  length.  The  quote  signsaround the number add two bytes.  So  somenumbers can be better expressed  by  othermethods, usually involving that  good  ol'number, PI!
   1 Since  then,  I've  used  a  lot  of  homecomputers, including:?
   1 Since  owning  an  emulator,  contributorsseem to think they can send me their  workon any  old  format.  They  can!  It  justleaves me with a converting headache!
   1 Simulator"(Codemasters): 31
   1 Simply fill in the titles of programs thatinterest you in the boxes provided on  theorder form. You will find that the runningprice total is listed at the beginning  ofeach box.  Fill  in  the  details  at  thebottom  and  make  sure  you  enclose  thefollowing:
   1 Similarly,  PI+PI  can  replace  VAL  "6".PI-PI and PI/PI would respectively equal 0and 1, but, while preferable  to  the  VALform, they aren't as efficient as  NOT  PIand SGN PI.
   1 Silviu Stroie, RAMTOP magazine
   1 Shropshire
   1 Shortest names
   1 Sheffield claims to have more  ghosts  persquare mile than any other area in the UK.It is  the  second  ranking  city  in  pubghosts,  beaten  by  York.  So,  live   inSheffield and you can't really avoid it!
   1 Sheepsoft PD
   1 Sharp scissors
   1 Send WELL-SEALED cash, cheques  or  PostalOrders (Payable to James  Waddington),  toT
   1 Select MOVE TEXT from OTHER menu. You willbe asked to enter the values specifying toand from:]
   1 Select  EDIT.  You  will   now   have   an'underscore _' at position 00 in channel Aof PATTERN 1. Cursor movement  within  theEDIT PATTERN window is  by  the  Spectrumskeyboard cursor keys. We need to select  aSAMPLE that sounds most like a  pure  noteso we'll start with SAMPLE 8. Select  thisby incrementing the SAMPLES arrow with theon-screen cursor. You should now have  thefollowing showing on screen: SAMPLE 0008.
   1 See how they are all  the  same?  You  canalso see this with the following  program.If  you  press  BREAK  after  about  threeseconds, you will probably find  that  thepicture on your screen is the same as  theone on the next page.
   1 See SUC address (PAPER MAGAZINES)!
   1 See AlchNews Netherlands address 
   1 Screen filetype.
   1 STOP: Halts tune, also returns  from  EDITmode./
   1 STOP statement
   1 STATUS. Second square  box  (Lower).  Thisappears on ALL screens. It gives a visiblewarning of any danger on the correspondingscreen. On screens 1 and  3,  it  normallydenotes enemy aircraft fire. On  screen  2it can mean a  variety  of  dangers,  fromsimple warnings, such as lights  left  on,to more  severe  problems,  such  as  overstraining the engine.
   1 START ADDRESS: 7530
   1 START ADDRESS : 7530
   1 SQR PI can be used  for  2,  but  like  PIitself, the decimal places may prove to bea nuisance. I personally don't use SQR  PI(despite thinking it up myself in a  flashof   genius!)   because   it   causes
   1 SPEED: 8/10 Some are  slower  than  others(too slow without fastram)D
   1 SPECTRUM has .SP
   1 SPECTRUM MANUALS on PC disc. Original  48kand +3 (48k needs Windows): `3.50K
   1 SPC  'number':  The  space  between   eachletter as it is  printed  on  the  screen.Test the spacing with the TRY option.y
   1 SOUNDTRACKER comes with a  built-in  tune.To hear it you need to  click  on  to  thePLAY option. You  will  see  the  patternsbelow start to  scroll  upwards.  PressingSTOP will halt the tune. You can alter theTEMPO (speed) of the tune by entering  thesecond menu screen (click onto OTHER  thenDELAY CHANGE) Values can be from 1 -  Veryfast! to 15 - Snail. RETURN gets you  backto the main menu. PLAY the tune again.
   1 SOUND:  10/10  Complete  version   is   nodifferent (only the odd 1 or 2)I
   1 SNAPREAD 4a:  The  fourth  incarnation  inhalf as many months of the program to reada PC disk of snapsnots on  the  +D  -  andplay them! Shareware.
   1 SNAP READER is FREEWARE, by the way.  Copyit. Give it to your friends. Hopefully  itmay give  a  new  lease  of  life  to  theSpeccy, being able to load  the  thousands(literally!)  of  .SNA  files   that   areavailable.
   1 SNAP READER can only read .SNA files,  andonly from a  PC  MS-DOS  formatted  DOUBLEDENSITY, DOUBLE SIDED drive.  It  probablyworks on  a  single  sided  disc  if  it'sformatted as such, but  I  don't  know  ifthis program will work on a  DISCiple.  Itwill not work under Beta Dos (and I  don'tknow if it will work under UNIDOS (I'd  beinterested  to  find   out)).   Use   onlyuncompressed .SNA files (as at  least  oneemulator I know of can compress them)  andthey MUST be 48K files (although  I  don'tthink you can get 128K .SNA files anyway).
   1 SKU no: 121373
   1 SKU no: 121184
   1 SKU no: 120506
   1 SKU no: 120503
   1 SKU no: 120326
   1 SINCLAIR!!!"
   1 SCREEN$ (ny,nx)<>"@" THEN GO TO 570   520 LET px=nx-x: LET py=ny-yB
   1 SCREEN COLOURS: There are two locations tochange, 34710 for the  screen  colour  and34557 for  the  border.  Try  POKEing  thescreen with either 32 or  7  (and   borderwith 4 or 0) to make it easier for the oldeyes!
   1 SBB 119   SECONDARY PIN 3
   1 SBA 118   SECONDARY PIN 2
   1 SAVE PFN: Saves the current font as a Codefile./
   1 SAVE D1"name" DATA A$()
   1 SAVE "TOUCH" CODE 43000,40
   1 SAVE "TEST1" CODE 3
   1 SAMPLE: Nope, not a real-life sound sampleof someone farting, but the way  in  whichthe AY chip manipulates sound. It uses theADSR  function   (Attack   Delay   SustainRelease) which is the basics of all  soundcreation. A piano note for example  has  avery sharp Attack (the wire is struck witha small hammer), the Sustain is the  wiresvibration,  Delay   is   the   length   ofvibration and Release was  the  amount  oftime the wire was  struck.  This  may  allsound very complicated but hopefully usinga piano sound as  an  example  you  shouldhave grasped the basics. The same  effectsare created using electronics.
   1 SAMP.ED:  This   is   a   sub   menu   forcreating/altering the 15 different  soundsyou can use. It is  also  covered  in  theADVANCED guide.
   1 S: Shrink VERTICAL
   1 S: Save screen$
   1 S'pose I  can't  leave  out  Dave Fountain(what wind-ups do  you  have  in store forme?) or  St.John  Swainson  (try and writebefore 97 or 98, or  at least by  the turnof the century!), either, or come to that,Andy  Davis,  Thomas  Eberle,  Des Harris,John Wilson, Graham  Russell, Jean Lywood,the next  door  neighbour's  cat and UncleTom Cobbly  an'  all,  should any jealousybegin to creep  in  (wish I hadn't startedthis now!).
   1 Roy Benson
   1 Ronald Raaijen
   1 Romantic Robot
   1 Roger G41DE
   1 Roelof Koning, SGG
   1 Robert Skene &
   1 Robert Purchase, Technium 220
   1 Robert Purchase
   1 Right, as  you  are  probably  aware,  thegames are stored as SNAPSHOTS.  Well  thisemulator uses exactly the same tech  niqueand can load a PC format .SNA snapshot. Inorder to read a PC disk the command is
   1 Right! I'm off, then!
   1 Right! I think  that's  enough of that fornow. I don't  want  to  give  you the samesort of headache  I  have  given myself bystruggling to get  this  written down fromthe few sketchy  notes  I've  been able tofind since I did it all!
   1 Richard Wilson
   1 Richard Laymon - Savage
   1 Richard Coles
   1 Ribbon re-inking service
   1 Reviewed by Matthew Deeprose
   1 Replacement ribbon prices (updated).$
   1 Rename to existing file.
   1 Remember that BASIC is slow!  I  generallysearch only for the first two  letters  ofthe first password, but you might like  todo  a  more  detailed  search  if   you'replanning on watching  a  TV  programme  orgoing out for a while. (Turn  the  monitoroff to avoid  screen  burns  and  to  saveelectricity.)
   1 Remember our launch  of  the  ABCD  award,free subscription to people who have  goneout of their way in some  manner  to  helpus? We have some new names to add.
   1 Remember - A spectrum is not just an  Xmaspressie - it's an eternal love! <Doh. Ed.>T
   1 Remember   to   pad   any   new   commandscontaining  less   letters   with   spaces(usually at the end).i
   1 Release date? Well, I did want to  get  itout on April 30th, but i'm just  going  towait until the Speccy's  memory  is  full.Value for money!
   1 Ref: ZX9-CL
   1 Ref: LC-9W
   1 Ref: LC-9CL
   1 Ref: LC-10
   1 Ref: 2954RN
   1 Ref: 2861FN
   1 Ref no: ZX9
   1 Ref no: ZX-9CL
   1 Ref no: Y9
   1 Ref no: NX1000CL
   1 Ref no: NX1000
   1 Read all your messages (welcome to arcade,welcome to the world of e-mail etc...) butonly glance over them. You can come back  to reading them properly later.
   1 Re-inking  service.  `2.50  per  ribbon  &return postage. Ribbons  without  a  drivesystem cannot be  re-inked.  Send  ribbonsto:
   1 Ramdos - Ramdisk simulator
   1 RS232-C is the most recent version of  theEIA  (Electronics  Industry   Association)standard\
   1 RS232 is intended for relatively short (50feet  max),  low  speed  (19200  bits  persecond - known as BAUD bit now BPS) serialcommunications. However, this chart  showsthe  flexibility   of   data   rates   anddistances:
   1 RPM.  This  measures  the  speed  of  yourengine. To adjust the  engine  speed  movethe  throttle  UP  or  DOWN.  Avoid   overrevving the engine, the red line limit  is5000 RPM.
   1 ROUNDS. First  square  box  (Lower).  Thisindicates how many rounds your forward gunhas remaining.b
   1 ROM pins ... 1st 365 ... Spectrum!
   1 ROM pin...Spec...74502...1st CD4040...365s*
   1 ROM and store it in memory)
   1 RESTORE 1008:POKE 23692,10:GOTO 9!
   1 REMEMBER  -  only  uncompressed  48K  .SNAfiles on a  PC  formatted  double  densitydisc will work.c
   1 READY BUILT TAPE INTERFACE  for  emulator.Works better than soundcard input: `14.50S
   1 READ USR addr. This command executes code stored in the Multiface RAM. It must  not contain any ROM calls.j
   1 RANDOMIZE USR 43000:GO TO 10
   1 RANDOMIZE USR 40040 will store the currentBasic program into the Multiface.K
   1 RANDOMIZE USR 16384
   1 RAMTOP is to all intents and purposes  theend of the RAM available for you to  writeprograms in. Its address is held in 23,730and 23,731 (5CB4 and 5CB5) in  the  systemvariables area.
   1 RAM stands for Random Access Memory.$
   1 R: Window mode 'R' toggle
   1 Quick as a flash we drove out to the  siteand as we reached the crucial point in theroad, there it was, a ghostly  figure  ranfrom the bushes at the right,  across  theroad and into the field.
   1 QUIT: When you want to go  to  the  toiletthen watch a film.<
   1 Q: Place text in window at normal size&
   1 Q. Why do I have to register and how  muchis it?0
   1 Q. Where can I get Games from?
   1 Q. What does a Spectrum Emulator do?$
   1 Q. Is it any good?
   1 Push the joystick RIGHT or key X 
   1 Push the joystick LEFT or key Z
   1 Push FORWARD on the joystick or key J%
   1 Pull BACK on the joystick or key N"
   1 Psion 3 Handheld computer
   1 Provided you have the equipment necessary to run the CD this is a  very  worthwhile investment,   although   it   is   highly reccommended that you have the registered version  of  the  Z80  emulator  to  take advantage of the virtual tape  files  and 128k snapshots. At around `20 this really is an essential buy for anyone interested in  the  Spectrum  who  has  a   computer capable  of  using  the  CD.  For   those without such a computer,  but  access  to one there is  a  program  to  access  the snapshots using a  +D  or  Disciple  disk drive.
   1 Proprietor: Paul Howard
   1 Proprietor: Dave Fountain
   1 Programs may not be supplied if  there  isinsufficient space on your media.  If  youdo not find them, send blank media and SAEto our address for a free copy.
   1 Programs are available on cassette  or  +D3.5" +0 disc. Simply send your medium  anda  SAE  to  obtain  your  titles  free  ofcharge. Please  do  not  abuse  this  freeservice  by  asking  for  an  unreasonablenumber of items. +D discs may be formattedto the standard 80 files or  to  a  largernumber using BetaDOS'  variable  directoryformat. Make sure that your cassette is ofreasonable quality and long enough to holdyour programs.
   1 Programming:
   1 Primarily an Opus  program,  this  utilityallows you to store program information ina  simple  database  to  use  as  a   menuprogram. Again, very much  like  DLS  (butnot as simple!).
   1 Price: `9.99
   1 Price: `9.75
   1 Price: `8.25
   1 Price: `8.00
   1 Price: `7.74 (pack of two)
   1 Price: `5.89
   1 Price: `5.74
   1 Price: `5.40
   1 Price: `5.24
   1 Price: `5.19
   1 Price: `4.85
   1 Price: `4.35
   1 Price: `4.24
   1 Price: `4.20
   1 Price: `3.75
   1 Price: `3.59
   1 Price: `2.95
   1 Price: `2.89
   1 Price: `2.45
   1 Price: `10.74
   1 Price: `1.75
   1 Price: `1.50
   1 Price list - March 1996
   1 Price each: `5.15
   1 Price each: `4.10
   1 Price each: `3.18
   1 Price each: `2.10
   1 Price each: `2.05
   1 Pressing 'I' on the main  menu  will  takeyou to the instructions sub menu. Here youwill see:]
   1 Press the relevant key to view your chosensection or, to view them all,  select  '1'then go  through  all  the  pages.  Whilstviewing the instructions, press:
   1 Press the number of the file you  wish  toload. It will load and work automatically.T
   1 Press F4. At the top, you  will  see  thatyou can redirect RS232 input and output.R
   1 Press 3 to load the file. The file name   is TEST1.3
   1 Press 'P' to catalogue  the  disc  to  theprinter.2
   1 Press 'M' to return to the menu. 
   1 Press 'I' to view the instructions.#
   1 Press  2  to  first  select  the  drive   where we just saved the file.  In  this   example I have using TAP  files,  which   happens to be 0.
   1 Press  'SPACE'  to  re-catalogue/catalogueanother disc.7
   1 Preliminary AR / AN details
   1 Plus two C64's, five data recorders, Musicmaker hardware and software, lightgun  and30 games.]
   1 Please note,  it  is  common  courtesy  toenclose a SAE with  your  enquiry  to  allservices. If  purchasing  from  a  privateindividual, make confirmation the  articleis still for sale and try not to send cashunless a premium delivery service is used.
   1 Please make cheques/PO out to D.Morris&
   1 Please make all payments to  MR.  K.  GURDat:-
   1 Please enclose  an  SAE  with  ALL  postalenquiries. I am a registered blind  personand read using a  closed  circuit  TV,  soplease print or  write  CLEARLY.  Overseascustomer PLEASE  keep  payment  and  ordertogether if you can.
   1 Pleasant View
   1 Phillips / Posidrive screwdriver 
   1 Phil Glaves
   1 Phew, that's another article for  AlchNewsdone! I work ever so hard to teach you lotthe secrets of Spectrum BASIC,  you  know.Why not write to Andy and demand  that  hepays me for  my  wonderful  contributions?Just fifty pounds per word would do -  I'ma man of simple tastes. Oh well,  worth  atry. <I would  gladly  pay  Paul  for  hiswork,  but   I   have   to   work   harderre-formatting his articles to  42  column,which works out at `49.99 per  word,  plus1p for electricty. Sorry chum! Ed.>
   1 Peter Liebert-Adelt
   1 Peter Beardwood
   1 Paul Newman
   1 Paul Fairman
   1 Patrick Morriss
   1 Patrick Morris
   1 Pascal User Group
   1 Pascal  provides  three   techniques   forrepetition,  and  the  choice   is   oftendependant on the data that is present. Allof these will  be  familliar  to  enhancedBASIC programmers with  the  WHILE  ..  DOREPEAT ..  UNTIL  and  FOR  ..  NEXT,  thelatter common to all Basics.
   1 Paper magazines
   1 Packman Lane ghost.
   1 Packet Radio: DK4BF @ DK0MAV.#NDS.DEU.EU  Email/
   1 PUT: Puts the character back into the maindisplay. Use cursor to put character  backinto its correct position.n
   1 PTR: Choose cursor control from  keyboard,Kempston etc.7
   1 PROGRAM example 2(input,output); 
   1 PRO-DOS LITE. Emulates CP/M 2.2 on the SAMCoupe. It gives access to thousands of  PDprograms. 1Mb  of  PD  software  included.Manual on the disc. Supplied  on  3  discswith info sheet: `12.50
   1 PRINT PEEK 23732+256*PEEK 23733
   1 PRINT IN@ address
   1 PRINT AT 0,0;CHR$ 8,
   1 PRINT AT 0,0;"*"; "!" + SCREEN$ (0,0)%
   1 PRINT AT 0,0;"(C)":
   1 PRINT 1/2 - 0.5
   1 PRINT # to OPEN IN file.
   1 POS 4 PAT 2
   1 POS 3 PAT 1 VERSE
   1 POS 3 PAT 1
   1 POS 2 PAT 2
   1 POS 2 PAT 1 VERSE
   1 POS 1 PAT 1 VERSE
   1 POS 1 PAT 1
   1 POKE @11,1
   1 POKE @11,0
   1 POKE 23610,(too high a number)
   1 PO BOX 121
   1 PLAY: This will play the  entire  song  asinstructed by the  POSITION  /  PATTERN  /LENGTH values. The song will start at  thecurrent POSITION  so  use  the  cursor  toreduce the value to 1 before starting. Youcan follow the  POS/PAT  by  watching  thevalues  as  the  demo  song   plays.   Trychanging some PATTERN values to see how itaffects the order in  which  patterns  areplayed.
   1 PLAY THE GAME";AT  15,  8;"2.  CHOOSE%
   1 PLAY SONG: Plays the song as the option inmenu 1 but only the graphic  equalizer  ispresent on screen.s
   1 PINS 9,10,21,23,24,25 ARE RARELY USED%
   1 PI takes  up  one  byte,  and  indeed,  PIitself can replace  3  where  it  will  berounded up before use. For example,  PRINTAT PI,PI is identical to PRINT AT 3,3  andto PRINT AT VAL "3",VAL  "3"  but  is  themost efficient in terms of memory  saving.However, sometimes PI's decimal places canbe a hindrance, eg.
   1 PFN  stands  for  Proportional   FoNt,   aprofessional   looking   screen   printingsystem for any Spectrum. See such programsas Sinclair Classic zine to  see  PFN  putthrough its paces.
   1 PETER DEANE would like a  +D  or  Disciplefor his Spectrum +2.>
   1 PDTAPE 1 and Dr Scroll.  Supply  own  tape(C20 or more). Copy cost: `1F
   1 PD programs are free but a  small  copyingcharge is requested. Each time you  order,your   first   six   choices   are   FREE,thereafter titles cost just 10p each.  Youdon't have to order more than  six  titlesif you don't want to! We ask that you senda SAE to cover return postage  as  FPD  isstrictly  non-profit  making.  Any  moniesreceived will help pay towards stationery,consumables etc.
   1 PD contributions of any  sort  are  alwayswelcome. You needn't  be  a  machine  codeexpert;  the  majority  of  PD  games  andutilities are  written  in  BASIC.  Pleasecheck compatibility between  Spectrums  ifyou are able to do  so,  and  remember  tostate which hardware, if any, is necessaryto run your program.
   1 PCW+ Magazine
   1 PC, CP/M, CPC, PCW support
   1 PC software loader for the +D.
   1 PAUSE 0: LET ov=1: RETURN
   1 PATTERN: Used with the above to  constructsongs. Say you had a pattern that was  theverse of your song and  a  second  patternwas the  chorus.  In  order  to  play  thechorus  every  'fourth'  time  round   thePOS/PAT values would look like this:
   1 PATTERN:  This  will  play   the   currentPATTERN1
   1 PAPER 6; INK 2; CHR$ 144;
   1 PAPER 5; INK 4; CHR$ 144;
   1 PAPER 4; INK 6; CHR$ 144;
   1 PAPER 2; INK 0; CHR$ 144;
   1 PAPER 0; INK 5; CHR$ 144;"
   1 P:xx : Shows current PATTERN currently  inthe editing windows.>
   1 P: As above, but window size with shade   O: Background shade=
   1 P.M. Reynolds
   1 Overwrite old file query.
   1 Over 100 games, software on  tapes,  disksand microdrive cartridges  for  all  abovemachines. Also availablel
   1 Out of window
   1 Out of screen
   1 Our  next  destination   was   to   MartinRookyard, creator of the ill fated  MIDGETboard, in a small  village  called  Astleysomewhere   on   the   western   edge   ofManchester. We jump onto a motorway  whichgoes vaguely west and  drive.  And  drive.And drive. Next minute, we see  directionsfor north Wales, which is my  cue  to  getoff, especially after a giant rogue bucketsuddenly appeared on the motorway, loomingat us. Quick and swift driving  saves  ourmeaningless lives.
   1 Our  editorial  cover  story   in!
   1 Other useful  sources  include  stationeryfirms, such as  STAPLES,  STATIONERY  BOX,OFFICE WORLD,MAKRO and ARGOS  where  thereare  large  selections  of   branded   andunbranded disks.
   1 Other functions can be  used  with  PI  toprovide other numbers. For example, SGN PIgives 1 (because PI is positive)  and  NOTPI gives 0 (again, because PI is  positiveand NOT returns the  binary  opposite).  Amore devious one is PEEK PI, which returnsthe very useful  number  255  (in  binary,this is 
   1 Orson and Rob stood up, joining Dave. Theywalked  towards  Dok,  edging  him  to   acupboard. He opened the door and took  outa  box   and   picked   out   the   'MartyShortobrains' face mask and put it on.
   1 Original Programming: Dominic Morris$
   1 Order no: K30-STAR40
   1 Order no: K30-STAR240
   1 Order no: K30-STAR100
   1 Order no: K30-STAR 190
   1 Order no: K30-7994
   1 Order no: K30-7969
   1 Order code: ZX9
   1 Order code: X861
   1 Order code: ST90R
   1 Order code: 954FN
   1 Order code: 861
   1 Or press 'L' to send a line feed (a  blankline) to your printer.@
   1 Option 5 simply returns to Basic.!
   1 Option 4 is a detailed catalogue, allowingdirection to the screen or via  the  RS232port.Y
   1 Option 1 formats a cartridge, allowing youto enter a title.;
   1 Option  3  is  a  selective  block  deleteutility. It takes one  filename  from  thecartridge at a time and then asks if you'dlike it  deleting.  The  process  is  veryswify.
   1 Option   2   performs   a
   1 Opentype filetype.
   1 Opening an open stream.
   1 Open letter to dodgy PD libs
   1 One problem I have had is converting  themto Tasword for editing and tidying. BeforeI explain how to  do  it,  these  are  thetools  you  need.  Ones   marked   *   areoptional:
   1 One bug hasn't been mentioned:
   1 One area which greatly interested  us  wasthe paranormal, which  is  not  surprisingbeing Sheffield residents.n
   1 Once you have your code file, load it intomemory as usual, with the command:L
   1 Once you have created your  first  PATTERNyou might want to create a second.  Selectthe up arrow icon to the left of the OTHERbox. This will advance the PATTERN on one.You can have up to 31  different  PATTERNSin memory which is more than enough for  avery full completed song.
   1 Once you have all them sorted out, you'll have to log onto Arcade BBS a few times   and send them proof of your address toz
   1 Once you are heading towards the Ark Royal(see TO SET A FLIGHT PATTERN),  adhere  tothe following checklist:l
   1 Once the author of this impending  utilityhas  the   source   of   a   decent   codecompressor, the rest of the program  couldbe easily knocked  up  (even  I  could  dothat, with what  remains  of  my  Spectrumknowledge from 13 years ago!).
   1 Once again, tried the program with a  fontand a  screen  and,  after  resetting  themachine, a quick press of  the  MF  buttonput them back in memory.
   1 Once a mission has been accepted,  prepareyouself for a  real  life  attack  on  theGerman naval forces.h
   1 On this disc there  is  a  program  called"SNAP   READ4a".:
   1 On the humble Speccy we have little in theway of DTP but with some software like ArtStudio & Tasword (and  of  course  a  goodprinter) we can kick out  some  impressiveresults.
   1 On the above circuits,  all  voltages  arewith respect to  the  signal  ground  (SG)line. The following conventions are used:}
   1 On our third run, we stopped part way intothe dip, the figure just  stood  there.  Igot out to  stand  by  it  but  could  seenothing, but Ford was sat in  the  drivingseat and could see it perfectly.
   1 On Wednesday 24th January, I had a  visit,from Mr Charles Nickson,  an  investiagingoffice of the DATA  PROTECTION  REGISTRAR,an organisation  who  monitor  unathorisedcomputer  use  in  storing   records   andinformation.
   1 Old Kilpatrick
   1 Okay, as promised here is the  interactiveadventure game! Starting at  paragraph  1,follow the instructions and make  choices,changing to new paragraphs when told to doso. Make sure you don't cheat  by  lookingat other paragraphs! It's not particularlyinspiring, but at least it's  an  originalidea...
   1 Ok, so we know the file  name  and  the   length. What about the  start  address?   I think 3]
   1 Oh yes;  to  copy  SNAP  READER4a,  simplypress BREAK (CAPS + SPACE) then type:O
   1 Oh  yes!  I'd  better  give  Ray  Smith  amention before I forget.  No doubt he willinclude a message to me in his column.z
   1 Of course, if you  wish  to  print  out  ascreen when  the  port  is  disabled  thenyou'll have to save the screen to disc andload it in later when you've  re-activatedthe port, and print it out then.
   1 Of course,  life  is  never  wonderful  (Iknow, Emma Wray's never answered any of myletters.. Sob), and there  is  a  problem;the Spectrum cannot  read  these  emulatorsnapshots. There are two reasons for this;firstly the disc format is different  fromthe +D, and secondly  the  snapshot  filesare different from the +D ones.
   1 Of  the  two  values,  one  gives  a   20%increase in speed, the other 50% - a  baudrate of 2250!a
   1 OVERALL:  7/10  A  bit  too  slow  withoutfastram or an accelerator.D
   1 OUT@ addr,byte is like the +D POKE@,  but POKEs the Multiface RAM instead. Like the +D version, you can POKE a 16 bit (double byte) address directly. Eg:
   1 OUT@ 12000,65535 would POKE  12000  and   12001 with the value 255. This  command   is  useful  when  you're   POKEing   an   address pointing to a piece of  machine   code or a font.
   1 OTHER:  (Takes  you  to  the  second  menuscreen)1
   1 ORN.EDIT: This is a sub-menu for producingeffects on top of a note and is covered inthe ADVANCED guide.g
   1 OPTIONS (left hand  side  of  upper  menu)*
   1 OK, hands up all you that think the 'net  is just for high tech, high flying PCs?   If you were talking about the World Wide  Web, you'd be right, but Internet e-mail  is a different matter when it comes to
   1 OK .. so what's missing 
   1 OJ Software
   1 OIL  PRESSURE  /  OIL  TEMPERATURE.  Checkthese gauges  frequently  to  ensure  yourengine is running smoothly. Try not to letoil temperature rise above 00 and  not  tolet the pressure drop below  00.  Both  ofthese  circumstances  could  cause  enginefailure. Once  the  engine  does  fail  itcannot be re-started and  you'll  have  toattempt to ditch the  aircraft  before  itcrashes.
   1 OFFICE WORLD. 0345 444700
   1 OCT: This is the current OCTAVE.  You  canhave values  of  1-8,  with  1  being  thedeepest/lowest octave and 8  being  MickeyMouse.
   1 Numbers below 1000, or 1E3, don't  benefitfrom E notation. VAL "100" and VAL  "1E2",for example, are equal, and VAL  "1E1"  isless economical than VAL  "10",  which  isbest left as PI*PI anyway! As a matter  ofinterest, the highest  number  with  whichthe Spectrum can perform  calculations  is1E38.  Er,  that  wasn't   actually   veryinteresting, was it?!
   1 Nr Longton
   1 Now, by using the bottom two rows of  yourSpectrum keyboard, you  can  create  notesjust like a real musical  keyboard.  (makesure you are in EDIT mode).  As  you  playdifferent  notes  you'll  see   the   notedisplayed in position 00. Creating a  tuneusing these notes is simply  a  matter  ofentering a note at position 00,  advancingthe  position  by  one   (by   using   theSpectrums cursor keys) and then entering anote at position 01 and so on to make up atune. At default you have 64 empty 'boxes'per channel.
   1 Now, Dominic has gone one further. He  waskind enough to give me an exclusive  guideof his program last year, but swore me  tosilence so he could get on with it withoutcompetition.  I  agreed,   and   patientlywaited, and waited, and waited.
   1 Now,   enter   the   following
   1 Now you'll have to send off some proof of your address to the BBS to become aM
   1 Now write to Dave Coleman (user #1) and   say you'll send off for registration, and please could you set up an e-mail address for me. You'll need to give a user name   (eg. Rpurchase) which must be 10 chars or less and containing no punctuation. Next  you'll have to give a password which is   CASE SENSITIVE!
   1 Now wait about a week (always call at%
   1 Now try this:
   1 Now the +2 doesn't process the ASW orders,I decided to disassemble  it,  give  it  adamn good clean and attach a socket.x
   1 Now that you have had some practice flyingthe Avenger, the Air  Force  is  ready  tosend you into real combat.n
   1 Now a quick plug for the best music demo  since the MQM series:?
   1 Now a couple of useful e-mail addresses:(
   1 Now  you  get  "4  Out  of  memory,  20:1"instead of "0 OK, 20:1". But if you addQ
   1 Now  delete  all  the  previous  TEMPx.TAPfiles so that you are left with  the  lastone. Rename this to ALCHxx.TAP and move itto your MAGAZINE directory or wherever youwant to keep it.
   1 Now  I'd  like  to  put  some  comment  onarticles in AN.18:<
   1 Note that the voltage values are inverted from  the  logic  values  (eg   the   morepositive logic value  corresponds  to  themore negative voltage).  Also  a  logic  0corresponds  to  the  signal  name   being'true' (eg is the DTR line is at logic  0,that is, in the +3 to +25  voltage  range,then the Data Terminal is Ready).
   1 Note that the software touch  screen  willnot  work  while  a   ZX   microdrive   isconnected   and   will   probably   crash.However,  it  is   compatible   with   theDisciple and +D disc interfaces.
   1 Note that the pressure and temperature  ofthe  oil  will  change  with   speed   andaltitude.]
   1 Not only does this give a silly number  oflives, it also gives the player  an  extralife because the extra decimal places keepit above zero for one extra repeat of  theprogram!
   1 Not knowing the size of  a  +D  sector,  Icannot give you any calculations,  but  ifyou were doing PC formatted disks then thesector size is 512  bytes,  you  would  beable to fit 13.5 sectors into the Spectrumscreen area ready for compressing  !  Trueit would look ugly, but it leaves you  theremainder  of  the  RAM  for  dumping  thecompressed data before writing it to disk.
   1 Not being one to boast, but  contacts  areespecially welcome from non-PC owners too.Everyone can  have  access  to  the  3500+programs I have stored on my PC hard-disk!
   1 Nostalgia freaks may also  be  interested to know that there are CP/M and Commodore 64 disk with a  similar  content  at  the same price. There are  various  companies selling these CDs. I bought mine from  PD Soft. Their adverts can be found in  most PC and Amiga magazines.
   1 No,  NOT  Horace,  but  Miner  Willy!  Thelast, previously unreleased game, Jet  SetWilly  III,  has  finally  made  it  to  awaiting  Spectrum  world.  (Well,  perhapsnot, since nobody knew of it's existence!)
   1 No such file on disc.
   1 No such array for saving.
   1 No of free slots after CAT.
   1 No of files after CAT.
   1 No more data from OPEN IN.
   1 Night  Raider  is  a  realistic  flight  /combat game, which  simulates  the  famousWorld  War  II  mission  to  destroy   thefearsome German battleship, the Bismarck.
   1 Next time you log on, you will either havea message saying "Your e-mail has beenP
   1 Next issue we'll feature a mini  guide  onvisiting Alchemist Research, with  guides,routes and maps!d
   1 Next issue : AlchNews 20, June 1996#
   1 Next  issue  we'll  take  a  look  at  theinternal workings of a video recorder  andhow  to  do  basic  cleaning  -  far  moreefficient and cheaper than  a  video  tapehead cleaner!
   1 New video recorders have  their  audio  inand out phono sockets on the  front  thesedays, for ease  of  connection.  The  sameapplies to my +2. So, on the front of  thecase, directly  between  the  FF  and  REWkeys, I warmed up a  Bradall  and  piercedthe case. I used a variety of round  filesto file it to shape and then inserted  thejack socket, securing it from the  outsidewith the little nut supplied.
   1 New member STEVE HANLEY paid us a visit  acouple of months ago. On the  lookout  forsome Microdrive utilities, Steve called onus for his needs.  Since then he has  beengetting information regarding the  Spctrumemulator  for  the  PC,   and   has   beensupplying interesting contacts  for  cheapsecond hand printers!
   1 New AlchNews header and selector  AN9%
   1 Netherlands branch: Dekamastr 34 
   1 Neon Publishing
   1 Neil Thompson
   1 Needless to say, my career  has  benefitedfrom  my  broad  knowledge  of  computers,especially the PC side of things.u
   1 Needless to say,  we  were  all  computingmorons before we sat down with a tape deckand a copy of Horizons tape!  We  all  gotstuck trying to find the STOP  command  onthe keyboard one night !
   1 NOTE: ST uses HEX so the number 10 becomesA, 11 becomes B and so on until you get toF (15). It's only a minor hassle  but  itsjust another reason why people don't  taketo ST!
   1 NIGHT RAIDER:  A  great  GREMLIN  GRAPHICSflight  simulation  /  strategy  /  actiongame. Non PD  -  (C)  Gremlin  Graphics  /Alchemist Research
   1 NB. While reading this article, make  sureyou can distinguish between the  number  0and the letter O. Both are used a lot, andas I type this in Tasword 128  there's  noapparent   difference.
   1 N: Window LEFT
   1 Mystic Dwellings
   1 My thanks to you all for at least  readingthis article.7
   1 My next project was to make a lead to  getthe +2 and PC talking to each  other.  Noteasy, as there is no  documentation  aboutit.  Lloyd  had  tried  once  before,  butfailed.
   1 My name is Mike Mee and I am 25 years old.I've been 'computing' for over 13 years  -since my father suprised  us  all  with  aSinclair ZX Spectrum 48K all  those  moonsago which he had bought from  Laskys  (nowknown as Dixons!). It was either going  tobe a Speccy or as  I  later  found  out  aVic-20 with the massive 3K Rampack !
   1 My name is Ferry Groothedde, for  10  longyears I've made "Uncle Clive & Uncle  Sam"(usually all by myself). And  now  it  wasabout time that someone  would  take  thisheavy task off my shoulder.  But  none  ofthe SCB members ever wrote more  than  onearticle in two years.
   1 My current PC is a rather under spec.  486DX33 with the usuals (8  Meg  RAM,  CD-ROMand soundcard and twin Hard drives  -  oneis 340Meg the other is a  wee  bit  larger850Meg).
   1 Multi System
   1 Mr V. Bishop
   1 Mr Staniford
   1 Mr P. Deane
   1 Mr Nickson told us  that  he  had  paid  avisit to Sherwood, who told him  that  hisclub has a membership of approximately 20-25!
   1 Mr J. Thompson
   1 Mr F. Ridout
   1 Mr A. Marshall
   1 Mr  Nickson  understood   our   situation,however, he wished to see me in person  toconfirm my testimony.i
   1 Mr  Nickson   explained   how   the   DataProtection  Registrar  worked   and   whatcircumstances   I   would   need   to   beregistered.
   1 Move the gunsight  with  the  joystick  orcontrol keys.7
   1 Mountain"(Crystal): 27
   1 Most games in a compilation
   1 More details of this are  in  the  sectionDATA PROTECTION ACT, which can be found inthe index.^
   1 Monika & Wolfgang Haller
   1 Miles Kinloch has revised version 2 of theprogram  to  make  a   version   3   whichrelocates all the  necessary  code  to  +DRAM, eliminating screen  corruption.  Thisrevision (V3) also gives details of any +Dresident utilities it may be  incompatablewith.  +D owners will find  copy  on  thisdisk, inconjunction  with  an  article  byCarl Murray.
   1 Miles Kinloch for vastly improving it,&
   1 Mike Astbury, Beach Imaging
   1 Microdrive filetype.
   1 Merging a non-BASIC file.
   1 Memory space  is  further  organized  intopages,  each   page   holds   100   memorylocations in hex - that's 256 in decimal. The so-called 'zero page' runs  from  
   1 Meare Road
   1 Meanwhile, Miles was busy at his terminal,tapping away...9
   1 May I introduce myself?
   1 Matthew Deeprose
   1 Matt actually had the brainwave of gettinga joint interview from Sherwood and myselfat the same time. I was all for it  but  Iam sure my nematode, oops  sorry,  Nemesiswould have either hid behind an  answeringmachine,  his  daddy  or  said  that   thequestion was 'lost in the post'!
   1 Matt Beal, Fish
   1 Many readers of  Alchnews  will  probably have  one  of  the  computers   mentioned above, and for those people it is a great resource.   The   games   are   organised alphabetically and some of the games have directories of their own for 128k and 48k versions. The amount of effort  put  into this CD must have been massive.
   1 Many of the more powerful (i.e. expensive)computers3
   1 Many commercial programs use  BIN  on  itsown for 0. In fact, BIN  is  not  the  onebyte it appears to  be,  and  is  no  moreeconomical than VAL "0" itself.  So  we'vegot   one   up   on   the   "professional"programmers - they  may  be  machine  codegeniuses  but  they  just  can't  write  asimple BASIC loader! Use NOT PI instead.
   1 Many  commercial  Spectrum  games  featurelevel passwords, so that you can start thegame  from  any  level  which   you   havepreviously visited. In almost every  case,these passwords are stored as text  withinthe machine code.
   1 Manufacturer ref: 895103-83
   1 Manufacturer ref: 80981790
   1 Manufacturer ref: 80981161
   1 Malcolm Gent,
   1 Make cheques to: Mr J. Paine
   1 Magic Button (i)
   1 MULTIDEMO5: This shows the power  of  the READ USR  command  again,  this  time  by switching on the Multiface menu,  without going anywhere near the button!
   1 MULTIDEMO4: This loads  in  the  supplied high  quality   screen   picture   of   a butterfly and stores it in the  Multiface RAM, rather like the above  program.  The difference, however, is  that  using  the OUT@ and CODE MOVE commands, it stores  a small machine code routine  as  well,  so that when  the  button  is  pressed,  the butterfly is shown.
   1 MULTIDEMO3: Draws a simple screen picture and stores it in the Multiface RAM.M
   1 MULTIDEMO2:   Prints   text   from"
   1 MULTIDEMO1: Copies MF ROM to  the  screen and then fast  scrolls  it  in  different directions._
   1 MULTIBASIC  is   the   first,   and   mostcomprehensive program. Occupying only  310bytes, it gives  5  new,  simple  commands(thanks to the +D) to access the MultifaceROM and RAM in Basic. They are:
   1 MSX (only 1 title on CD-ROM)
   1 MOVE TEXT: Allows you to  move  individualchannels of notes to another pattern. Thissaves a lot of time by cloning a track  soyou don't have to start from scratch againwhen you want only a  minor  variation  orindeed the same pattern exactly.
   1 MOUNT PC0:
   1 MIXTURE. This lever adjusts the  ratio  offuel   and   air   flowing   in   to   thecarburettor. Use a richer mixture for takeoffs and fast  get  aways.  Use  a  leanermixture for normal flight. Speed  of  fueldepletion is in relation to how  rich  themixture is.
   1 MDcartridges, and some very cheap  software,starting at a measly 10p!E
   1 MAXIMUM HP   1600 BHP.
   1 MAKRO  are  always   a   good   stop   forcassettes. You can usually get a  pack  often branded C60 or C90 Memorex  tapes  forwell under a fiver. However, a  number  ofyou may  not  have  a  Makro  trade  card.Prices  do  vary,  according   to   sales.Alchemist Research will keep a brief  listof tape prices and,  should  you  wish  toorder some, via us, please make enquiries.
   1 M: Window RIGHT
   1 M-Driver is a comprehensive German utilitywhich can perform a variety of tasks. Whenloaded, you are presented with a menu. Allutilities allow you to  choose  any  drivefrom 1-8.
   1 M,B:POKE  43000+R,M  AND  B:PRINT  AT%
   1 Luetzowstr.3
   1 Lots of changes for the  New  Year.  We'llstart with the bad news first:H
   1 Lorton Road
   1 Longest names
   1 London". If it doesn't, you've done#
   1 Logic 3 - learn  BASIC  programming  -  `4(very large + heavy)>
   1 Logging onto Arcade is simplicity itself: set your terminal to 8N1, dial 0181M
   1 Loading from +D in MC
   1 Load BASIC as CODE or vice versa 
   1 Load  Snap  Reader  (remember  that,  it'svital!) and press a key to go to the menu.T
   1 Lloyd  typed  CAT  1   and   watched   theimpressive font display the disk contents,whilst   a^
   1 Lines 20-50 read the contents of the  DATAstatement  and  POKE  the  values  in   tographic A.^
   1 Line 60 displays the bar, made up of  fourstripes. The line is split in to six partsto make it easier to  see  what  statementmakes what part of the stripe.
   1 Line 10 defines how many lines of a UDG weare going to alter. We  will  be  alteringcharacter A  completely.  A  character  ismade up of eight lines, which means  eightnumber.
   1 Line  100  can  also  be   improved.   Thestatement IF LIVES>O is in  fact  wastefuland can be changed to simply IF LIVES. Theexpression IF <variable> will give a "yes"if the variable  is  anything  other  thanzero (even a negative number), otherwise a"no". In the same way, IF  NOT  <variable>gives a "yes" if  the  variable  is  zero,otherwise "no".
   1 LikeWoodhouse, it has a  'village'  style  andatmosphere and all lanes to  and  from  itare unlit country types. One of  which  iscalled Packman Lane,  which  runs  throughfield and forest for about  four  or  fivemiles to a village called Whitwell.
   1 Like James Waddington said in  his  letterelsewhere in this  issue,  he  would  haveliked to  have  printed  out  Paul  Warr'sstory. If he redirects  the  output  to  adisk file and then loads Paul's  sections,pressing Z will dump the text to a file.
   1 Like EXOCAT, gives a full disk  catalogue,but is speeded up  by  having  the  Pennelprint routine removed. Extra Basic programinformation, such  as  program  size,  hasalso been removed.
   1 Let POSITION 1 play PATTERN 1, POSITION  2play PATTERN 2, POSITION 3 play PATTERN  1and so on.^
   1 Leaving the bugs for a moment,  lets  lookat tidying up some other areas:I
   1 Later Programming:
   1 Lastly, there are (inevitably!) a few .SNAfiles around that will not work with  SNAPREADER, but not  many  (I've  found  aboutfive, out of the two hundred  or  so  I'vetried).
   1 Last, but not  least,  is  Albert  Harper.Disabled, and regularly ill, he still goesout of his way to  supply  me  with  greatsoftware,   and   fends
   1 Last commercial release
   1 LOAD/SAVE/CLEAR SONG: Saved song files aregiven a .S suffix in the filename in orderto ensure an exclusive CAT from +D disc.|
   1 LOAD/SAVE/CLEAR  SAMPLE:  You   can   saveindividual samples to create a library  ofsounds.[
   1 LOAD d*"RAIDER" (+D)
   1 LOAD PFN:  Loads  a  Code  font  file.  oucannot load a PFN font that has  been  putinto a REM (SEE FONTREMA)m
   1 LOAD D1 "filename"
   1 LOAD @1,128,5,36626
   1 LOAD @1,128,4,36114:
   1 LOAD @1,128,3,34816:
   1 LOAD @1,128,2,34304:
   1 LOAD @1,128,1,33792:
   1 LOAD @1,0,9,33280:
   1 LN 'number': The  amount  of  pixels  downthat the next line of text will be printedat. Test with the TRY option.q
   1 LIGHT SWITCH. Always keep the  lights  OFFwhen not using this screen as  the  lightsmake it easier for enemy to spot  you.  Toswitch the lights, simply click on the  ONor OFF.
   1 LET ov=1: RETURN
   1 LET o(obj,1)=n: LET o(obj,2)=4+m 
   1 LET o$=" "
   1 LET g(goal,1)=n: LET g(goal,2)=4+m"
   1 LET a=IN@ address
   1 LET a=0+CODE SCREEN$(0,0): PRINT a"
   1 LET a$="text": PRINT MID$(a$,3,5)!
   1 LET A=VAL "1+1"
   1 LET A$=A$+SCREEN$(x,y)
   1 LET A$="let's see...":
   1 LET  a(b)=PEEK   (pointer+27)*256+PEEK&
   1 LENGTH: This governs the total  length  ofyour song  and  should  be  equal  to  thenumber of total POSITIONS you end up with.If, for instance,  your  total  number  ofPOSITIONS was 54 and your lENGTH  was  setat 27, the song would only  play  half-waythrough before  restarting!  Similarly,  aLENGTH of 1 in  the  above  example  wouldsimply play the first  POSITION  over  andover. A LENGTH of 56 would play the entiresong then add on two blank PATTERNS.
   1 LEFT$, RIGHT$ and  MID$  can't  always  betranslated the way ... (fill in the  name;I forgot to write it down) did. Example:|
   1 LD BC,16384
   1 LC-90 and LC-200 series.
   1 LC-200 ORIGINAL
   1 LAST POSIT  (00-63): 63
   1 LARGE  ARROWS:  Moves  the   edit   screendisplay in  any  direction  by  one  pixelposition at a time.g
   1 L: Load screen$
   1 Kobrahsoft
   1 Kevin quoted a price of `18 in AlchNews 16for the device, which included  everythingreviewed here, and P&P. I think  it  wouldbe cheap at twice the price. I was seriousabout not returning it, and sending  Kevina cheque!
   1 Kevin Gurd
   1 Ken  has  recently  been  ill,  but  stillmanaged to sort out some printer utilitiesfor us.[
   1 Keep studying the  ROM routines and you'llmaster m/c in the end!@
   1 Keep all your discs  write  protected  andyou should be safe!!!?
   1 Karen Moore
   1 KEYWORDS: Like above,  all  but  the  lastletter of the keyword will be in ASCII. Ifyou do alter them, remember  to  add  128.Keywords start at 30150 and run to 30516.
   1 KEY": PAUSE 0: CLS
   1 K: Expand HORIZONTAL
   1 K: Clear screen
   1 Just over an hour later I was  negotiatinga tiny multi-storey in  Stockport  itself.Not only  did  I  have  to  travel  to  beinterviewed  and  relieved  of   my   Opussystem, but I had to pay for the fuel  andparking as well! Surprisingly, parking wassome 40p per hour in  Stockport,  comparedto a pound in Sheffield (a very  expensiveplace to live).
   1 Joyce Cook, Softsell
   1 Joyce Cook
   1 John Wilson
   1 John Westhead
   1 John Thompson would would  any  games  andutilities for the Amstrad CPC, Dragon  32,ZX81 and Vic 20. He is also on the lookoutfor cartridges for the Commodore 64. He isselling off some Spectrum  and  Dragon  32games if anyone is interested. Write:
   1 John Stowe
   1 John Garner, Datasoft
   1 Johan Koning, SGG
   1 James has launched a great new service andpaper magazine one step on  from  SinclairClassic.\
   1 James has a large collection  already  forsale,   including   a   cheap   Multiface,Microdrive,   Printer,j
   1 James Waddington, CLASSIX
   1 James Herbert
   1 JSW3 is far harder than the previous Willygames, with more  fiendish  screens  whichwill require  some  carefully  timing  andjumping to be negotiated!
   1 JPP has the suffix .SNA
   1 JIM LEESON, makes and sells printer cablesfor the +2a / +3 to any Centronics printerfor `10 including P&P.j
   1 JET SET WILLY 3: Supplied by kind courtesyof  EMULATE  magazine,  the   final,   andunreleased game in the Miner Willy series.This is the first time that the  game  hasbeen supplied on the  Spectrum.  CopyrightM. Smith / EMULATE magazine.
   1 J: Shrink HORIZONTAL
   1 Item 1 = "let's see..."; item 2 = "*";&
   1 Item 1 = "let's see..."
   1 Item  1  =  "let's  see..."   (no   longerdetected); item 2 = "**"B
   1 It's the channel  information  area  whichcarries  input   and   output   data.   Ittransmits input from the keyboard  to  thelower part of the TV screen  and  controlsprogram output to the rest of the  screen,to the workspace higher up in  memory  andto a printer.
   1 It's now been converted, so  lets  save   it. Press option 4 to save the file, we   will call it TEST2.g
   1 It's as  simple  as  that!  To  convert   back, Tasdfue will help,  and  you  can   use the new  machine  code  version  of   T3T2  by  Miles  Kinloch   which   will   convert Tasword  128  files  (including   OPENTYPE) back to Tasword 2 ones.
   1 It would be very nice  if  this  could  bedone for JSW and get a new, fiendish  gamewith  dozens   of   rooms,   all   createddifferently.
   1 It was only last year  when  Ford, one  ofthe Alchemist Team, was driving home  whenhe saw the figure. Whilst still in a greatstate of  shock,  he  drove  to  AlchemistResearch to tell me the story.
   1 It was a  typical  day  at  the  AlchemistFoundation. Dok, Rob and  Orson  were  allsat around the conference table.t
   1 It should also not be used in a  compound statement, due to restrictions of the +D.S
   1 It seems that Mr Sherwood was, for a shorttime, illegally distributing non-PD titlesby Greek coder Theo Develegas (B/W 1,  EEC1993, DINOSAURS, VGA01, VGA02,  VGA03  andVGA04, all mentioned  as  "new  demos"  inPrism's PD Facts,  February  1995).  Sincethese  titles  have  never  been  PD,  anydistribution of them by Mr Sherwood  wouldhave been illegal, whether or not he  knewof  their  status.  <He  was   IMMEDIATELYinformed by me, the sole UK distributor atthat time, but ignored the letters. It wasonly after a strong letter  from  TheodoreDevelegas  that  he   had   to   make   anembarassing climb down! Ed>
   1 It said 'speak to start'. I said 'Hello'.)
   1 It requests us  to  specify  the  start   address, file length and file name.  We   know  the  length  of  the   file,   in   decimal, but need to  work  it  out  in   hexadecimal.
   1 It is worthwhile using a  disassembler  toexamine  these  routines.  I  prefer   theMultiface resident GENIE disassembler, butthere are a wide range available.
   1 It happened again, but  the  figure  'ran'across the road much slower.F
   1 It didn't  take  too  long  to  track downwhich IC was  the  ROM.  The next step wasdetermining  which  of   the  address  anddata lines of the Z80 went directly to theon-board ROM and also to any plug-in.
   1 It began with Triad demos,  and  was  thenfollowed by the UM and Theo Develegas, andmore commercial houses  such  as  MarshallCavendish,   Gremlin   Interactive,
   1 It  is  Version  2.0  AGA   and   althoughunregistered, has AREXX support  but  someof the programs I  have  don't  appear  towork correctly. This could be due to  lackof Registration but I refuse  to  pay  $15and also mess  about  converting  it  thengetting overseas post bitsanbobs. Too muchtrouble if  you  ask  me!  It  contains  4versions of the emulator. 2 for AGA and  2others, (Generic)  which,  to  be  honest,have no real use  whatsoever,  except  formultiple game load (how do you  play  morethan one game at once?)
   1 Invalid +D command.
   1 Introduction 
   1 Introduction
   1 Interactive,developing and testing their new products,conducting meetings and manning their helpdesk. The experience gained  with  runningAlchemist Research, and our own successfulhelp  line,  not  to  mention  the   linksalready  forged  with  the  Gremlin  gamesrights, were all ideal  criteria  for  therole. Sadly, it had to  be  turned   down,due to other work committments,   and  thepost was subsequently  advertised  in  thelocal press!
   1 Initially I had pondered building an EPROMprogrammer, but threw that idea out of thewindow after  calculating  the cost. Afterall, it wasn't as though I enjoyed playingthe game!
   1 Incidentally, I tried this routine on  theRiptoff game featured on the Your Sinclaircover tape. I didn't find  the  passwords,but perusing the code myself  at  a  laterpoint, I found all sorts of silly messagesfrom the programmer. Most of them referredto how badly the  game  was  written,  butamongst   other   nonsensica   was
   1 In this article, we shall use  an  examplefile called TEST.TXT.  It  happens  to  be3759 bytes long in decimal.o
   1 In the seat of your Avenger torpedo bomberyou'll  be   confronted   by   a   cockpitcontaining an array of real time controls,gauges and switches,  all  adding  to  theexcitement of actually being there. Add tothis the facility of being able to see theoutside world from the view point of  yourtail gunner, take control of the engine inthe engineer's seat or the map  screen  ofyour navigator - all at  the  press  of  abutton.
   1 In the example below, a "*"  represents  afilled square, a "." an empty square.O
   1 In syntax diagram form this is given as:(
   1 In order these options are:
   1 In mid-February,  Kevin  passed  down  thecontroller, for us  to  give  an  unbiasedreview.[
   1 In life there are things which matter. TheBeatles getting  back  together,  the  IRApeace process, Take That splitting  (well,maybe not that one!). Another addition  tothis   endless   list
   1 In fact, this can be improved  in  severalways. Line 120 contains the expression VAL"10", which can  be  replaced  with  PI*PI(this equals 9.869604692 but is rounded upto 10 because it's a GOTO statement). Lookat the memory savings for this exchange:
   1 In fact, although it is  not  so  obvious,this is the same process you use when  youwrite in BASIC. Your experience  of  usingthe machine tells you  what  commands  areavailable, and how you can plan  what  youwant to do so that  it  works  within  thecapability of  the  machine.  But  becauseBASIC  does  not  enforce   a   structuredapproach,  BASIC  programmers   are   lessconscious of this process.
   1 In BNF, this takes the general form:$
   1 In BASIC programming there are several setprocedures for dealing with a  variety  ofproblems.  Among  these,  common  examplesinclude the ability to repeat an operationa set number of times, using a FOR .. NEXTloop, or to make a decision  using  IF  ..THEN. Similar structures exist in  Pascal,although these often allow a higher  levelof refinement than in BASIC. This  articlecovers some of the most  useful  of  thesestandard forms.
   1 In AlchNews 14, we took a look  at  ribbonprices and suppliers. Since prices change,here is a  revision  of  ribbons  for  theLC-100 and the  new   LC-90   and   LC-200series.   This  service  may  possibly  beexpanded to  feature  other  printers  andribbons. If you would  like  this,  pleasewrite in  with  your  make  and  model  ofprinter.
   1 In AlchNews  16,  we  gave  a  preliminaryreport of a  voice  controller,  by  KevinGurd. The system comprises of a box  whichplugs into the Spectrum and allows you  tospeak commands into your computer, perhapsto move an object in a game, rather than ajoystick.
   1 In 48K mode, everything will  be  done  asexpected, but a bug in  128K  mode  causes"RETURN  without  GOSUB".   To   be   moreprecise: The  editor  (necessary  to  typeCONTINUE) destroys  the  GOSUB  stack.  InBeta Basic 4.0 this bug has been cured.
   1 In  January,  the  editor  was  offered  aposition2
   1 In  February  there  was   a   Crap   GameCompetition on the Sinclair  site  of  theInternet. This is Dominic's entry:v
   1 Impact PD is also able to supply  softwareother   than   public   domain   at   veryreasonable prices. For  example,  many  ofthe games previously released  by  GremlinGraphics are available under licence  fromAlchemist Research; these games are  of  avery high standard and Impact PD has  fullpermission for their distribution. Furtherdetails and a software list are  availableon request.
   1 If your e-mail address hasn't been set up,write to the sysop (Dave C - #1) and tell him what you're after... (again!)u
   1 If your answer to any of the above is yes,then you should get in touch with  us.  Wespecialise in providing old,  classic  andeven rare items of software (and sometimeshardware) to the still  thriving  Spectrumcommunity.
   1 If you're not  entirely  happy  with  yourselected  mission,  the  straws   can   bere-shuffled  and  you   can   try   again.However, don't do this too many  times  orthe  captain  may  think  you're   not   adedicated pilot.
   1 If you're interested:
   1 If you wish to save the  relocatable  codefor use in your own programs,  enter  thisdirect command (adapted for disc syntax ifnecessary) after running the program:
   1 If you want to upload a Tasword 128 file  (which makes much quicker uploading), thenyou'll have to convert the Opentype file  to a code file first. To do this, you'll  need a short M/C routine that I'll send ifyou ask nicely. You could of course do it in basic but would take rather a long
   1 If you want a reply then please include  aSAE . Cheers. See you!@
   1 If you press 'O',  you  can  redirect  anyoutput  either  to  a  serial  port,  yourparallel printer port, or to a disk  file.By selecting disk, you can  redirect  textor listings to a standard PC  '.TXT'  typefile,  for  editing  in   a   variety   ofpackages.
   1 If you haven't done so ALREADY,  read  theinstructions (in case I've missed anythinghere).Z
   1 If you have hacked versions of  games  (ondisc especially), the code may well be  ina compressed state.  For  goodness'  sake,decompress it before scanning if  this  isso - before  decompression,  much  of  thecode  is  meaningless.  I've   made   thismistake myself on  several  occasions  (egSnare) and it's ever so frustrating!
   1 If you aren't able to do this, you'll haveto spool the tape from the reel manually.S
   1 If you are interested, you can get the JetSet Willy  Editor  from  all  the  leadingsoftware libraries  across  Europe,  alongwith a detailed guide to using it.
   1 If you are also buying in bulk, and  wouldlike tapes of various  lengths,  see  yourYellow Pages (or Talking  Pages  0800  600600 / 0500 192 192) for Recording Studios.
   1 If you are  interested  in  the  good  oldSpeccy days,  then  you  shuld  definitelysend  off  your  pennies  today,  and  whoknows, in less than a two weeks you  mighthave found yourself a  real  bargain!  Oh,and  if  you  think  you  can   contributesomething to the fanzine, drop us a line -we'd be delighted to hear from you!
   1 If you are  even  slightly  interested  inthis  topic,  try  and  get  hold  of  THECOMPLETE SPECTRUM ROM  DISASSEMBLY  by  DrIan Logan & Dr Frank O'Hara. Published  in1983 by Melbourne House Ltd.
   1 If this stops with  "variable  not  found"(or  a  different  error   report),   it'sbecause A$ is not an array (i.e. set up byDIM). The cassette routine in the SpectrumROM fails to exclude simple  strings  (notthe SCS  ROM)  but  most  disk  interfacescheck this properly.
   1 If there are no .SNA files on the disc, orif the disc is not of the  correct  formatthen usually (but not always) the  programwill tell you so and  return  you  to  themain  menu.  Occasionally   though,   SNAPREADER can become confused by  files  thatit takes to be .SNA files, but aren't.  Inthis case you  will  get  garbage  on  thescreen, and if you try to  load  them  theSpectrum  will  crash   (just   turn   theSpectrum off for a few seconds  then  turnit back on and reload SNAP READER and  tryagain on real .SNA files if this happens).
   1 If there are .SNA files on the  disc  thenthey will be  listed  on  the  screen  andpreceded by a  number  (or  a  letter,  ifthere are more than nine files).  You  can6now do one of several things;
   1 If the routine fails, bad luck!  Not  muchcan  be  done,  although  you  could   tryloading the code into a  wordprocessor  tocheck it yourself (if the  program  didn'tfind them but you do, either the addressesor password  you  gave  were  incorrect!).Don't be disheartened, though;  it's  wellworth trying it  on  all  games  you  havewhich  use  passwords.  You  get  a   realfeeling of satisfaction when you know  youcan access every level of a game!
   1 If it has, you can now use e-mail to your heart's content!:
   1 If contacting BG Services for anything,   e-mail is recommended as Brian is aM
   1 If anyone knows  of  anywhere  else  where.SNA files may be  obtained,  then  pleaseget in touch with me. Thanks.q
   1 If any reader can supply me with  a  PrismPD catalogue, or  a  photocopy,  includingany of Theo's titles listed above, I  willbe happy to refund 19p postage, and  we'llsee what Mr Sherwood has to say.
   1 If  you  want  to  repeat  a   number   ofstatements   within   theC
   1 If  you  have  any   questions   or   tipsregarding the emulator  or  anything  elsespectrum orientated please  feel  free  towrite and I'll do my best to answer. Writeto:
   1 Icabod : [email protected]
   1 Ian Collier went one  further  by  writingDISKBASIC. It worked along the same lines,but there was no speed loss, and you couldalso use the drives as well,  including  areduced, but still accessable ramdisc!
   1 ISBN 0 86161 116 0
   1 INVERTED T-BAR. Large box to  right.  Thisindicates the positions  of  the  aileronsand rudder._
   1 INPUT # from OPEN OUT file.
   1 IN@ peeks the Multiface memory.  However, this is a FUNCTION and not a command. You can only use it in the following forms:{
   1 IGNITION. In order to start the engine  ofthe Avenger this must be turned on,  afterall the controls have been set. Never turnthis OFF during flight as you will not  beable to re-start the aircraft.
   1 IF SCREEN$ (ny,nx)="$" THEN
   1 IF A>=0 THEN LET A=0
   1 IF A>0 AND A<1 THEN...
   1 IBM PC compatibles (from XT to Pentium)'
   1 I: Invert window
   1 I've been sorting through my speccy  stuffand in order to get some room in my room Ihave to sell the following, so please helpme keep my room sparce!!! BTW  all  pricesinclude UK postage
   1 I've  been  rather  busy   lately.   Afterpurchasing a lovely Star LC-10 from ArnoldYates of Chorley (send off for his list  -it's the best!), I finally had a dedicatedprinter for the +3. When I invested in thePC, I had to reshuffle the office  around,which could only really  house  two  largemachines  (by  large,  I  mean  with   allhardware,  drives,  software  etc.).   Thereshuffle ensured the +3 had  a  dedicatedposition, and  got  it's  Amstrad  monitorback!
   1 I'm not gonna tell you how to get around  Arcade, as it's easy enough to work it outfor yourself, but just remember to delete most of your messages, or your message
   1 I wrote to Mr Nickson, and  explained  thesituation.  Some  years  ago,  I   orderedsoftware from Prism. It was faulty. I alsoencountered  other   problems   with   hisservice.  However,  I  just  ignored   it,thinking  it  was  a  one  off.  I  wasn'timpressed with Prism at all, so decided tokeep away.
   1 I would like to tell you about  the  Amigaversion of the  Spectrum  Emulator.  Thereare one or two  about  but  the  only  onereally worth mentioning is called ZXAM andcomes in various guises. The first  one  Ican remember was version 1.3 and it wasn'ttoo good. The mouse pointer and  the  menualways stayed at the top  of  the  screen!
   1 I will cover  the  hack insert controllingcircuit the next time round.F
   1 I was introduced to  the Sega when someonebrought it  to  me  for  repair, which wassimple job because  there was little wrongwith it,  just  a  couple  of open circuitwires - one of  which  came from the powersupply pack and the  other was the antennalead!
   1 I used the framework of  the  program  to store a  font  in  the  Multiface,  which would automatically be moved to  RAM  and be displayed. It was  extremely  easy  to perform and worked well.
   1 I thoroughly enjoyed ALEX. It is difficultto complete but it  can  be done and I forone felt very disappointed when it was allover and done  with  as  I felt sure therewere at least another three or four levelsto come after I'd  reached what turned outto be the final screen.
   1 I think that's the lot. I'm off to bed now(it's 2:27 am) so thanks for reading  thisand  have  fun   with   the   .SNAps   andeverything else Spectrum related.
   1 I think that's all there  is  to  be  saidregarding  SNAP  READER's  operation.   IfanyoneZ
   1 I think that this is a great point to  endthis matter on, which  we  all  agree  hasgone on  far  too  long.  You'll  find  noAlchemist  Research   report   on   MartynSherwood and Prism  in  any  more  issues.Yes, there are people who  are  interestedin it, but there are  some  who  obviouslyaren't.  So,   reports   WILL   still   becompiled, but will  be  on  paper.  Simplysend an SAE and we'll  send  one  to  you.That way, the capacity of the issue is notrestricted in any way.
   1 I then saved off  the read data and calledthis routine again  for  the  other 32K ofthe Sega ROM -  the CD 4040 counters wouldnot have  reset  unless  the  power to thecircuit had been interrupted. The combinedvalue of the  two  counters  at this pointwill be 8000  (0  after  the next block isread in).
   1 I rang the office of Mr Nickson, and I wastold that a Mr MARTYN SHERWOOD had writtenand made a complaint, and that Mr  Nicksonhad called to arrange a suitable time.
   1 I purchased this under rated game in 1988.It received an excellent preview  in  YourSinclair magazine  and  subsequent  reviewand rating.
   1 I know that Andy has decided to  cut  downon the Prism reports in AlchNews, but I'vebeen  asked  to  comment  on  the   recentsituation in the Gulf. No, no, I meant thesituation  regarding  the   aforementionedPrism PD, or "PPD" as they are now  known.(Does anyone know why?). <I assume it's sopeople  see  it  and  think  'ooh,  a  newservice', rather than 'Oh,  yes  -  Prism,that poor service run by a liar who cannotcount'. Remember Gerald Ratner who  calledhis jewellry stock 'crap'? He changed  hisstores name to Signet after that cock  up.Ed>
   1 I hope some, if not all, of you  are  ableto help in this quest.@
   1 I have used these utilities all the  time,from the very first days of  my  Atari  STthrough to the Amiga and PC etc.t
   1 I have 4 meg Fast Ram, without Fast Ram itruns even slower.;
   1 I gave  Mr  Nickson  photocopies,  provingsome of the activities Sherwood  had  beenup to, and explained how his lies possiblycost him his position at  the  Boys  Club,and countless customers, and that Sherwoodwas just being  spiteful  and  vindictive,and he was completely motivated by hatred.
   1 I eventually  came  up  with  the  idea ofanother  circuit   that   would  test  theaddress lines.  When  they  held 381D, theROM would be disabled  and a zero would beplaced on the data  lines, instead of a 2B(DEC, HL).
   1 I believe  that  WIZARD  GAMES  are  stillselling second hand 3" disks for around `1each. However, these disks could  be  uptoTEN years old, and have  no  guarantee  ofquality  and  how  they  may   have   beentreated.
   1 I attached two wires from the tags of  thesocket to the appropriate wires of the  +2tape  wires  and  hey  presto   -   workedperfectly!
   1 I am not asking you to take a leaf out  ofAndys book and supply us with an entire PDLibrary, but any help given will be justlyrewarded.
   1 I am also in the process of making a  leadfrom the +3 to a SCART  plug.  The  groundpins are causing  a  little  problem,  butotherwise  the  picture  is   sound.   Thecomplete wiring diagram will be here  nextissue.
   1 I am  the  person  who  uploaded  all  theissues of Alchemist News to  the  SpectrumEmulator site in Norway, and hopefully thebig boss man has had some  more  enquiriesabout AlchNews since !
   1 I already had a printer lead, manufacturedby Alchemist Software's Lloyd Garland. Theonly place at the time to supply a +3 leadwas INDUG, who  were  charging  well  over`10. I paid just `3 for the parts and gaveLloyd the price of a pint for his trouble!
   1 I . i . i . I . i . i . I
   1 I  loaded  up  the  game  on  the  tape  -MOTORWAY. It's a  simple  game  where  youhave to move your little man to avoid  theoncoming cars. Nice  UDGs  and  very  wellpresented.
   1 I  know,  I  know  -  this  is  a  perfectillustration of  messy  programming.  Whenthe password is found, the program  simplyjumps out of the N-loop; very bad manners!However, this doesn't matter  for  such  asimple program,  as  it  won't  cause  anyerrors.
   1 I  hope  you  enjoyed  this  true   story.Normally, these reports are  usually  onlykept  for  our  review,  but  since   thissubject has become  extremely  popular  inAlchNews,  we  felt  they  would  be  wellrecieved. Next issue we will feature  somemore reports on Sheffield ghosts, plus ourinvestigations.
   1 Humourous fiction.
   1 Hulme Lane
   1 However, the device doesn't have a throughport  and  my  Spectrum  setup  is  has  aMultiface  and  +D  on  the  back  to  runAlchemist Research, so it would mean a bitof unplugging to use it. This  also  meansyou would need some sort of port  splitterbefore you could use the +D, so  the  factthe files were supplied on tape only was avalid one.
   1 However, don't forget to close the  outputfile  when  you've   finished.   It   then'disconnects'  the  program  and  preventsrubbish going to it.
   1 However, I was at work, so was  unable  tomeet  Mr  Nickson.  What   I   could   notunderstand is why he called. I had made anenquiry to the organisation in  the  past,to  find  if  I  would  need  to  registerAlchemist  Research,  but  that  was  someyears previously!
   1 However,  Richard  has  promised   a   newservice,  EXPRESS  SOFTWARE.  At  time  ofwriting,  no  press  releases  have   beenissued,  but  Richard  promises  a   largeadvertising campaign!
   1 How variables are stored:
   1 How new AlchNews logo was made
   1 How AR is run
   1 Home computers store  thier  memory  on  aseries of silicon chips. Each memory  chipcarries thousands of tiny  circuits  whichcan be either  switched  on,  or  switchedoff. Each of these circuits  represents  asingle digit in binary - a BIT.  When  thecircuit is switched on  it  represents  1,when it is switched off it represents 0.  Within the chip, these tiny  curcuits  areorganized in groups of eight.  Each  grouprepresents a BYTE - that is  an  eight-bitbinary number, or two digits in hex.
   1 History of Computing (ii)
   1 History of Computing (i)
   1 History of AlchNews, issues 1-9   AN9%
   1 Hilton Court
   1 Here's the m/c  routine  I  used to do thejob:.
   1 Here's a brief explanation  of  what  eachline of the program actually does:L
   1 Here you will see:
   1 He  turned  off  the   headlights   -   itdisappeared! Side lights -  nothing.  Mainbeam - it was back! What had happened  wasthat when the car travelled down into  thedip, the beam hit a puddle to the left  ofthe  road,  and  reflected   to   make   ahologram.  As  we  moved  closer  to   thepuddle, the angle of  the  beam  made  thehologram move to the left,  until  we  hadgone past the puddle,  where  the  'ghost'had then appeared to go into the field  atthe left!
   1 Have you got  your  Spectrum into IM2 yet,Ray?.
   1 Have   you   made   or   about   to   makemodifications to the ROM? What  would  youlike to see featured in a custom  version?Send in your thoughts and examples  to  befeatured in AN20.  The  best  get  a  freeprize!
   1 Hassle FERRY GROOTHEDDE (See TRADING  POSTfor address), who wrote  the  SCS-ROM  andhas traced and cured Spectrum bugs.w
   1 Harrier,Surfchamp, Testmatch 128, Universal  Hero,Vendetta, Spectrum + user tapeP
   1 HELP = Halt. No not Walt,  this  key  willbring back the emulator menu which  is  asbelowY
   1 HEIGHT: This is used to take  the  currentPOSITIONS   PATTERN   down   or   up   (insemi-tones). A value of 255 would take thePATTERNs sound down one note, 1 would takeit up 1 note etc.
   1 HCS GLOBAL. 0800 252 252
   1 HALT statement
   1 HACKERS CORNER - Part 4
   1 H: Stop program
   1 Grindleton
   1 Greatful appreciation must go out  to  allwho helped in the production of this  finepublication. Notable thanks must go to:{
   1 Got that? Right, on with the show."
   1 Good job, too, as the paper report is some23k in length!8
   1 Gives a visual display on the contents  ofeach sector of a cartridge.E
   1 Give it a bash, it should  only  take  youfifteen minutes to  familliarise  yourselfwith the program and modify a room.  Aftera  good  few  months,  allowing  time  forpeople to submit their work, we'll get  itcompiled  and  then  shipped  to  all  thelibraries  for   distribution   (IncludingPrism?  Why  not?  Despite  latest   nastytactics,  maybe  plenty  of  our  goodwillgestures will shame them into stop suckingthe sour grapes on their vines  and  sharethe fruits of the Spectrum community  theyhave been alienated  from  for  so  long).Contributors  will  get  their  very   ownspecial pre-release copy of  the  game  tosay thanks.
   1 Getting some sort of printout
   1 Gerrards Cross
   1 George Imrie
   1 Gastackerstrasse 23
   1 Game over - no lives left!
   1 GO SUB 9600
   1 GETTING STARTED (The demo tune)
   1 GENUINE CP/M 2.2 Digital Research Manuals:`6.50/
   1 From there I made my escape East  back  onthe  Snake  Pass  to  Sheffield  where   Ifinally got home at 1:30am.o
   1 From Alchemist Software or
   1 From  this  view  you'll  create   'flightplans' and monitor reports  regarding  thelocation of your enemy. Note that you willnot be able to see any land mass from  thePilot screen, despite being drawn  on  themap.
   1 From  this  screen  you'll  prepare   yourAvenger for take off and landings.  It  isalso the screen on which you will check tomake sure everything is in order. If  it'snot it may be a good idea to return to theArk Royal to  repair  the  problem  beforematters get worse.
   1 From  there  we  stop  for  well  deservedrefreshments and relief for my  bronchitis(Coke, a King size Mars and  paracetamol).It was a simple  drive  from  there  alongsome new motorways to Bury.
   1 Frequently asked questions
   1 Free memory after CAT.
   1 Fountain PD
   1 Fountain  PD,  run  by  demo  coders  Dave'Fudgepacker' Fountain, is  definetly  theplace to go for  Spectrum  PD  demos.  FPDhave a huge selection of  demos  includingmany obscure titles which are hard to findelsewhere. Copying charges are  also  verysmall.
   1 For those  of  you  who  do  not  have theelectronics  skillS  required  to  extractdata from the Sega ROMs, if you would careto have a look at  the code of either ALEXKIDD or ACTION  FIGHTER,  or  both, bung adisc or cassette in  a  Jiffy bag and sendit  to  me  at  the  address  below. DON'Tforget to include  postage stamps to coverthe Jiffy bag's  return  trip back to you,though!
   1 For the purposes of the RS232 standard,  a'circuit' is defined to  be  a  continuouswire from one device to the  other.  Thereare 25 circuits in the full specification,less than half of which are at all  likelyto be found in a given interface.  In  thesimplest case, a full duplex interface maybe  implemented  with  as  few  as   threecircuits. There is  a  certain  amount  ofconfusion associated  with  the  names  ofthese circuits partly  because  there  arethree different naming conventions (commonname, EIA circuit and CCITT circuit name).The table  below  lists  al  three  names,along with the circuit number.
   1 For more help on the Z80 emulator,  pleasefeel free to write to me  at  the  addressbelow.Z
   1 For more details and a copy of  the  firstissue of CLASSIX, send an SAE to:K
   1 For information about Martyn Sherwood  andsome of his  nasty  and  spiteful  antics,please send an SAE and request  our  PrismInformation Sheet.
   1 For day-to-day recording, the  first  hourof  the  tape   is   constantly   re-used.Depending on the quality, the life span ofthe  tape   which   vary,   according   tofrequency of use, video recorder  and  howit's maintained.
   1 For a copy of the catalogue, simply send aSAE to  the  Impact  PD  address.  Regularusers  and   contributors   will   receiveoccasional updates of the  catalogue  withtheir orders or letters. Although there isno Impact PD magazine, if any member wouldlike   to   start   their   own   Spectrumpublication and run it themselves,  IMpactPD  will  give  full  support  with   freeadvertising, articles and PD  software  toreview.
   1 For SAM version and SAM subscriptions.&
   1 Food for thought, isn't it?!
   1 Following the success of  the  'Blackhawk'mission   against   the   Bismarck,   moreAvengers were ordered for  June  1942  forthe battle of Midway. They also took  partin battles against the Japanese at Rubuul,and in February 1944,  Avengers  destroyedmore than 250  Japanese  aircraft  on  theground in the Turk islands.
   1 Flushed with  success,  I  decided to giveACTION  FIGHTER  a  try,  though  it's notreally my type of  game, but it was there,so why not?
   1 First off, I shall introduce myself &  howI found out about Alch News in  the  firstplace.Z
   1 First of all, A$ is stored:
   1 First commercial release
   1 First BetaDOS bug fix
   1 Finally, I'd like to thank  the  followingpeople for helping with this program:O
   1 Finally,  if  you  are  still  a   regularmicrodrive user and would like a  copy  ofthe utilities on cartridge, send  SAE  andcartridge to Alchemist  Research.  Becauseof their valuable nature, you are  advisedto send  it  securely,  wrapped  in  foil.Alchemist Research is the  LAST  and  ONLYservice still providing genuine Microdrivesupport!
   1 Filename null or >10 chars.
   1 File doesn't match RAM.
   1 File copying, save TARGET.
   1 File copying, pre-save.
   1 File copying, pre-load.
   1 File copying, load ORIG.
   1 Faraday Drive
   1 FUEL. The three marked  buttons  representyour three fuel tanks. One  tank  must  beselected before the engine can be started.When one tank is empty, you must switch toanother tank. The main fuel tank is number2, this tank holds  three  times  as  muchfuel as the wing tanks (numbers 1 and 3).
   1 FROM PATTERN (01-31): 01 (the original)'
   1 FROM CHANNEL (A-C): A (the original)$
   1 FOR N=1 TO 0:something: NEXT N
   1 FOR N=0 TO 1
   1 FIXIT device to allow add-ons made for 48kSpectrum to be attached to +3 and  +2a.  2port version: `9.50g
   1 FISH meets Phoenix meets A.R.
   1 FIRST POSIT  (00-63): 00
   1 FIRE button or I
   1 FILING MESSAGES: Text like 'Press PLAY andREC, then any key' begin at 32466 and  endat 32546.]
   1 F: Shade window
   1 F.  Ridout  is  still  selling  an  UNUSEDMultiface 128 with a copy of Lifeguard for`15. He is also  looking  for  a  completelist of EPSON Printer  control  codes  andcommands if anyone can help. Please  writeto:
   1 Expect disappointment as this book is RAREand a collectors item. I have two and no -you can't have one! They change hands  forupwards of `10 but very secretly!
   1 Execute filetype.
   1 Exclusive  Distribution   rights   to%
   1 Every effort will be made to  return  yourorder within 48 hours (two working  days).We hope you enjoy  your  association  withFPD  and  welcome  all  comments  on   ourservice. Your  complaints  will  be  dealtwith swiftly and  with  respect.  Hardwarefailure will result in us  returning  yourorder as soon as possible and with a  FULLrefund. Hopefully  this  will  be  a  rareoccurrence!
   1 Ever  since  that  'nasty  business'  thateveyone knows about, agrees with  at  somepoint,  and  symphasises  with  the   poorpeople concerned, Alchemist  Research  hasbeen everyone's  choice  for  distributingand buying software.
   1 Even today, this game is one of  the  bestflight simulators for the Spectrum. It  isfast, accurate, well detailed and containsaction to boot.
   1 Especially  for  emulator  users  on   theInternet is the  EMULATE  magazine.  Quitesimply a long textfile, the magazine  goesinto great depth of  snapshots,  and  alsofeatures
   1 Ernastrasse 33
   1 Enter Notes/values as for  PATTERN  1.  Tohear your mini song played back we need toset up the POS/PAT/LEN values.r
   1 Enjoy  the   free   issues   of   AlchNewsgentlemen, you certainly deserve them!P
   1 Enigma 42 column shell
   1 Emulator: Load the snapshot RAIDER.#
   1 Emulator Heaven CD-ROM
   1 Emulator  snapshots  and   the   sharewareemulators can be purchased from:J
   1 Emulating the keypad functions+
   1 Elite: Hacking game and files
   1 Elite: Adding a new font
   1 Either version means exactly the  same  asthe definition given before.  If  you  nowwanted to define 'letter', this  could  bewritten in BNF as:
   1 Either of these forms of  notation  simplygive  the  generalised  structure  of  thestatement. For example, you  may  want  todefine an identifier such that:
   1 Edited for the Spectrum by A. Davis#
   1 East Sussex
   1 Each bug will be explained in turn,  alongwith it's cure. The value in  brackets  isthe address we must change for our  customROM.
   1 ESC = Reset.  Yep,  this  will  reset  theemulator just like those uneasy  to  pressbuttons on the 128K +2j
   1 ERROR MESSAGES: They begin at 35010  (0:OKstatement) and  finish  at  35430  (R:Tapeloading error).  Suitable amendments:y
   1 ENGLAND and I'll send you one, if you%
   1 ENGINEER'S screen (press 2) to set the&
   1 EDITORIAL (ii)
   1 EDIT: Selects a character to work on  fromthe display in the lower screen area, putsthe character into the screen in the upperarea.
   1 EDIT: Puts  you  in  the  channel  editingmiddle screen section with an 'underscore'cursor. See PATTERN CREATION.q
   1 E: Border text
   1 E-Mail   : [email protected]$
   1 During 1990-91 there was a  'boom'  of  CBusers on  the  airwaves.  This  led  to  agreat deal of  work  with  CB  technology,wiring equipment, aerials  and  so  on.  Apopular hobby  of  CB  users  were  to  gomobile (fit the CB to the  car  and  visitplaces of interest). One of the places  tovisit was Packman Lane.
   1 Drive,  Malvern,  Worcs,  WR14   2BW,%
   1 Drive out of range.
   1 Dragon 32 (approx. 40 titles)
   1 Don't worry if you are unsure exactlt  howthis   works.   The   following   standardstructures are given in BNF to show  theiroriginal form, but this relates closely tothe equivalent BASIC. And in each case youwill see detailed examples, too.
   1 Dominic Morriss
   1 Dominic Morris's great Software Sale!%
   1 Dominic Morris has done it again! He firstwon the love of +3 users with an  externaldrive by writing CONVERT and TRANS1_2, twoprograms which allowed you  to  read  fromand write to +D discs.  They  bordered  onrevoluationary. They enabled +3 users  thechance to access the most popular Spectrumdisk medium ever.
   1 Do you remember my idea  of  a  EurovisionSong Contest on the Spectrum,  with  tunesby  computer  musicians   all   over   thecontinent? At the time, my marvellous ideawas ridiculed,  and  the  editor  of  thispublication even went so far as to suggestthat I was mentally unstable. (By the way,if you'd like to write  to  me,  I've  nowbeen moved to Ward 7).
   1 Disc operation, drive empty.
   1 Disc format query.
   1 Despite being primarily for the  ZX81,  itis still an excellent and  essential  readfor all Spectrum users,  because  of  it'srelative material. We owe  a  lot  to  theZX81 which  is,  in  a  wierd  sense,  ourcomputing  father!  The  magazine  was  sogood, it inspired  me  to  re-install  theZX81 emulator on my PC and leave it there!
   1 Desmond Tyler
   1 December 16th 1995
   1 David Forrest
   1 David Crookes
   1 DaveAN19.55: Fountain.
   1 Dave got  up  from  his  armchair  in  thecorner, put down his crate of beer,  whichhe ripped off from a convenience store  inWoodhouse, and strided over to Dok.
   1 Dave Ledbury
   1 Dave Fountain, December 1995.
   1 Data array filetype.
   1 Darren Randle
   1 Damaged video cassette
   1 DNCS. 01706 367567
   1 DISCDOS: If you've got a Spectrum +3  withan external drive, the  chances  are  thatyou use TRANS1_2 and CONVERT to  read  andwrite +D  disks.  NO  MORE!  This  programinstalls new commands into Basic  so  thatyou can directly access +D  disks  withoutthe need of  any  further  programs.  V1.0Crippleware - will only CAT and LOAD filesfrom a +D disk. For more details, see  thearticle in this issue.  Supplied  with  +3version of AlchNews only.
   1 DIM A$(1): SAVE D1"name" DATA A$():#
   1 DH: Did it? I thought it ended with a  rowof asterisks.7
   1 DEVICE: Choose between  Tape  or  +D  discsupport.2
   1 DELAY CHANGE: Alters the TEMPO or speed ofthe song. 1 is very  fast  with  15  beingmore than slow!c
   1 DAVID LEDBURY of  Sam  Prime  has  a  widerange  of  Spectrum  software   for   saleranging  from   budgets   to   big   boxedclassics. I've seen this collection and itis absolutely priceless! For more details,send an SAE to:
   1 DA  113   EXTERNAL PIN 15
   1 D: Window mode 'D' toggle
   1 D. Ledbury
   1 D#5 8000 (Note D sharp is being played  inthe fifth OCTAVE, SAMPLE 8 is being used)S
   1 Current projects at Alchemist Research&
   1 Creating .TAP Files for Z80 Emulator$
   1 Crack City - Reincarnation
   1 Converting:
   1 Continue the above  lines  until  all  thearticles have been added.C
   1 Contact Dominic at:
   1 Concluded next issue.
   1 Computing Terms (ii)
   1 Computing Terms (i)
   1 Computer engineers pocket book
   1 Component House
   1 Completed fonts  must  be  converted  intoREMS and merged  with  the  PFNREM  systemprogram to be able to use them  in  screendisplays.  To  do  this  you   will   needFONTREMA which allows you to create a  REMout of a PFN code file. A full instructionmanual  is  supplied  with   FONTREMA   byFountain PD. If you received your FONTREMAprogram from another source that  did  notcome with instruction then we will send itto you for free.
   1 Compiled by Paul Howard
   1 Comms software FREE from ASW or FPD. Ed>(
   1 Commodore Amiga
   1 Commodore 64
   1 Combined Precision Components PLC!
   1 Combe Down
   1 Code not fully loaded.
   1 Code filetype.
   1 Cleaning computer and tape deck   AN6,p120256k RAM?3
   1 Christian Aymard
   1 Chris Thomson
   1 Chris Taylor, Triad
   1 Chris Taylor
   1 Chris Norfolk
   1 Chic Computer Club
   1 Chessington
   1 Check out  what  Andy  has  to  say  aboutCLASSIX in the news section of this issue.T
   1 Catalin Russen, MicroCRIFS
   1 Cat no: 21-73-12
   1 Cat no: 21-56-06
   1 Cat no: 21-10-57
   1 Cat no: 20-86-20
   1 Cat no: 20-71-95
   1 Case 1: The Packman Lane Ghost
   1 Carma ref: 2869FN
   1 Carma ref: 2861MX
   1 Carma ref: 2861FN
   1 Carma code: 2954FN
   1 Carma code: 2861FN
   1 Carl has only been a customer of AlchemistResearch for a couple of  months,  but  inthat time has been  a  great  pleasure  towork with. He's  pretty  talented  with  aSpectrum, a great conversationist, and  isa worthy member of our team. Despite beingan open ex-customer  of  Prism,  we  couldhave easily treated his new 'arrival' withscepticism, but  we  have  all  (includingother groups) welcomed him with open  armsand gladly appreciated  him  speaking  outabout the shoddy  service  he  experiencedwith Prism.
   1 Can't boot DOS from disc.
   1 CUSTOM ROM: A 16k modified  ROM  file  foruse with the PC emulators  or  +2a  /  +3.It's  supplied  inconjunction   with   thearticle on ROM customising in this issue. Copyright Amstrad / A. Davis
   1 CURVED ARROWS:  Used  to  rotate/  reflectedited characters.<
   1 CURRAH U-SLOT. Two port Spectrum  adaptor,uncased (tested): `4>
   1 CPC Undercover
   1 CPC UNDERCOVER (magazine)
   1 COMPASS. Third square box. (Lower).  Givescompass direction of travel.F
   1 CODE MOVE s,l,d: Moves a block of memory. Thanks to the versatility of the program, it treats all 'low' memory  as  Multiface RAM, so you don't need seperate  commands to put and get code from the Multiface.   The variables s,l,d denote:
   1 CODE MOVE 9000,6912,16384 would get the   screen picture from the Multiface andO
   1 CODE MOVE 16384,6912,9000 would store a   screen  picture  in  the  Multiface  at   address 9000.a
   1 CODE  ERASE:  Clears  the  Multiface  RAM (8361-16338) of any code.C
   1 CLR: Clears the character from  the  upperedit box.3
   1 CLR SET:  Clears  current  font  from  theEditors memory.9
   1 CLEAR POSITION:  This  clears  the  valuesheld in POSITION/PATTERN.C
   1 CLEAR PATTERN: This clears the entire songfrom memory.6
   1 CLEAR : VERIFY D1"name" DATA A$()!
   1 CLEAR : LET A$="text":
   1 CLEAR (start-1):LOAD "filename" CODE$
   1 CLASSIX is the small magazine for  James'sSpectrum finder service.  It  promises  totrack down any elusive piece of  hardware,software or book,  and  you  don't  pay  apenny until it's found.
   1 CI  112   DATA RATE SELECTOR   24  XTC&
   1 CHRISTIAN AYMARD is on the lookout for thefollowing programs:=
   1 CHANGE PATTERNS lENGTH: Alters the  numberof entries that can be  made  in  any  onepattern. The default is 63 (as the ST uses0 as a starting number, thats  64  to  youand me). Put simply, this means  you  have64 chances to make a sound in  a  channel.You have three  channels  per  pattern  sothat's erm, 192 possible bits of sound perpattern (and a right old racket that wouldmake).
   1 CF  109   DATA CARRIER DETECT   9!
   1 CD  108.2 DATA TERMINAL READY  21  SQ%
   1 CC  107   DATA SET READY
   1 CB  106   CLEAR TO SEND
   1 CATALIN  RUSSEN  would  like  some   Amigacontacts, wishing to swap tips, advice andsoftware for the Amiga. If you would  likean Amiga penpal, please write to:
   1 CAT without a drive no.
   1 CAT message before drive no.
   1 CAT message after drive no.
   1 CARTOD is a cartridge to tape copier. It'sprimary role  is  to  dump  programs  fromMicrodrive to  tape,  which  can  then  betransferred onto a +D disk  system.  Sincethere are few microdrive to  tape  copiersavailable, this is most useful.
   1 CANNON BC01 inkjet cartridges, `5  each  o14 for `50.5
   1 CABLE for 128k or QL RS232 to  printer  ormodem: `6.506
   1 CA  105   REQUEST TO SEND
   1 CA  104   RECEIVE DATA
   1 C: Change font
   1 C359: ED B0
   1 C356: 01 00 40
   1 C353: 11 30 75
   1 C350: 21 00 00
   1 C to F: Not used
   1 By using different  SAMPLEs  and  OCTAVES,you can create a whole range of  differentsounds like basslines, percussion  effects(drum patterns) and good  old  sing-a-longtunes. Once  you've  filled  up  the  0-63'boxes' then select STOP (this  exits  youfrom EDIT mode) and select  PATTERN  (thiswill playback the data you have entered asPATTERN 1.
   1 By the way, if anyone wants to contact  me(especially  Emma   Wray   (please!)   forwhatever reason (always glad to  speak  tofellow Speccy users) then my address is:
   1 By the time you read this, British"
   1 By Robert Purchase of Technium 220"
   1 By Richard Coles
   1 By Paul Warr
   1 By Paul Howard
   1 By Lawrence E. Hughes
   1 By Graham Collier
   1 By Dominic Morris
   1 By Dave Forrest
   1 By  the  way,  when   you   select   printcatalogue on the 'C' CAT  (PC)  DISC  menuSNAP READER will  automatically  turn  theport on then, when printing  is  finished,will reset the port to your chosen value.
   1 Buying a VCR
   1 But, time was progressing and Matt had  toscoot for some Xmas shopping, so  we  badehim a fond farewell and drove on.u
   1 But, the pros far outweigh the petty  consand I would advise  anyone  who  likes  tohave fun with  their  Spectrum  and  lovesobscure  bits  of  hardware  with  endlessscope for expansion to get one soon!
   1 But, it's not the big graphics that make adocument. Often it's the little ones  thatreally make  the  difference.  A  wildlifeclub newsletter would look  most  pleasingwith a lion here and a cat there.
   1 But, I digress, the original point of thisarticle was to ask  you,  the  readers  ofthis magazine, to get in touch with me  inmy quest to compile an even  bigger  arrayof programs for the next  edition  of  theCD-ROM.
   1 But when taking  into  account  the  vast amount  of  material  on  the  CD   these disadvantages are far out-weighed by  the advantages. I can't really comment on the legal  issue  of   providing   commercial games, but the CD  is  widely  available, implying that the  distributors  are  not worried about any aspects of this issue.
   1 But this is the main problem: Arcade BBS  runs in 80 columns, but due to theL
   1 But there would be  no  point  in  storingnumbers in these  circuits  without  beingable to find them again. So each eight-bitmemory is given an address. In  a  machinewith a total  memory  space  of  64K,  forexample, you need 64K addresses - one  foreach location.
   1 Bury was the location of Malcolm Mackenzie(plus lots of my  relatives),  who  neededthe disk from earlier (just  like  a  realadventure!), and would  provide  hostelry.Although he was a little  shy  of  puttingthe kettle on (we Yorkists require  a  cupof tea every 30 minutes or we  wither  anddie), the place was  great  with  lots  ofmoggies!
   1 Bruce Gordon of MGT?!
   1 Brief Keyguide
   1 Brian Watson,  8-BIT
   1 Brian Watson
   1 Brian Gaff, BG Services
   1 Brian Gaff
   1 Brandlesholme
   1 Both programs do the exact same, they copythe 16384 bytes of ROM to address 3M
   1 Booting DOS successful.
   1 Boot message, top line.
   1 Boot message, middle line.
   1 Boot message, bottom line.
   1 Bogie  : [email protected]
   1 Bl: L11  Ap: 86
   1 Bill Richardson, EEC
   1 Bill Richardson
   1 Bill Clark
   1 Beyond that lies an area of spare memory. This allows the memory areas  either  sideof it to grow, until  STKEND  meets  stackpointer and the Spectrum will tell you  itis out of memory.
   1 Before you venture out into the war  zone,it's a good idea to  practice  flying  theAvenger - even if you already have  plentyof flying experience.
   1 Battletracker will probably be finished   (if Bogie ever sends his part!), so go andget it now! This is your chance to vote   for the best Speccy musician in the UK!!!
   1 Basically it is  exactly  the  same  as  aspectrum. The screen size is the same, butif you wish you can switch  to  NTSC  mode(via a NTSC command  from  dos,  availablefrom most PD, or me (for a teeny fee)) andthis  speeds  the  emulator  up   a   tinyfraction and expands the  screen  size.  Iquite like this mode.
   1 Basic compilers
   1 BREAK during +D operation.
   1 BG Services: [email protected]&
   1 BG Services will probably be able to help with 3) and 4), but the rest you'll have  to sort out for yourself!!!o
   1 BG Services officially ceased  trading  on26/10/95. The intention  is  to  carry  onsupporting Z80 by G.A.Lunter and the  tapeinterface under the B G Services name, butother items listed  here  are  only  whilestocks last.
   1 BBC BASIC Emulator (not the machine, only the langyage is emulated at the moment).R
   1 BASIC: Executes  any  user  defined  Basicthat you have built into the  Basic  (i.e.Cat of Disc system). Several  versions  ofthe PFN EDITOR exsist, the best  of  whichis Miles Kinlochs version which includes aRamDisc  option  for  128k  Spectrums  andimproved Error trapping. This  version  isavailable from Fountain PD.
   1 BASIC filetype.
   1 BASIC disability pokes
   1 BA  103   TRANSMIT DATA
   1 Autorun program filename.
   1 Author: Mike Mee
   1 Atari 400/800
   1 At the time of this  historic  event,  theAvenger was only a prototype - so even themost experienced pilots needed to  quicklyfamiliarize themselves  with  its  variouscontrols.
   1 At perhaps  the  most  critical  point  ofWorld War II, you take on the  role  of  adive bomber  pilot.  You  have  been  sentaboard the huge aircraft carrier  HMS  ArkRoyal, your mind on one mission - to  seekand destroy the most feared German warshipon the high seas, the Bismarck.
   1 At one point of the lane is a dip, a  deadtree, and the point where a  white  figureruns across  the  road,  literally  inchesfrom the car,  causing  drivers  to  brakesharply, skid, panic and everything else!
   1 As you can see, INT PI is half of VAL  "3"in memory terms. Don't forget that  PI  onits own can be used whenever  it  will  berounded up automatically (eg POKE X,PI  orPAPER PI).
   1 As to where you can obtain the actual .SNAfiles from; there are  many  sources,  forexample:\
   1 As the clock struck ten, I thought it  washigh time we had overstayed  our  welcome.David, on the other hand, seemed to have nintention of going! In the end he  had  tobe forcible removed! It  was  then  I  wasgiven the final bombshell - could  I  takehim home?
   1 As the Sega ROM could possibly hold 64K ofdata, I  decided  to  load  it to SpectrumRAM in two 32K blocks.j
   1 As mentioned above,  the  address  is  twobytes  long  and   requires   two   memorylocations to store it. The Spectrum breaksthe four-digit hex address;  for  instancethe normal RAMTOP address FF57,  into  twoparts, FF and 57.
   1 As it turned out, the  hack I needed to dowas in the first  32K of the game, address381D, a DEC, HL  op code, which decrementsthe timer counter.
   1 As far as can be ascertained, Mr  Sherwoodadvertised these programs in January 1995,began distributing them in February,  thenasked Theo for  permission  to  do  so  inMarch! To quote from a letter from Theo toAndy Davis, dated 28th March 1995:
   1 As far as I know there are no bugs in thisprogram (if you find any,  please  let  meknow) but anyway:e
   1 As everybody knows, the  computer  is  farfrom sophisticated. When you boot  up  theSpectrum, EVERY TIME,  the  chosen  randomnumbers will be the same! So, whatever youdo, do NOT buy a lottery number  generatorprogram!
   1 As digital signals (switched  DC  voltage,such as square waves) are used, as opposedto analogue signals (continuously  varyingvoltage, such as sine waves) a  very  widebandwidth channel (such as direct wire) isrequired.  A  limited  bandwidth   channel(such as  a  phone  circuit)  would  causesevere  and  unacceptable  distortion  andconsequent loss of information.
   1 As an emulator it is superb. It  is  quiteconfigurable and incredibly easy  to  use.The only annoying aspect is that  I  wouldsay about 85% of games run a little slowerthan the proper spectrum, especially  oneswritten in Basic.
   1 As above, but with Disciple  emulation  onPC drive: `207
   1 As above but REGISTERED with tape  supportand extra utilities to read +D  discs  andcreate GIFs from  SCREEN$s.  Tape  supportvia sound card or interface: `15
   1 As  you  may  have  noticed,  many   BASICprograms use VAL expressions, eg LET A=VAL"20" instead of LET A=20.  If  both  thesestatements do the same thing,  surely  thelatter  is  shorter  and  therefore   morememory efficient? No! In fact, all numberscarry  a   hidden   five-byte   qualifier,without   which   the   computer
   1 As  mentioned  earlier,  don't  enter  anynumbers in the last three values per  box.These values are used to enhance the soundwith added effects and is covered in  fullwithin the ADVANCED guide.
   1 As  for  programming,  since   the   voicecontroller works in Basic, programming  issimple. You  need  not  use  the  keyboardagain!  You  could  even  create  passwordsystems based upon your voice,  or  secretcommands!
   1 Arnold Yates has been kind enough to  helpa number of people, and has sold  a  greatdeal of Spectrum  equipment  at  very  lowprices. Arnold has also recently  suffereda bereavement, but bravely  soldiered  on,much to the admiration of us all.
   1 Armeggeddon,  Bubble   Buster,   ChequeredFlag,  Chess,,  Feud,  Fighting   Warrior,Finders Keepers, Fist,  Flight  Simulator,Gauntlet,   Ghostbusters,   Horace
   1 Are you looking for old spectrum software?Do you desperately want to track down thatclassic adventure game, or get your  handson  those  rare   utilities   which   werereleased way back in the  early  eighties?
   1 Are now available for `2.45, including P&Pfrom:/
   1 Arcade BBS is an Acorn Archimedes BBS -   but don't worry, you don't need one toP
   1 Apparently, it is not uncommon for people to contact  the  DPA  in  this  way.  It'susually someone who  does  it  because  ofjealously or has A grudge. In these cases,where a  "rival"  gets  in  touch,  it  iscommon practice  to  also  check  out  thecomplainant, just to make  sure  THEY  areabiding to the rules. This  revealed  someVERY surprising information  about  MartynSherwood, see later!
   1 Apart from this  there  might  be  anotherpossibility:6
   1 Apart from producing regular mailshots, wealso run a Games Finder Service. For a feeof  just  `2  (plus  the   cost   of   thesoftware), we will endeavour to track downany item of Spectrum software for you. Butyou pay absolutely NOTHING until  we  findyour desired item.
   1 Anyway, to test  it  out,  I began playingthe in-built  game,  ALEX  KIDD.  I didn'tcare too much  for  the hand controller sothat  was  removed   and,  with  a  littlejiggery pokery, I wired in a joystick thatcame with a +3 I bought second hand a yearago, though, had  never  used  it as I am,and always will be, a keyboard player.
   1 Anyway, the reason for this article is  tohopefully persuade someone  with  a  greatdeal  of  +D  programming  knowledge  intomaking a disk compressor.
   1 Anyway, DISCDOS is here. +3 users can findthe crippleware version on their  AlchNewsdisk.Y
   1 Any tune on the SOUNDTRACKER is made up ofdifferent  parts;  SAMPLES   (the   actualsounds you hear), PATTERNS (they hold  theorder of notes  to  be  played),  CHANNELS(you can have three channels of sound  perPATTERN) and POSITIONS (the order in whichPATTERNS are linked together to  constructtunes).
   1 Any of you who know more  about  AlchemistResearch  know  that  the  computing   andSpectrum side is just one tiny  aspect  ofit. We also cover  lots  of  other  areas,including
   1 Antony Purvis
   1 Antillis Mission
   1 Ant   Attack,   Avalon,   Blue
   1 Another short cut is to use "E  notation",for want of a better name.  The  letter  Ewithin a number 1E+x means that there  arex noughts after the 1, so 1E+6 is equal toa million, or 1
   1 Another project which I had  been  puttingoff for quite a long time was the externaltape socket for the +2. When the  internaldrive went, some five years ago, I quicklyadded a jack plug with some  wire  to  theappropriate wires of  the  +2,  hoping  tofind the  time  to  get  it  done  in  thefuture. I never did!
   1 Another full catalogue  program.  It  usesAndy Pennel's PRINT#14 routines to squeezemore than 32 characters on one  line.  Theprogram  is  slow  enough,  without   thisroutine making it worse!
   1 Another case of  illegal  distribution  byPrism PD involves the AlchNews 10C update.Mr  Sherwood  disagreed  with  an  articlefeatured in this update, and in  a  letterto Andy dated 14th February 1995 he  said,and I quote:
   1 Another 'essential' utility. This  programis  used  when  you  find  a   number   ofunloadable files on your cartriges.  Afteryou  have   transferred   the   salvagableprograms  to  another  drive,   use   thisprogram to format your cartridge and  sealoff the bad areas.
   1 Andy Davis, Alchemist Research.
   1 Andy Davis for passing it on  to  Miles,(
   1 Andy Davis Bsc
   1 Andrew Parish
   1 And that's all you need to know to become a fully qualified Speccy e-mail expert!Q
   1 And that is not all we offer. In addition,we are soon to turn our mailshots  into  afully  blown  fanzine!  CLASSIX,  will  bededicated  to  old  /   classic   Spectrumsoftware  (before  1990),   bringing   youbargain software, reviews, re-evaluations,original   comment,   tips,   and
   1 And now a word of warning, if people send you huge e-mails, kindly tell them not to,as it's your phone bill remember. This is not so much of a problem at the weekend,  as you can have a full 30 mins online for just a pound. If like me, you end up
   1 And here's another complaint to the editorof this so-called cucumber. Er,  magazine.I recently had the generosity to send in asuperbly   written
   1 And finally, the  PC  disk  compressor  iscalled Teledisk and it  is  used  all  thetime for backing up +D disks on my PC.  Itis a lot slower than the Atari one, but itgets the job done all the same.  The  downside is that none of the machines programsare interchangable, unlike other forms  ofarchive files.
   1 And finally the last two items  are  addedtogether:3
   1 An integral force in both the Atlantic andPacific naval campaigns, Grumman  Avengersalso engaged in anti-submarine operations.They were carried out  from  small  escortcarriers beginning in  February  1943.  Bythe spring of  1944  they  had  eliminatedenemy  submarines  from  all   the   majorshipping lines.
   1 An identifier is defined as a letter or   a digit.2
   1 An executed  IN  A,  (F7) instruction fromthe Spectrum will  take  the  IORQ, RD andA3 of the Spectrum address lines low. Whenthis  occurs  the  final  output  from thegated nor gates will also go low, enablingthe ROM and the hex tri-state buffers.
   1 An essential utiltity, giving you an extra5-10k per disk. It allows  you  to  defineexactly how large you want your  cartridgeformatting. This could be  useful  if  youproduce a microdrive resident program  andwish to avoid leaving any excess space  onthe disk.
   1 An article of mine in  AN17  claimed  thatMartyn  Sherwood  of  Prism  PD  had  beenillegally  distributing  software.   Afterlengthy correspondence with Mr Sherwood, Iagreed to print another article retractingthis statement. However (that  word  wouldbe in italics, if there were any!),  thereis substantial evidence to support it.
   1 An article from a PC user 
   1 An Alchemist Tutorial
   1 Amy Pandagirl
   1 Amstrad PCW
   1 Amstrad 464/6128
   1 Amongst the things  mentioned,  there  areother  little  things   that   are   worthmentioning like keys and what they do.z
   1 Amiga Speccy Emulator
   1 Amiga Emulator:
   1 Always obsessed  with  my  own  'personal'configuration of a computer, when I  foundthat the +2a /  +3  could  allow  this  tohappen, I was hooked! There  was  once  anarticle in CRASH which allowed you to  putyour ROM into a modified Multiface, but  Iwould never desecrate such a device!
   1 Although sometimes a little temperamental,and  refusing  to  work  at  all  on   theemulator,  this  program  does  what   theInterface 1 filing  commands  should  havebeen at the beginning.
   1 Although it  works  well  on  the  genuinething, this program formats cartridges  to0k on the emulator!g
   1 Altering 13308 to 170 and 13309 to 4  makethe routine dump  the  values  in  a  safeplace - on top  of  an  out-dated  routinethat was accidentally left in  place  whenSpectrum BASIC was developed from  the  8kZX-81 BASIC. (43308,170 & 43309,4)
   1 Also, SNAP READER 4a cannot be  used  withBeta DOS or certain  G-DOS  modifications.To see which ones,  load  SNAP  READER  4awith G-DOS installed (if you load up  withBeta DOS installed then SNAP  READER  willtell you, and stop itself)  and  read  theinstructions
   1 Also at the top of the  screen  there  arethe options to save to either tape or disketc, which joystick port 2 is going to be,Kempston, Sinclair 1 or 2, or Cursor.
   1 Also  available  is  the  JET  SET   WILLYEDITOR. This allows you to  edit  Jet  SetWilly to make it easier,  or  harder  but,more importantly, the chance to create JETSET WILLY 4 - Will they  ever  give  it  arest?
   1 Almost every aspect of the  Spectrum  has been included and  is  easily  accessible using the  software  provided.  There  is even  a  collection  of   demos   and   a directory of collections of games, so for example you  can  find  all  the  'Dizzy' games  in  one   place   or   if   you're interested in adventures you can find all those by your  favourite  team,  such  as Delta 4 or Level 9. There is a collection of 16/48 magazine programs,  in  fact  it really  would  be   difficult   to   find something that isn't here.
   1 Allow the glue  to  dry  and  then  gentlytwist the spools to make the tape tight.R
   1 Allie Weston
   1 All you need is the following: (in true   Blue Peter style);
   1 All the address and data lines except A15,were  wired  directly   to   the  ROM,  sointernal   hardwareg
   1 All that remains is for me, the editor, towish you all the best and that I hope  youenjoy the issue, and enjoyed  my  extendededitorial!
   1 All software is archived on 3M 3.5"  discs(including a  set  of  duplicate  back  updiscs). For disc to disc transfer  we  usethe excellent  DISCMATE  copier  and  thencheck target discs with  FILE  TEST  v2.0.For tape copying we use  the  DT+  utilitywhich removes the +D d* loader syntax (letus  know  if  you'd  like  it  left  in!).Obviously we cannot verify every  cassettefull of software but we  have  made  everyeffort to ensure high quality tape copies.The quality of the tape  you  send  us  isvital to ensure good first  time  loading.We highly recommend standard TDK D60's.
   1 All programs supplied have  tutorials  andinformation files, supplied  in  AlchNews.See the INDEX pages for more details.y
   1 All of the above applies to interfacing  aDTE device to a DCE device.  In  order  tointerface two DTE devices, it  is  usuallysufficient to provide a  'flipped'  cable,in which the pairs (TD,RD)  (RTS,CTS)  and(DTR,DSR) have been flipped. Hence, the TDof one DTE is connected to the RD  of  theother  DTE  and  vice  versa.  It  may  benecessary to  wrap  various  of  the  handshaking lines back around from the DTR  oneach end in order to have both ends  work.In a similar anner, 2 DCE devices  can  beinterfaced to each other.
   1 All file slots used.
   1 All being well, your cursor should now be just after the word "Subject:". For the   e-mail to work correctly, you must nowz
   1 All Star LC series: `1
   1 All Andy needs to do is to add the  selectarticle options for .TAP  file  users  andyou can select your  file  and  using  theBrowse option of the  TAP  menu,  you  canreposition the 'tape' to any file you wantto read.
   1 Alf Fairwheather
   1 Alchemist Research address
   1 Alchemist  Research  stocks  a  two   disccollection of GREMLIN games.S
   1 AlchNews,   the   Spectrum's   top   mediamagazine,  is   released   quarterly   andcontains  a  wide  variety  of   articles,ranging  from  tutorials  and  reviews  tohumour  and  the  paranormal.  Write   forsubscription details.
   1 AlchNews price breakdown
   1 AlchNews 128k:
   1 Albert Harper
   1 Alan has been a close friend  for  a  longtime, often sending me goodies he's pickedus, as well as going out  of  his  way  tohelp Albert Harper.
   1 Alan Clarkson, Crashed
   1 Alan Clarkson
   1 Again,  can  vary  widely,  due   to   thepurchasing power of individual stores, butStaples are selling  a  ream  of  Reyspeed80gsm copier plain A4 paper  for  `3.99  +VAT, or just `3.39 per  ream  if  you  buyfive.
   1 After wiring the  above,  and  using  nullmodem settings as detailed in a  Microsoftguide and the  Newnes  Computer  EngineersPocket Handbook, I gave it a try, using  acomms package for Windows on  the  PC  andSpecterm on the Spectrum.
   1 After receiving Alchemist 18 from Andy  inlots of seperate TAP files for  my  PC,  Istarted the usual task of  recreating  themagazine into the space saving single .TAPfile which all of the multiple file issuesof  Alch  News  are  stored   on   my   PCharddrive.
   1 After meeting Nelson (sporting messy  hairand dubious moustache),  we  went  to  thelocal Mc'Donalds to await the first comingof Matt.
   1 After a long  playtest  of  the  game,  wemoved on to looking at the finer points ofthe SAM. I  must  say  that  it's  a  nicemachine but (hah, you  knew  there  was  acatch!) it was  tooled  up  with  lots  ofmemory and drives. And if  you  need  thatmuch to back up a computer to have  it  becalled good, it's a sorry sight indeed.
   1 After a file is selected, a short  machinecode routine  is  created  on  the  screen(16384-16721), which  loads  and  executesthe snapshot. Sadly,  there  is  no  otherspace in the memory for this routine to belocated,   so   screen
   1 After a bad launch, the tape magazine  hasdecided to close down. "Issue 2  only  hadTWO  readers",  said  the  editor  RichardColes.
   1 After I showed him the Spectrum, and  it'sinability to retain  information  in  it'smemory after power off, and explained  howAlchNews was written and that our members'and contacts' details are  all  stored  onrecord cards, no more needed to be said.
   1 After  spending  several  moments  calmingdown, we turned around and  made  the  runagain, this time going slower.r
   1 After  loading  is   complete,   you   arepresented with an  ominous  pause.  It  isthen where you press a key to see  if  thegame  has  actually  loaded  or   crashed!Thankfully, out of trying dozens of games,none actually crashed! But,  reports  havebeen made about crashes down  to  keyboardemulation of the host emulator.
   1 Adventures:
   1 Adrian  Mole,   Black   Crystal,   Cluedo,Doomsday Castle, Gyron, Head  over  Heels,The Hobbit,  Pettigrew  Diaries,  Psytron,Valyrie 17 (no instr), The Sold a million,They sold a million 3, Tasword 2, LinkwordFrench, GAC, Dream (learn mc)
   1 Add `9.50 for FIXIT for +2a / +3 users&
   1 Above it are 168  memory  locations  whichhold  the  representations  of   21   userdefined graphics. However as RAMTOP  is  asystem variable, it can be moved  down  inmemory,  pushing  the  GOSUB  and  machinestacks down into the spare bytes. This  isdone when you are  writing  machine  code.Usually a machine code program  is  tuckedin above the lowered  RAMTOP  so  that  itcannot be overwritten by a BASIC program.  P-RAMT is the physical top of the RAM, inother  words  there  are  no  more  memorylocations on the  Spectrum's  chips  afterthis point. Although P-RAMT is  fixed,  asfar as the Spectrum is concerned it  is  asystem variable with its address stored inlocations 23,732 and 23,733 (5CB5 and 5CB6in hex). And  you  can  POKE  values  intothese and other locations to  make  a  48KSpectrum think it's a 16K machine.
   1 Above  the  spare  bytes  is  the  machinestack. This is used by the machine  itselfwhen a BASIC program is RUN. But when  youwrite machine code you  get  a  chance  tomanipulate it yourself.
   1 AUTHOR: Mike Mee
   1 AT 12,12;"LEFT  ";l$;AT  14,12;"RIGHT%
   1 ASDA are selling TDK 90 tapes in a pack offive for `1.99.9
   1 ASCII areas in +D DOS
   1 ARTIFICIAL  HORIZON.  Third   round   dial(Upper). This shows you where the  horizonis in relation to the  water  out  of  thepilot's   window.   This   is   especiallyvaluable when flying in clouds or  in  lowvisibility situations.
   1 ARRESTER. This hook which dangles from therear of the Avenger is used to catch on tothe landing cables on the deck of the  ArkRoyal. Without it you would not be able tostop the aircraft on such a short  landingstrip without  it  going  over  the  side.Ensure it  is  DOWN  before  attempting  alanding.
   1 AR quits the IEBA
   1 ANDREW  MARSHALL  has  the  following  forsale:/
   1 AN8,p141Tasword systems
   1 AN8,p137128 Renumber changes
   1 AN8,p135Clive Sinclair picture
   1 AN8,p134Magic Button (iv)
   1 AN8,p131Upgrade your Z80 chip
   1 AN8,p120What Now
   1 AN8,p120Secret of St.Brides Tips 
   1 AN8,p110Using Fax paper on thermals#
   1 AN8,p106IEBA (ZAT) launched
   1 AN8,p104Soapbox: Unscrupulous cash ins&
   1 AN7,p154Rasputin & Propac PD close"
   1 AN7,p141Spellunker 3
   1 AN7,p138192 line copy routine
   1 AN7,p134External +2 tape lead / socket&
   1 AN7,p132128k RS232
   1 AN7,p132 Magic Button (iv)
   1 AN7,p126Spellunkler tipstore
   1 AN7,p124Other adventure Tips
   1 AN7,p110Making amendments to AlchNews%
   1 AN7,p110Changes to AR
   1 AN7,p102Establishing special user clubs   AN7,p150Forth User GroupB
   1 AN6,p140Terrormolinos
   1 AN6,p12832 column system, even faster%
   1 AN6,p127Magic Button (iii)
   1 AN6,p125Custom ROM program tips
   1 AN6,p110Spectrum Gold - Steven Mullen%
   1 AN5,p143Monitor sockets
   1 AN5,p110APD grows
   1 AN5,p102Hisoft Basic to machine code$
   1 AN4,p148The MF, Genie and Lifeguard#
   1 AN4,p146Clock, font and edit routines%
   1 AN4,p144Spectrum video signal improved&
   1 AN4,p120Espionage Island Solution!
   1 AN4,p120APD update
   1 AN4,p110APD Launch
   1 AN3,p170New instant 42 column system$
   1 AN3,p165Spellunker 1
   1 AN3,p163Hisoft Basic and Compilers"
   1 AN3,p133128-48 flip routine
   1 AN3,p1302 Specs and a VTX (comms)!
   1 AN3,p130 Magic Button (iii)
   1 AN3,p121Installing a font
   1 AN2,p187Doomsday
   1 AN2,p183Hisoft Basic
   1 AN2,p181Wheels of Fire compilation"
   1 AN2,p176Stunt Car Racer
   1 AN2,p176MORE FROM PAW - Basics
   1 AN2,p170Antillis Mission Review
   1 AN2,p167Magic Button (ii)
   1 AN2,p167 Magic Button (ii)
   1 AN2,p16542 column print driver
   1 AN2,p161Preliminary Magic Button (i)$
   1 AN2,p141Clock, font and edit routines%
   1 AN2,p140Protecting your SAVEs
   1 AN2,p139fault finding and DIY repair$
   1 AN2,p139Extra UDGs in 128k mode
   1 AN2,p112VTX 5000 tips
   1 AN1963 : CLASSIX.  Article  about  a   new*
   1 AN19.D    
   1 AN19.C    W"
   1 AN19.9 : ON   THE   GO.   Some
   1 AN19.9    6
   1 AN19.8 : SNAPLOAD. Listing and guide to  a*
   1 AN19.8    
   1 AN19.77: More smalls  and  software  lists*
   1 AN19.77   
   1 AN19.76: Other paper  services,  PCW,  CPC*
   1 AN19.76   
   1 AN19.75: Paper  /   tape   magazines   and*
   1 AN19.75   _
   1 AN19.74   6
   1 AN19.73   
   1 AN19.72: SNAPREAD4.  At   the   start   ofAN19.73: AlchNews  19,  we  featured   theAN19.74: first snapshot loader. Now, at th~
   1 AN19.72   D
   1 AN19.71: BG SERVICES. Closing  down  to  a*
   1 AN19.71   
   1 AN19.70   T
   1 AN19.7 : FERRY GOOD.  An  introduction  by*
   1 AN19.7    
   1 AN19.69: HACKERS  CORNER.  Part  4,   withAN19.70: Graham Collier.B
   1 AN19.69   
   1 AN19.68: SOFTWARE  TOUCH  SCREEN.   Create*
   1 AN19.68   
   1 AN19.67: SINCLAIR  EXPRESS.  The  magazine*
   1 AN19.67   
   1 AN19.66: ON   TRIAL.   The
   1 AN19.66   
   1 AN19.65   7
   1 AN19.64: MICRODRIVE UTILITIES. Tutorial toAN19.65: the programs available  from  ASWT
   1 AN19.64   b
   1 AN19.63   x
   1 AN19.62: PLUS D MESSAGES.  The  definitiveAN19.63: guide by Paul Howard.H
   1 AN19.62   
   1 AN19.61: TAP FILING. Modifying AlchNews to*
   1 AN19.61   &
   1 AN19.60: EMULEARNING. Getting some sort of*
   1 AN19.60   
   1 AN19.6 : FILECON. Converting PC text files*
   1 AN19.6    
   1 AN19.59: CD  REVIEW.  A  review   of   the*
   1 AN19.59   
   1 AN19.58   
   1 AN19.57: PAULS PIX. Graphical humour.%
   1 AN19.57   g
   1 AN19.56   
   1 AN19.55   L
   1 AN19.54   g
   1 AN19.53   
   1 AN19.52: SPECCY  WORLD  RECORDS.  Hard  to*
   1 AN19.52   
   1 AN19.51   
   1 AN19.50   
   1 AN19.5 : DISCDOS. The latest and  best  +3*
   1 AN19.5    V
   1 AN19.49   
   1 AN19.48: RS232 BOO HOO. A  thorough  guideAN19.49: to  the  RS232   and   it's   pinAN19.50: connections.  With  full   colourAN19.51: pictures of all ports.
   1 AN19.48   
   1 AN19.47   
   1 AN19.46   
   1 AN19.45   
   1 AN19.44: NIGHT RAIDER. Comprehensive guideAN19.45: and tutorial to this issue's freeAN19.46: game.b
   1 AN19.44   
   1 AN19.43: TELEDISK. The +D disk compressor.*
   1 AN19.43   
   1 AN19.42: SNATCH THE STRIPE.  How to create*
   1 AN19.42   _
   1 AN19.41: THE  ALCH  FILES.  File  1,   The*
   1 AN19.41   
   1 AN19.40: SNAPSHOT   SEARCH.   Mike"
   1 AN19.40   (
   1 AN19.4    
   1 AN19.39   
   1 AN19.38: BASIC SHORTCUTS.  Save  time  andAN19.39: memory with these natty tricks.R
   1 AN19.38   z
   1 AN19.37   
   1 AN19.36   2
   1 AN19.35: ALCHNEWS   INDEX.   ComprehensiveAN19.36: guide to all articles from issuesAN19.37: 1 to 18.e
   1 AN19.35   X
   1 AN19.34   
   1 AN19.33: SPECTRUM EMAIL. Finally, put thatAN19.34: old VTX5000 to good use!K
   1 AN19.33   
   1 AN19.32: IPD. Guide to yet  another  great*
   1 AN19.32   c
   1 AN19.31: NEW SERVICES.  New groups to  hit*
   1 AN19.31   
   1 AN19.30   6
   1 AN19.3    
   1 AN19.29: PAULS  RANTINGS.  Features  PrismAN19.30: comments and a new game format.R
   1 AN19.29   
   1 AN19.28: ABCD AWARDS.  More trusted  souls*
   1 AN19.28   M
   1 AN19.27: MULTIFACE  MADNESS.  Tutorial  to*
   1 AN19.27   f
   1 AN19.26   
   1 AN19.25: MEMORIES ARE MADE  OF  THIS.  HowAN19.26: the Spectrum remembers things.Q
   1 AN19.25   
   1 AN19.24: MEDIA PRICES.  A look at the best*
   1 AN19.24   
   1 AN19.23: SOKOBAN.  Crap  game  corner   is*
   1 AN19.23   
   1 AN19.22: WILLY  RETURNS.  The  most  loved*
   1 AN19.22   
   1 AN19.21: VIDEO TAPE REPAIR. A useful guide*
   1 AN19.21   c
   1 AN19.20   [
   1 AN19.2 : PFN  TUTORIAL.   Guide   to   the*
   1 AN19.2    ,
   1 AN19.19: STAR USERS CLUB. A second look atAN19.20: ribbon prices, including the  newT
   1 AN19.19   p
   1 AN19.18: THE
   1 AN19.18   
   1 AN19.17: FPD.   Information   about   this*
   1 AN19.17   
   1 AN19.16: TRUKY RANDOM?  Why  the  Spectrum*
   1 AN19.16   
   1 AN19.15: AMIGA  EMULATOR.  Review  of  the*
   1 AN19.15   
   1 AN19.14   G
   1 AN19.13: ROM CUSTOMISING.  Complete  guideAN19.14: to customising  the  ROm  on  theT
   1 AN19.13   9
   1 AN19.12: THE STOCKPORT  MEET.  A.R.  meets*
   1 AN19.12   ~
   1 AN19.11: PUTTING   TOGETER   PASCAL.   The*
   1 AN19.11   
   1 AN19.10: PASSWORD. Finding game passwords.*
   1 AN19.10   3
   1 AN19.1 : This Index.
   1 AN19.1    
   1 AN19.0 : Editorial.
   1 AN19.0    c
   1 AN18,9  Logic Gates
   1 AN18,7  Fountain PD Introduction 
   1 AN18,5  128 BASIC bugs (iii)
   1 AN18,41 Putting Together Pascal (i)#
   1 AN18,33 Programs from other machines$
   1 AN18,31 Coding a demo, Chris Taylor#
   1 AN18,24 Memory saving techniques (ii)%
   1 AN18,21  A Change of Spirits story"
   1 AN18,2  Programmer Chris Pile Jailed$
   1 AN18,2  How Basic programs are stored%
   1 AN18,18 The Garden, appropriate poem$
   1 AN18,17 Remjumping
   1 AN18,15  Psychic Phenomenon - P.Howard&
   1 AN18,12 Metric Day Madness
   1 AN18,11 Zen and the Art of Noise (ii)%
   1 AN18,10 Writing adventures in BASIC#
   1 AN17,8  Mixing colours
   1 AN17,6  Repairing and replacing +D drive  AN17,16 ABBA switch on the +3G
   1 AN17,31 Zenobi Reviews, R. Main
   1 AN17,30 IEBA (8BIT) (Re-)Launched!
   1 AN17,23 New memory saving technique (i)   AN17,28 Paged Graphics (ii)E
   1 AN17,22 Attack of 
   1 AN17,21 Fountain PD lauch guide
   1 AN17,20 Silly computer names
   1 AN17,19 PAW System Variables
   1 AN17,18 Desert Island Specs - P Howard&
   1 AN17,11 Desert Island Specs - Orson UM&
   1 AN17,1  New staff to run ASW
   1 AN17,1  Guest visitors to AR
   1 AN17,1  AR granted rights to GREMLIN$
   1 AN17,1  128 BASIC bugs (ii)
   1 AN16,55 Fitting an Amiga 500 disk drive   AN16,57 Installing MF3 internally to +3   AN16,57 DIY Lightgunh
   1 AN16,54 RS232 protocols
   1 AN16,53 Clipart collection
   1 AN16,51 Hacker's corner (ii)
   1 AN16,50 Artificial intelligence
   1 AN16,5  Microdrive Microguide
   1 AN16,5  DIY Joystick
   1 AN16,49 Hacker's corner (i)
   1 AN16,47 Using the second 128k screen$
   1 AN16,46 Music, Maestro, MIDI
   1 AN16,45 Music Maestro
   1 AN16,43 Mobile telephones
   1 AN16,43  Crack City - Deja Vu
   1 AN16,4  Second hand Speccy price guide&
   1 AN16,38 More Time travel
   1 AN16,37 Using morse code on the Speccy&
   1 AN16,35 Noise supression
   1 AN16,34 Better BASIC programming 
   1 AN16,33  More Time travel
   1 AN16,31 Using Tasword 128 on emulator%
   1 AN16,31 Keydefine
   1 AN16,30 Paged graphic
   1 AN16,3  128 manual project
   1 AN16,26 Using Tasword 128 on emulator%
   1 AN16,26 DLS
   1 AN16,23 Converting Tasword files (ii)%
   1 AN16,20 YS Megabasic (ii)
   1 AN16,19 Desert Island Specs - D Fountain  AN16,22 128 BASIC bugs (i)D
   1 AN16,18 Powerprint (ii)
   1 AN16,18 Converting Tasword files (ii)%
   1 AN16,16 Repairing and replacing +D drive  AN17,16 +D Error messagesC
   1 AN16,15 Today's software houses
   1 AN16,1  AR changes
   1 AN15,5  8 bit library guideline idea$
   1 AN15,44 Games with odd scenarios 
   1 AN15,41 Funny filenames
   1 AN15,4  Ribbons
   1 AN15,4  Modifying Tasword 128
   1 AN15,4  Machine prices
   1 AN15,4  DIP Switch settings
   1 AN15,39 Maxiprint ribbon re-inker!
   1 AN15,37 Converting Tasword filetypes$
   1 AN15,36 Guide to demo coding
   1 AN15,34 Lifeguard
   1 AN15,33 Uniscroll
   1 AN15,3  Encoding Tasword 2 files 
   1 AN15,27 All Formats Show - Worksop"
   1 AN15,25 Installing MF3 internally to +3   AN16,57 ABBA switch on the +3G
   1 AN15,25 Classics? Best & worst games$
   1 AN15,22 YS Megabasic (i)
   1 AN15,21 Fonts
   1 AN15,21 +3 Doctor and Disckit
   1 AN15,2  Sending secret messages (ii)$
   1 AN15,16 Editview 2
   1 AN15,16 Converting Tasword filetypes$
   1 AN15,14 Modifying Tas128 2nd char set%
   1 AN15,12 Hey you device (ii)
   1 AN15,11 RS232 Spectrum to PC / Amiga$
   1 AN15,10 Sound socket splitter
   1 AN15,10 Magic Button / Hey you device%
   1 AN15,10 Computer links without RS232$
   1 AN15,10  Hey you device (ii)
   1 AN15,1  Keyboard cleaning, updated"
   1 AN15,1  AR takes over SCB
   1 AN14.20  Crack City - Time travel!
   1 AN14,9  Why PD is being restricted"
   1 AN14,8  Prestel
   1 AN14,8  +3 DOS Masterclass (ii)
   1 AN14,7  Tape socket amplifier
   1 AN14,7  Frequency counter
   1 AN14,7  Amplifier
   1 AN14,6  Monitor circuits
   1 AN14,4  Versatile on / off switch!
   1 AN14,4  Using a Tandy printer
   1 AN14,3  Overline 'bug' cured
   1 AN14,27 Womo 23 collection
   1 AN14,27 Traffic Lights game
   1 AN14,27 Syntax
   1 AN14,27 Booklet A6
   1 AN14,27 +3 Doctor and Disckit
   1 AN14,25 Disk loading syntax differences   AN14,31 ZAT & Spellunkler closeI
   1 AN14,23 Sending secret messages (i)#
   1 AN14,21 DLAN
   1 AN14,2  More Multifacing
   1 AN14,19 Slowdos
   1 AN14,15 Tobos versus Uschi compilers$
   1 AN14,14 AR on Internet
   1 AN14,12 Fireview 2 (ii)
   1 AN14,1  Ribbon prices
   1 AN14,1  Chris Box drive - faults found&
   1 AN14,1  AR gets permission for INPUT$
   1 AN13,8  Rescuing a damamged +D catalogue  AN15,18 +D Problems and dangersI
   1 AN13,7  Nickel RF screening
   1 AN13,6  Demon Hacker's holiday at AR$
   1 AN13,5  Specword - Word processor!
   1 AN13,5  +D Hook codes
   1 AN13,5  +3 DOS Masterclass (i)
   1 AN13,3  Undocumented +D commands 
   1 AN13,3  PD interview with Womo
   1 AN13,3  Good external +3 disk drives$
   1 AN13,22 Star Users Club Launch
   1 AN13,20 Star LC-100 reviewed
   1 AN13,2  Other programs for Multiface$
   1 AN13,15 GAC
   1 AN13,15 Fireview 2 (i)
   1 AN13,14 AR launches Star Users Club#
   1 AN13,12 +3 Utilities
   1 AN13,12 +3 DOS Masterclass (ii)
   1 AN13,11 6 in 1 power adaptors
   1 AN13,11 +3 DOS Masterclass (i)
   1 AN13,10 Good external +3 disk drives$
   1 AN13,10 Disk drive care
   1 AN13,10 Battery Backup power supply#
   1 AN13,10  Magic Button / Hey you device&
   1 AN13,1  1982, SUC, Turbo PDF close"
   1 AN13,1  +D versus +3 - buing guide"
   1 AN12,8  Tobos - Basic compiler
   1 AN12,8  Encoding Tasword 2 files 
   1 AN12,7  +3 Utilities
   1 AN12,6  More +D DOS fixes
   1 AN12,5  Miktor's +D Tutor
   1 AN12,5  Bumper Boogie Pack
   1 AN12,5  +D versus +3 - buing guide"
   1 AN12,4  Refilling inkjet cartridges#
   1 AN12,4  Modifying Gens3.51 to +D 
   1 AN12,4  DX1 DOS problems
   1 AN12,3  Dust cover ideas
   1 AN12,2  Spectrum +3 Tasword utils!
   1 AN12,2  Eurovision Eurotrash
   1 AN12,2  128k AlchNews
   1 AN12,10 +D versus +3 - buing guide"
   1 AN12,1  Sinclair Classic
   1 AN12,1  How APD is run
   1 AN11,7  Modifications to Opus emulator&
   1 AN11,5  Sinclair Classic
   1 AN11,4  Spectrum PD discouraged (BB)$
   1 AN11,3  Cheap source of software 
   1 AN11,2  Fish review
   1 AN11,2  +D Bug buster - more bugs!
   1 AN11,0  SAM arrives and is binned!"
   1 AN1,27  Powerprint (i)
   1 AMBOS stands for Advanced Microdrive BasicOperating System. When the program is run,it installs six new filing commands:x
   1 ALTITUDE. Far left.  The  gauge  indicatesthe height of the Avenger above sea level.The largest needle indicates  altitude  in10's of feet. The medium needle  indicatesaltitude  in  100's  of  feet.  The  smallneedle indicates  altitude  in  1000's  offeet.
   1 ALCHEMIST SOFTWARE or FOUNTAIN  PD  for  awide range of wonderful fonts  and  usefuldiassemblers.a
   1 ALCHEMIST SOFTWARE for  three  custom  ROMprograms.  One  by  myself,  one  by   BenDouglas and DISKBASIC  (+3  only)  by  IanCollier. The ones by Ben and  myself  wereoriginally designed  for  the  +2a/+3  butwork very well on the  emulator!  You  canalso get a text file on  ROM  disassembly,with details of some  useful  routines  tolook at.
   1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH. 0114 269 7644!
   1 ALCHEMIST RESEARCH for three custom  ROMs,suitable for the Z80 or JPP emulators. Oneis supplied with this issue.p
   1 AIRSPEED. Second round dial  (Upper).  Thenumbers  on  the  dial  are  indicated  in100's. To INCREASE airspeed, push  forwardon the  throttle.  To  DECREASE  airspeed,pull back on the throttle.
   1 AD: Well, that  ended  on  rather  a  weaknote, didn't it?:
   1 AD: Ah well, you see... er, yes. Ahem.&
   1 ACTION COMPUTER SUPPLIES. 0800 61 12 34'
   1 AB  102   SIGNAL GROUND
   1 AAN19.54: marvellous
   1 A: Window UP
   1 A. There is a  Spectrum  Sensations  2  CDavailable with over 3000 games on  it.  Ifyou don't have a CD drive, I have 37 disksfull of games, of  which  you  can  selectwhich ones you want for 15p per game or 10games  on  a  disk  for  `1.50  plus   75ppostage. Or if you live  locally  you  cancollect them, thus no postage!
   1 A. It is excellent if you have fastram andif  you  have   an   accelerator   it   isrecommended wholeheartedly.o
   1 A. Converts  an  Amiga  into  a  Spectrum.(Simply)2
   1 A.  Because  although  it  is   the   fullversion, it is updated  regularly  by  theauthor, and to get the latest versions  asand when they are ready, he will send themstraight to you. It costs $15 to  registerbut I think it is too expensive.  <The  PCemulator works out at about $50!>
   1 A,B,C: The three sound channels of your AYchip./
   1 A word of  warning  though:  you  will  bebreaching copyright  of  AlchNews  if  youactually edit or  manipulate  any  of  ourarticles in a word processor. If you  wantour advice: DON'T DO IT - unless you  haveour written permission first!
   1 A week later,  after  smashing the slidingcover  into   a   hundred   or  more  tinypieces  (anyone  got  a  spare?),  with  atightly  clenched  fist,  and  a  look  ofhatred  in  my  eyes,  I  gave  up trying.However, a day  or  two  later,  not to bebeaten by  a  stupid  game,  I  thought tomyself, "Why  not  have  the  top  off themachine  and  have  a  look  round  to seewhat's what and  maybe  you  can stack theodds  in  your   favour   instead  of  thegame's?"
   1 A visit to Alchemist Research
   1 A simple but ingenious program which  addsthe familliar7
   1 A secondary channel is sometimes  used  toprovide a very slow (5-10  BPS)  path  forreturn information (such  as  ACK  or  NAKcharacters) on  a  primarily  half  duplexchannel. If the modem used  supports  thisfeature, it is possible for  the  receiverto accept  or  reject  a  message  withouthaving  to  'turn  the  line  around',   aprocess that usually takes 100 to 200 ms.
   1 A routine for skipping over  values  in  atable uses the system routine STK-CONST todiscard  each  value.  STK-CONST  normallycopies  the  value  to  the   address   inregister DE, but the codes  at  13308  and13309 tell it to dump it at the  start  ofROM, avoiding  the  need  for  a  seperateLOSE-CONST routine.
   1 A quick reset and  jab  of  the  Multifacebutton and your work is back!G
   1 A quarter of  the  way  through,  we  weremoved on by the  traffic  warden,  so  theinterview continued as we tore up downtownStockport until we found a  nice  businesspark - where we  were  moved  again  by  asecurity 'guard' (for  want  of  a  betterword). Onward  we  drove  again  until  wefound an ambulance station. That would do,and certainly did for about an hour and  ahalf until we were moved once more.
   1 A program like this has been available forthe Spectrum +3 for  quite  a  while,  butrequired an external disk  drive.  To  usethis program, you will need any  Spectrum,a +D interface  and  a  80  track,  doublesided disk drive. The program has not beentested on a SAM or Disciple.
   1 A pointer is a memory location, or  rathera pair of memory locAtions,  which  storesthe address of another location,  in  thiscase the start of a particular section  ofmemory. The address of any byte of  memoryis two bytes long, so it has to be  storedin two adjacent memory locations.
   1 A number of  ABCD  members  happen  to  bepensioners. Despite ill health  and  othersetbacks,  a  small  number  have  marchedboldly on with  their  Spectrums.  I  onlywish   my
   1 A local computer shop in Sheffield  (only)also sells  various  branded  (Apple)  andunbranded DD / HD disks for `5 per 25.  Ifany readers would  like  to  purchase  viamail order, again get in touch. As a roughguide, I could obtain and  post  50  disksfor approximetly `12 (UK posting).
   1 A guide by EWGF
   1 A great tape-disk  transfer  program.  Thedata boasts it will transfer from tape  toANY  disk  system  which  uses  Microdrivefiling commands. And it does! The  programhas been successful on the  +D,  Opus  andMicrodrives, as well as on the emulator!
   1 A couple of miles out of  Woodhouse  is  avillage   called   Kiveton   Park.L
   1 A couple  of  years  ago,  ZAT  got  theirreader's  involved  with  the  forthcomingrelease of the SAM MANIC  MINER  game,  bygetting them to  design  screens  for  thegame.
   1 A clue: HORIZONS doesn't count!
   1 A cap connected  from  the  5 volt rail tothe reset  and  the  resistor would ensureboth ICs reset at power on.o
   1 A box of  Precision  HD  diskettes,  readyformatted for PC cost only `3.99 + VAT.Q
   1 A J Howard
   1 A IN BOX: Click  on  this  to  alter  fontdisplay colours, each click moves  on  theATTRIB's by 1.b
   1 A Brief Overview
   1 A 48K spectrum has 64K of memory space  intotal. The 'K' figure refers to the amountof memory you can use, the  other  16K  isreserved for the machine's use.
   1 A 'K' in computing is roughly analogous tothe 'k'  which  stands  for  a  kilo  -  athousand - in the metric system. But 1,000is not very convenient when converted intobinary or hex.
   1 A  week  before  the  above  date,   DavidLedbury gave me a  call  and  asked  if  Iwanted to  attend  a  small  meet  at  theabove, to finally meet (duh)  Matt  'Fish'Beal, and loan some of my equipment to oldNelson Ledbury himself. It  also  gave  methe chance to cast my wise  old  eye  overthe new Z2 magazine  and  get  interviewedfor it.
   1 ??? First to write  in  with  the  correctanswer  wins  an  evening  out  with  Paul"Napkin?   A   'sow   wester'   would   bemore appropriate" Howard!
   1 >>AA>><<KJKJHJ
   1 <letter>::=A|B|C|D|E|F|G
   1 <identifier>::=<letter>|<letter or digit>)
   1 <This is to get back all you  swines   whoused my name in vain in your articles! Ed>T
   1 <Prizes for the best suggestions  of  whatEWGF stands for. Ed>>
   1 <Oh no. What is it this time? Ed>!
   1 <Note that the  above  two  messages  onlyapply  if   you   have   installed   MilesKinloch's bug fix programs. Ed>s
   1 <BG's Latest VTX-5000 price: `8.50"
   1 <Also replaces original 0:OK statement.'
   1 <<??==>>JKJNJQ
   1 ;"Part ";PT:
   1 ;"New Tune":
   1 ;"New Part (0-";MX-1
   1 ; RET (to call address)
   1 ; LD (HL), A (read byte from Sega!
   1 ; JP NZ, -9 (to load next byte)  C9#
   1 ; IN A, (F7)
   1 ; CP F0 (test  to  see  if 32K of!
   1 : [email protected]
   1 : TEST.TXT
   1 : [email protected]
   1 : [email protected]
   1 : MYROM.BIN
   1 : 3.3p/min.
   1 : 0181 391 0744
   1 9866 TM LUTJEGAST
   1 9630 RETURN
   1 9610 LET s$=s$+" from me for only `6.  The*
   1 9600 LET s$=" HEY,  HEY!!!  A  crap  BASIC*
   1 9597,201 cures the SCREEN$  bug.  This  issimilar in principle to the above bug. Trythis command:a
   1 9210 BEEP .1,10: PRINT AT n,18;a$: LET&
   1 9200 PRINT AT n,18; OVER 1; FLASH 1;" "   9205 LET a$=INKEY$: IF a$="" THEN GO TOQ
   1 9195 GO SUB 9200: LET m$=a$: RETURN#
   1 9190 GO SUB 9200: LET q$=a$
   1 9185 GO SUB 9200: LET r$=a$
   1 9180 GO SUB 9200: LET l$=a$
   1 9175 GO SUB 9200: LET d$=a$
   1 9170 GO SUB 9200: LET u$=a$
   1 9160 LET n=8
   1 9150 CLS : PRINT AT 5,10;"DEFINE KEYS"; AT*
   1 9135 GO TO 9090
   1 9130 IF INKEY$="3" THEN GO SUB 9300:$
   1 9110 IF INKEY$="2" THEN GO SUB 9150:$
   1 9100 IF INKEY$="1" THEN RETURN
   1 9095 IF INKEY$="" THEN GO TO 9090!
   1 9090 PRINT AT 20,7;s$(1 TO 20): LET#
   1 9080 PRINT AT 11,11;"OPTIONS:";AT 13,8;"1.*
   1 9050 PRINT AT 6,5;"ON COMP.SYS.
   1 9030 PRINT AT 3,10;"
   1 9020 PRINT AT 2,10;"S O K O B A N""
   1 9010 BORDER 7: INK 0: PAPER 7: CLS :$
   1 9000 REM MENU
   1 90 initialise  a  loop   from   the   1st)
   1 90 PRINT b;"=";: FOR m=0 TO 7: PRINT CHR$)
   1 90 FOR Z=N TO B
   1 9/10  Worth  getting,   if   got 
   1 9. Release the brake by pressing K.#
   1 9. If you haven't already  fast  forwardedthe tape past the  bad  section,  cut  thetape as before, but on the  white  sectionof  the  tape  which   joins   the   blackrecordable tape  with  the  white  leader.Spool off as before, but take note of  thetape quality.
   1 9. Feeling just a little guilty at  havingabandoned your mission,  you  run  in  andsnap up all kinds of lovely  cheap  Speccygear: a Multiface for 60p, a  Spectrum  +3for 50p, a digitiser for 20p and more! Youdecide to resign from the force and set upa
   1 9,25;"LEVEL ";level
   1 9 way D-socket and cover
   1 9 West View
   1 9 FOR  J=1  TO  12:READ  A:PRINT   CHR$'
   1 9 ... A1  - - - - - - - -  7 ... Q2#
   1 8BIT  magazine  also  has  the   followingadvert for 8 bit software and 3" disks.Q
   1 8744-8 BRUCE
   1 874-78 AUTO*
   1 859-63 +SYS*
   1 8297-306 Snap
   1 820 GO SUB 600: RETURN
   1 810 LET lives=lives-1: IF lives=0 THEN&
   1 80p each (cased + instructions)
   1 80 if the 2nd  char  isn't  that  of  the)
   1 80 IF Q$<>"Y" AND Q$<>"y" THEN NEXT#
   1 8. You try to do your job  but  you  can'thelp  thinking  of  that  digitiser  whichwould only have cost  you  20p.  You  knowthat you have nothing to live for,  havingmissed the  sale,  so  you  pick  up  yourpolice gun  and  shoot  yourself,  to  thecriminal's obvious delight. The End.
   1 8. Simply take off all the tape  from  theslave  spool  and  throw  it   away.   Thequickest way is to pop the  spool  on  thefloor  and  pull  the  tape.  Video   taperecords one second of data  on  every  sixfeet of tape! So even though  it  looks  alot, it's not as much as you may think.
   1 8. Return  to  the   PILOT   SCREEN,   by)
   1 8,12;"UP ";u$;AT 10  ,12;"DOWN  ";d$;%
   1 8 NEXT Q:CLS:POKE 23693,233
   1 8 DCD. DATA CARRIER DETECT.  This  circuitis the signal whereby the DCE informs  theDTE that it has an  incoming  carrier.  Itmay be used by the DTE to determine if thechannel is  idle,  so  that  the  DTE  canrequest it with RTS. Note that  some  DTEsmust have an incoming DCD before they willoperate. In this case,  this  signal  musteither be brought over  from  the  DCE  orprovided locally by a wraparound (eg  fromDTR) locally at the DTE end of the cable.
   1 8 ... A2  - - - - - - - -  6 ... Q3#
   1 7: Tom-Tom
   1 78 Holtdale Avenue
   1 720 RETURN
   1 715 PRINT   AT   13,25;"KEYS";AT   14,25;)
   1 710 PRINT AT 5,25;"LIVES ";lives;AT#
   1 70794 FILDERSTADT
   1 700 LET o$=" "
   1 70 if the 1st  char  isn't  that  of  the)
   1 70 REM ADDRESS:
   1 70 IF P$<>"X" AND P$<>"x" THEN NEXT#
   1 70 IF   PEEK
   1 7. You're catching up  with  the  criminaland he's  starting  to  get  worried.  Onemistake on his part could make things easyfor you. But just then, you see a car bootsale with loads of rare Spectrum  hardwareat bargain prices! Do you park and get outyour wallet (go to 9) or carry on pursuingyour arch-enemy (go to 8)?
   1 7. Start the engine by clicking ON.#
   1 7. Place the LANDING GEAR and the ARRESTER   in the DOWN position.B
   1 7. Lift up the slave spool  and  then  cutthe video tape.9
   1 7 SG. SIGNAL GROUND. This circuit  is  theground to which  all  other  voltages  arerelative. It must be present in any  RS232interface.
   1 7 Manor Drive
   1 7 ... A3  - - - - - - - -  5 ... Q4#
   1 6: Electro clap
   1 690 REM End of listing
   1 690 NEXT n
   1 6829-40 CHANNEL used
   1 6817-27 STREAM used
   1 6801-15 No G+DOS loaded
   1 680 PRINT AT n,5;a$
   1 680 DATA 65,251,237,69
   1 6786-99 File NAME used
   1 6774-84 END of file
   1 6759-72 File NOT FOUND
   1 6744-57 Directory FULL
   1 6719-42 Not enough SPACE on disc 
   1 670 NEXT m
   1 670 DATA 237,79,241,237,123,224
   1 6698-717 Disc write PROTECTED
   1 6686-96 Wrong DRIVE
   1 6674-84 Network OFF
   1 6663-72 O.K. G+DOS
   1 6643-61 Writing a READ file
   1 6622-41 Reading a WRITE file
   1 6609-20 Invalid CODE
   1 660 IF a$(m)="&" THEN LET goal=goal+1:&
   1 660 DATA 253,225,221,225,241
   1 6599-607 PUPIL set
   1 6588-97 CODE error
   1 6576-86 MERGE error
   1 6560-74 Wrong FILE type
   1 6546-58 VERIFY failed
   1 654-2212 and wait for it to answer...%
   1 6527-44 VARIABLE not found
   1 6512-25 Invalid DEVICE
   1 650 IF a$(m)="$" THEN LET obj=obj+1:$
   1 650 DATA 241,217,8,225,209,193
   1 65 Altyre Way
   1 6496-510 Invalid STATION
   1 6478-94 Invalid FILE NAME
   1 6461-76 No "+SYS " file
   1 6441-59 CHECK DISC in drive
   1 6424-39 FORMAT data lost
   1 6411-22 SECTOR error
   1 640 FOR m=1 TO LEN a$: IF a$(m)="*"#
   1 640 DATA 241,237,71,225,209,193
   1 6394-409 BREAK requested
   1 6374-92 Statement END error
   1 6351-72 Nonsense in GNOS
   1 635 IF a$="^" THEN GO TO 700
   1 6339-55 Nonsense in G+DOS
   1 630 FOR n=5 TO 99: READ a$
   1 630 DATA 2,237,70,49,200,65
   1 626 CLS : PRINT PAPER 1; INK 7;AT!
   1 625 RESTORE 950+(level*50)
   1 620 DIM g(10,3): LET goal=0: LET 
   1 620 DATA 254,2,32,4,237,94,24
   1 6159-77 Are you SURE ? (y/n)
   1 6145-53 OVERWRITE
   1 6124-39 (+D ROM Ver 1.A)
   1 6102-13 PLEASE WAIT
   1 610 DIM o(10,2)
   1 610 DATA 1,32,4,237,86,24,10
   1 6074-89 "SYSTEM" LOADING
   1 600 DATA 211,254,58,226,65,254
   1 60 Queensfield
   1 60 PRINT PAPER 0;"
   1 60 LET pointer=32768+(n*16)-16
   1 60 LET Q$=CHR$ PEEK (N+1)
   1 60 ...and the following character into Q$)
   1 6. Unfortunately, your car falls  off  thecliff and crashes onto  the  rocks  below.You are dead, and as such have  failed  tocatch the bad guy. The End.
   1 6. Set the WING LOCK to DOWN.
   1 6. Ensure the  nose  of  the  aircraft  is   level or slightly up.B
   1 6. Between the spools, at the base of  thecassette is a switch. This mechanism locksthe spools into  place  to  stop  it  fromgetting  trapped  in  the   cover.   Audiocassettes do not have this  mechanism  andare  rather  crude   compared   to   videocassettes. Gently press on the mechanism'slever to release it from the teeth of  thespools.
   1 6) The file  TEST3  will  save,  all  that   remains is  to  load  up  Tasword  128,   select drive 0 and then load  the  file   TEST3.
   1 6 way IPC plug
   1 6 Tithe Barn Way
   1 6 Ravensmead
   1 6 FOR N=1 TO 6:PRINT PAPER 2;" ":NEXT S   7 FOR Q=0 TO 50:BEEP .05,2:IF IN  187>QQ
   1 6 DSR. DATA SET READY. This circuit is thesignal that informs the DTE that  the  DCEis alive and well. It is normally  set  tothe ON state by the DCE upon power-up  andleft there. Note that a typical  DTE  musthave an incoming DSR in order to  functionnormally. This line must either be broughtover  from  the  DCE,  or  provided  by  awraparound (eg from DTR)  locally  at  theDTE end of the cable. On the  DCE  end  ofthe  interface,  this  signal  is   almostalways present, and may  be  wrapped  backaround (to DTR and / or  RTS)  to  satisfysignals  whose  normal  function  is   notrequired.
   1 6 ... A4  - - - - - - - -  3 ... Q5#
   1 5: Snare sound
   1 5950-4 WHAT?
   1 595 PRINT AT  10,5;"WELL  DONE  FOR"  ;AT)
   1 5942-8 EXECUTE
   1 5933-40 OPENTYPE
   1 5924-31 SNP 128k
   1 5916-22 SPECIAL
   1 5908-14 SCREEN$
   1 5900-6 MD.FILE
   1 590 LET level=level+1: IF level<9!
   1 590 DATA 225,201,243,58,227,65
   1 5892-8 SNP 48k
   1 5887-89 CDE
   1 5879-85 $.ARRAY
   1 5871-7 D.ARRAY
   1 5866-8 BAS
   1 580 RETURN
   1 580 DATA 221,225,221,36,221,36
   1 575 LET x=nx: LET y=ny
   1 570 LET o$=SCREEN$ (ny,nx)
   1 570 DATA 221,229,62,1,205,3,64
   1 565 GO TO 575
   1 560 FOR n=1 TO obj: IF SCREEN$
   1 560 DATA 221,225,221,36,221,36
   1 555 REM Check for all done
   1 550 GO TO 575
   1 550 DATA 95,122,238,128,87,21
   1 55 Hardy Street
   1 545 IF SCREEN$ (ny,nx)="@" THEN LET#
   1 540 PRINT AT oy,ox;"$": LET o$=" ""
   1 540 DATA 254,10,32,9,214,9,20
   1 54 feet, 2 inches.
   1 54 Deanscroft Avenue
   1 538 GO TO 555
   1 537 PRINT AT ny,nx;o$
   1 536 PRINT AT oy,ox;"@": LET o$="&":#
   1 535 IF SCREEN$ (oy,ox)<>"&" THEN 
   1 532 IF SCREEN$ (oy,ox)="$" THEN
   1 531 IF (SCREEN$ (oy,ox)="@") THEN!
   1 530 IF (SCREEN$ (oy,ox)="#") THEN!
   1 530 DATA 205,3,64,209,28,123
   1 525 LET ox=nx+px: LET oy=ny+py
   1 520 DATA 235,221,229,213,62,1
   1 515 IF  SCREEN$  (ny,nx)<>"$"   THEN   IF)
   1 51069 KOLN
   1 510 PRINT AT y,x;o$
   1 510 DATA 255,103,24,2,111,97
   1 50p each (caseless)
   1 505 IF SCREEN$ (ny,nx)="#" THEN RETURN&
   1 500 REM Moving
   1 500 DATA 56,9,214,9,111,121,203
   1 50 put the character at this address into)
   1 50 LET P$=CHR$ PEEK N
   1 50 FOR n=1 TO 112
   1 50 DATA 255,254,252,248,
   1 5. You swerve off the road and... onto thepavement! You quickly correct your  courseand continue your quest for justice. Go to7.
   1 5. Set the ARRESTER switch to UP.!
   1 5. Keep your descent at a rate no  greater   than four feet per second.G
   1 5. Is there a  verify  +D  disk  structure   program available which  could  examine   the  disk  to  ensure  no  errors  were   created ?
   1 5. If you have already fast forwarded yourtape past the bad sections,  the  tape  onthe slave spool is no good.o
   1 5) To convert to Tasword  3/128/+2  format   (all happen to be the same), we use the   program T2T3  or  TAS2TAS3,  a  machine   code program to convert the  format  by   adding a control character at  the  end   of each line.
   1 5) A small amount of cash to throw at BT  6) Patience!!!8
   1 5 Various art packages
   1 5 NEXT   N:PRINT   AT
   1 5 MINS BY:"
   1 5 CTS. CLEAR TO SEND. This circuit is  thesignal that  indicates  that  the  DCE  isready to accept  data  from  the  DTE.  Innormal operation, the CTS line will be  inthe OFF state. When the DTE  asserts  RTS,the DCE will do whatever is  necessary  toallow data to be sent. At this  time,  theDCE would set CTS to the ON  state,  whichwould then allow the  DTE  to  send  data.When the RTS from the DTE returns  to  theOFF state, the DCE  releases  the  channeland then set CTS back to  the  OFF  state.Note that  a  typical  DTE  must  have  anincoming CTS before it can transmit.  Thissignal must either be  brought  over  fromthe DCE, or provided by a  wraparound  (egfrom DTR) locally at the DTE  end  of  thecable.
   1 5 ... A5  - - - - - - - -  2 ... Q6#
   1 4: Kick Drum
   1 490 DATA 0,40,2,198,18,254,10
   1 48k snapshot filetype.
   1 480 DATA 3,12,24,248,125,254
   1 48 Dunster House
   1 470 DATA 17,18,0,167,237,82,56
   1 460 DATA 203,18,33,15,0,25,14,0
   1 450 DATA 86,35,229,27,27,203,35
   1 440 DATA 64,16,251,24,96,94,35
   1 43030 = Rows 11-21, columns 17-31."
   1 43020 = Rows 11-21, columns 0-16.!
   1 43010 = Rows 0-10, columns 17-31.!
   1 43000 = Rows 0-10, columns 0-16. 
   1 430 DATA 6,48,33,84,65,205,185
   1 420 DATA 49,0,67,221,33,229,67
   1 410 DATA 65,33,82,65,205,185,64
   1 400 DATA 92,205,6,64,221,33,201
   1 40 print address being  scanned  (can  be)
   1 40 REM (C)2.2.1996 D.J.MORRIS
   1 40 PRINT AT 0,0;N
   1 40 PRINT AT 0,0;16384-x;" to go
   1 40 PRINT : NEXT n
   1 40 LOAD @1,0,8,32768:
   1 40 GOTO 10
   1 4. Push the THROTTLE  KNOB  to  the  FULL)
   1 4. Make sure your ALTIMETER reads  between   50 and 100 feet.=
   1 4. It's getting dark  and,  still  on  thecriminal's tail,  you  come  to  a  narrowclifftop road. It's hard to see where  theroad turns, but there's little margin  forerror because if you go off the road,  youwill die! Do you turn left (go  to  5)  orright (go to 6)?
   1 4. Continue process 3 until the end of the   compressed file has been reached.N
   1 4. As you look down at the tape, you  willsee two spools. The one  on  the  left  isknown as the  MASTER,  this  contains  thevideo tape before it is viewed or recordedon. The one on the right is known  as  theSLAVE, and holds the tape which  has  beenthrough the video recorder.
   1 4) This file will now load perfectly  into   Tasword 2. If this is what you  wanted,   stop reading here as we are  now  going   to convert it to Tasword 128 /  Tasword   3 / Tasword +2 format.
   1 4) Dr Scroll or Firescroll software#
   1 4 RTS. REQUEST TO SEND.  This  circuit  isthe signal that  indicates  that  the  DTEwishes to send data to the DCE (note  thatno such line is available for the oppositedirection, hence the DTE  must  always  beready   to   accept   data).   In   normaloperation, the RTS line will be OFF (logic1 / MARK). Once the DTE has data to  send,and has determined that the channel is notbusy, it will set RTS to  ON  (logic  0  /SPACE), and await an ON condition from theDCE, at  which  time  it  may  then  beginsending. Once the DTE is through  sending,it will reset RTS to OFF. On a full duplexor simplex channel, this signal may be setto ON once at initialisation and  left  inthat state. Note that some DCEs must  havean  incoming  RTS  in  order  to  transmit(although this is not  strictly  accordingto  the  standard).  In  this  case,  thissignal must either be brought across  fromthe DTE, or provided by a  wraparound  (egfrom DSR) locally at the DCE  end  of  thecable.
   1 4 NEXT R:IF NOT PEEK 23669 AND -R  THEN'
   1 4 Bethune Close
   1 4 ... A6  - - - - - - - -  4 ... Q7#
   1 3: hi-hat tone
   1 390 DATA 111,221,225,201,42,118
   1 39 High Street
   1 380 DATA 63,203,63,111,241,133
   1 3758 contains the number of lines to  copyto the printer. Although 192 lines may  beavailable  and  shown  on  a  game  screenpicture, 176 is  the  accepted  norm,  thebottom 16 lines being used  by  the  INPUTline.  So,  if  COPYing  a  picture  to  aprinter in a program, you  want  the  full192 lines. (33758,192).
   1 370 DATA 240,203,63,203,63,203
   1 37 Trimingham Drive
   1 360 DATA 245,221,110,1,125,230
   1 36 Grasmere Road
   1 350 DATA 203,39,203,39,203,39
   1 34535 is the NEW routine. It  is  commonlyknown as a WARM START on  other  machines,since  it  leaves  the  systems  variablesalone, as well as any data above RAMTOP.
   1 34223 is the error RASP routine.  You  canalter the contents of the register to makeit rasp a bit quicker!j
   1 340 DATA 103,221,126,2,203,39
   1 33807  is  a  routine  which  clears   theprinter buffer and exits the COPY routine.T
   1 33756 is the COPY routine.
   1 3372: At this address, the Basic editor istold to scroll 24 lines  of  the  display,but theres no point scrolling the top lineup,  because  it  disappears.  It   shouldreally be 23. (POKE 33372,23)
   1 330 DATA 203,63,203,63,203,63
   1 320 DATA 221,102,2,124,203,63
   1 32 Dursley Road
   1 310 DATA 103,221,110,0,24,43
   1 300 DATA 221,102,1,124,230,15
   1 30 initialise a loop from start to finish)
   1 30 PRINT "please type CONTINUE": STOP%
   1 30 POKE x,a
   1 30 POKE t,PEEK x
   1 30 IF PEEK n>31 THEN PRINT TAB 20; CHR$   PEEK n;1
   1 30 FOR N=A TO B
   1 30 DRAW x-PEEK 23677, y-PEEK 23678"
   1 3. Write this compressed  area  of  memory   out to another disk or even tape  as  a   series of compressed files !!t
   1 3. Reduce your airspeed to under 175 mph.)
   1 3. Read in each compressed track from  the   file, decompress it and write  it  back   to the disk.c
   1 3. Oops! You knock over a poor old  grannywith her  shopping  trolley,  and  she  istaken  to  hospital.   Unfortunately   thecriminal doesn't stop to  help  and  zoomsahead, leaving you to be  thrown  off  theforce. Ho ho! The End.
   1 3. Carefully, and on a flat table,  gentlylift up the top half of the  cassette.  Ifyou have a sticker on the spine, you won'tbe able to lift off  the  top  completely,but open it towards you in a hinge effect.
   1 3. Adjust the fuel mixture (RICH for take)
   1 3) No action was taken against us!"
   1 3) Experts on the following  machines  who   are able to transfer the software  from   8-Bit to PCs, or help make up cables to   help with this task. The machines  most   need of help are:
   1 3) Anyone with sense knows  that  although   Wordmaster is quite nice, it's not  all   that popular! So,  lets  get  the  file   converted to Tasword 2.
   1 3) A VTX5000 modem
   1 3 metres of 9 way cable
   1 3 RESTORE  10:FOR  R=1  TO   40:   READ'
   1 3 RD. RECEIVE DATA. This  circuit  is  thepath whereby serial data is sent  from  thDCE to  the  DTE.  This  circuit  must  bepresent if  data  is  to  travel  in  thatdirection at any time.
   1 3 ... A7  - - - - - - - - 13 ... Q8#
   1 2nd CD4040 pins
   1 2^5 = 2*2*2*2*2*2 = 64.
   1 298 Holton Road
   1 290 DATA 181,32,245,241,56,12
   1 29 Barber Street
   1 280 DATA 221,35,221,35,43,124
   1 273 Mossy Lea Road
   1 270 DATA 60,203,29,245,221,35
   1 27 ... A14 - - - - - - - -  6 ... Q3$
   1 2611,24 fixes the odd 'cursor  left'  bug.Try this command before you fix it:M
   1 260 DATA 229,221,33,0,128,203
   1 26 Spotland Tops
   1 26 ... A13 - - - - - - - -  7 ... Q2$
   1 250 DATA 15,103,16,237,201,221
   1 25 ... A8  - - - - - - - - 12 ... Q9$
   1 249 Dumbarton Road
   1 240,224,192,128
   1 240 GO TO 150
   1 240 DATA 35,205,67,64,124,230
   1 24 ... A9  - - - - - - - - 14 ... Q10%
   1 23693,71:CLEAR
   1 23283064 and not zero!
   1 230 IF nx<>x OR ny<>y THEN GO SUB 500%
   1 230 DATA 221,116,1,221,35,221
   1 23 Cleveland
   1 23 ... A11 - - - - - - - -  1 ... Q12%
   1 220 IF ov=1 THEN GO TO 110
   1 220 DATA 65,225,6,49,221,117,0
   1 22 ... A15/bank switch
   1 210070   ; Load HL (with start address)   DBF7.
   1 210 IF INKEY$=q$ THEN LET ov=1
   1 210 DATA 62,1,207,68,221,33,82
   1 21,0;ABS INT (M AND B);TAB 10
   1 21 Ladycross Road
   1 21 ... A10 - - - - - - - - 15 ... Q11%
   1 2000 LBS of bombs
   1 200 IF INKEY$=m$ THEN GO SUB 800 
   1 200 DATA 68,221,33,0,132,17,4,0
   1 20 load the code (adapt to disc syntax if)
   1 20 PRINT n;TAB 10;PEEK n;
   1 20 PRINT RND
   1 20 PRINT "we're back": STOP
   1 20 PRINT "and so is this"
   1 20 LOAD "filename" CODE
   1 20 LET y=RND * 175
   1 20 Greenill Drive
   1 20 Greenhill Drive
   1 20 FOR x=0 TO 16384
   1 20 DTR. DATA TERMINAL READY. This  circuitprovides the signal that informs  the  DCEthat the DTE is  alive  and  well.  It  isnormally set to the ON state by the DTE atpower up  and  left  there.  Note  that  atypical DCE  must  have  an  incoming  DTEbefore it  will  function  normally.  Thissignal must either be  brought  over  fromthe DTE, or provided by a  wraparound  (egfrom DSR) locally at the DCE  end  of  thecable. On the DTE side of  the  interface,this signal is almost always present,  andmay  be  wrapped  back  around  to   othercircuits (eg DSR, CTS and  /  or  DCD)  tosatisfy required hand-shaking  signals  iftheir normal function is not required.
   1 20 DIM a(112): LET b=1
   1 20 (CS)  . 
   1 2. Turn the tape back over again,  so  thespool windows are visible.D
   1 2. Turn on the LANDING LIGHT switch.$
   1 2. Taking the risk of ruining  your  toughcop reputation, you wait for the lights tochange as an old woman crosses  the  road.Luckily they change almost immediately andyou race after the bad guy. Go to 4.
   1 2. Select a  fuel  tank  by  clicking  on)
   1 2. On the Pilot's  screen  (1),  bank  the   aircraft until you see the marker  line   on your compass. When you have this  in   the centre of the  compass  box,  level   the  wings  and  you  will  be   flying   directly to the point you selected.
   1 2. Ensure   the   destination   disk$
   1 2. Compress it !
   1 2) The saved file, or the  one  in  memory   just happens to be the same  format  as   used by PCG WORDMASTER.  You  can  test   this by selecting DRIVE 0  and  loading   up   the   program   into   said   word   processor.
   1 2) The same as  above,  but  for  ALL  the   other 8-Bit machines  mentioned  above.   The ZX Spectrum had some  2500+  titles   on the first CD-ROM and  the  Commodore   64 had approximately a  count  of  2000   titles. We would like to offer the same   amounts of titles to other  people  who   left their original 8-Bit  days  behind   them but would like to reminiss.
   1 2) It revealed his TRUE number of  membersand  his  VERY  MINOR  position   in   theSpectrum community!g
   1 2 TD. TRANSMIT DATA. This circuit  is  thepath whereby serial data is sent  rom  theDTE to  the  DCE.  This  circuit  must  bepresent if  data  is  to  travel  in  thatdirection at any time.
   1 2 North Hill Road
   1 2 Microdrive units
   1 2 Joysticks
   1 2 FOR N=0 TO  255  STEP  20:  RANDOMIZE'
   1 2 Cromwell Close
   1 2 ... A12 - - - - - - - -  9 ... Q1#
   1 2 "Twin" joystick / mouse interface#
   1 1st byte  2nd byte  3rd byte  4th byte&
   1 1st CD4040 pins
   1 1: Clap sound
   1 1996 Members.
   1 1996 A.Davis & Alch. Research
   1 190 IF INKEY$=r$ THEN LET nx=x+1 
   1 190 DATA 0,130,17,3,0,62,1,207
   1 19 Lyme Avenue
   1 19 (D7) - -  10 . 9 - -  D7
   1 180 IF INKEY$=l$ THEN LET nx=x-1 
   1 180 DATA 0,62,1,207,68,221,33
   1 18,12;"RETRY " ;m$
   1 18 Tivoli Crescent
   1 18 Clyde Grange
   1 18 (D6) - -  6  . 7 - -  D6
   1 170 IF INKEY$=d$ THEN LET ny=y+1 
   1 170 DATA 229,221,33,0,128,17,2
   1 17,3;"MAKE
   1 17 (D5) - -  4  . 5 - -  D5
   1 166 Valley Drive
   1 160 DATA 195,150,64,207,68,201
   1 16,25;"UP:  "   ;u$;AT   17,25;"DOWN:%
   1 16,12;"QUIT
   1 16 The Avenue
   1 16 (D4) - -  2  . 3 - -  D4
   1 150 RANDOMIZE A(X): STOP :
   1 150 LET nx=x: LET ny=y: PRINT AT y,x;"*"  160 IF INKEY$=u$ THEN LET ny=y-1J
   1 15 REM (C) R. Swann
   1 15 GO TO 30
   1 15 (D3) - -  10 . 9 - -  D3
   1 14053-8 SAVING
   1 14042-8 LOADING
   1 140 REM Main Loop
   1 14 De Verose Court
   1 13814-23 Free Slot
   1 13801-9 File(s),
   1 1363 DATA "^"
   1 1362 DATA "
   1 1361 DATA "
   1 1360 DATA "   #&#  # #
   1 1359 DATA "  #  #$   &#   "
   1 1358 DATA " ### #  
   1 1357 DATA " #
   1 1356 DATA " #  $  $
   1 1355 DATA " 
   1 1354 DATA "  #  #  #& #   "
   1 1353 DATA "   #&  $# #
   1 1352 DATA "
   1 1351 DATA "
   1 1350 REM SCREEN 8
   1 1313 DATA "^"
   1 1312 DATA "
   1 1311 DATA "
   1 1310 DATA "# $   &&&   #  "
   1 1309 DATA "#
   1 1308 DATA "
   1 1307 DATA "   #
   1 1306 DATA " ### # # #
   1 1305 DATA " # $ #&# ###   "
   1 1304 DATA " #   ###   #   "
   1 1303 DATA " 
   1 1302 DATA "
   1 1301 DATA "
   1 1300 REM SCREEN 7
   1 130 READ A: POKE N,A: LET T=T+A: NEXT N   140 IF T<>39419 THEN PRINT "DATA  ERROR":S
   1 130 GO SUB 600
   1 13 (D2) - -  6  . 7 - -  D2
   1 13  SCTS   SCB 121   SECONDARY PIN 5$
   1 128k snapshot filetype.
   1 128k owners will have  seen  the  Sinclaircolour  band  logo  on  their  menus,  andpossibly wondered how  it  is  done.  It'sreally very simple, with the  use  of  oneUDG and some careful colour planning.
   1 128k ZX  Spectrum  emulator  (Z80  V3.0X).Unregistered version (with some  convertedsoftware) Now with  emulated  Microdrives,sound card support, tape files on disc andmuch more: `3.50
   1 128K Music:
   1 12800,218 fixes a  very  serious  divisionbug in the calculator.  Without  it,  thissimple calculation:g
   1 1262 DATA "^"
   1 1261 DATA "
   1 1260 DATA "##
   1 1259 DATA "#&#
   1 1258 DATA "#  # $   $ #  #"
   1 1257 DATA "#
   1 1256 DATA "#
   1 1255 DATA "#
   1 1254 DATA "#  # $   $ #  #"
   1 1253 DATA "#&#
   1 1252 DATA "##
   1 1251 DATA "
   1 12501-17 Insert TARGET disk
   1 1250 REM SCREEN 6
   1 12482-96 Insert ORIG disk
   1 12407-27 No. of Free K-Bytes =
   1 12388-99 CATALOGUE *
   1 12366-83 * MGT PLUS D DISC
   1 1212 DATA "^"
   1 1211 DATA "
   1 1210 DATA "
   1 1209 DATA "
   1 1208 DATA "
   1 1207 DATA "   # $   $ #   "
   1 1206 DATA "  #&   *   &#  "
   1 1205 DATA "   # $   $ #   "
   1 1204 DATA "
   1 1203 DATA "
   1 1202 DATA "
   1 1201 DATA "
   1 1200 REM SCREEN 5
   1 120 LET level=1: LET lives=3: LET ov=0&
   1 120 LET T=0: FOR N=16384 TO 16721!
   1 120 GOTO VAL "10"
   1 120 GOTO 10
   1 12. To finish, select the gear UP and turn?
   1 12. Put the  case  back  together,  makingsure that the  tape  doesn't  get  trappedbetween the case. Put the screws  back  inand give it a try!
   1 12 way terminal block
   1 12 blank MD cartridges
   1 12 (D1) - -  4  . 5 - -  D1
   1 12  SDCD   SCF 122   SECONDARY PIN 8$
   1 1163 DATA "^"
   1 1162 DATA "
   1 1161 DATA "#
   1 1160 DATA "#
   1 1159 DATA "#  
   1 1158 DATA "#
   1 1157 DATA "#
   1 1156 DATA "
   1 1155 DATA "#
   1 1154 DATA "#
   1 1153 DATA "
   1 1152 DATA "   #
   1 1151 DATA "   
   1 1150 REM SCREEN 4
   1 1113 DATA "^"
   1 1112 DATA "
   1 1110 DATA "## ## ### ## ##"
   1 1109 DATA " #  $  #  $  ##"
   1 1108 DATA " ##
   1 1107 DATA "  #&   *
   1 1106 DATA "  ## $ # $ 
   1 1105 DATA "   #  $#$  #   "
   1 1104 DATA "   ###   ###   "
   1 1103 DATA "
   1 1102 DATA "
   1 1101 DATA "
   1 1100 REM SCREEN 3
   1 110 repeat the loop until finished"
   1 110 NEXT Z
   1 110 IF X<1 OR X>B THEN GO TO 100 
   1 110 GO SUB 9000
   1 11. You can now join the  pieces  of  tapeback together. When I first  started  thisbusiness,  I  used   pritt   stick   glue,together with a small  piece  of  tape.  Ifound that the tape could  be  eliminated,but now use superglue. A tiny blob in  themiddle  of  the  tape  spreads  well  whenjoined. When you do make the join,  ensurethat you put the glue on the  tape  comingfrom the MASTER spool. The tape  from  theslave spool will  then  sit  over  it  andprovide a smooth transition  when  passingthrough  the  video  recorder,  should  itactually do so.
   1 11. Once you have cleared the Ark  Royal's*
   1 11,7;"FINISHING";AT 12,8;"  SOKOBAN":%
   1 11 CAMEL ROAD
   1 11 (D0) - -  2  . 3 - -  D0
   1 109,40 brings the 'unused' system variableNMIADD  at  23728  and  23729   to   life,correcting a  ROM  bug  so  that  you  canintercept Non Maskable Interrupts  (NMIs),so that you can bring any external  'magicbuttons' (life the Multiface)  under  yourcontrol. All you need to do  is  poke  theaddress of your own machine  code  routineinto NMIADD. So, if you had a machine codeprogram at 5
   1 1062 DATA "^"
   1 1061 DATA "
   1 1060 DATA "#&  &  #"
   1 1059 DATA "##$# # 
   1 1058 DATA "#  $ # # $  &&#"
   1 1057 DATA "#
   1 1056 DATA "#
   1 1055 DATA "### 
   1 1054 DATA " ## ##&& #  ###"
   1 1053 DATA " #
   1 1052 DATA " #
   1 1051 DATA " ##&
   1 1050 DATA " 
   1 1049 REM SCREEN2
   1 1021 DATA "^"
   1 1020 DATA "
   1 1019 DATA "#
   1 1018 DATA "#  $  # #  $  #"
   1 1017 DATA "#
   1 1016 DATA "
   1 1015 DATA "   #  &*&  #   "
   1 1014 DATA "
   1 1013 DATA "#
   1 1012 DATA "#  $  # #  $  #"
   1 1011 DATA "#
   1 1010 DATA "
   1 1007 DATA 161,22,91,208,219,217,111,0,71, 1008 DATA 34,63,78,80,71,74,30,68,77,77,  1009 DATA 74,81,31f
   1 1003 DATA 14,41,95,0,RND*4,39,22,12,6,33  1004 DATA 163,N/3,N-6,18,2,N,0,22,133,149 1005 DATA 121,128,243,12,90,193,7,66,0,0  1006 DATA 3,45,N-9,0,N,55,3,102,13,99
   1 1001 DATA 10,12,RND*8,39,1,254,243,0,8,16 1002 DATA 49,7,3,20,81,255,255,0,83,79P
   1 1000 REM SCREEN 1
   1 1000 DATA 1,1,0,39,2,4,88,0,27,55!
   1 100 print each character  if  it's  not  a*
   1 100 INPUT "SELECT : ";X
   1 100 CLEAR  65367:   POKE   23658,8:   LET)
   1 10/10  You've  got  yourself   a 
   1 10. When you've removed the bad tape,  youcan place the spools back into  the  videocassette. Make sure  that  the  tape  runsbetween the silver roller and the guide.  You  will  also  have  to  hold  back  thelocking mechanism to pop the  spools  backin.
   1 10. As you  near  the  end  of  the  deck,*
   1 10 set RAMTOP to make space for the code(
   1 10 REM +D  Snapshot  reader  -  read  SNA)
   1 10 POKE 23610,3: PRINT "this is performed after the POKE"9
   1 10 LET x=RND * 255
   1 10 LET t=3
   1 10 LET LIVES=3
   1 10 GO SUB 30
   1 10 FOR x=USR "a" TO USR "a"+7
   1 10 FOR x= 1 TO 5
   1 10 FOR n=23755 TO 23848$
   1 10 CLEAR A-1
   1 10 ... A0  - - - - - - - -  9 ... Q1$
   1 1. You're in your police car chasing aftera dangerous criminal (well,  you  probablyaren't really, but  let's  pretend!).  Youcome to  a  set  of  traffic  lights.  Thecriminal crashes the  red  light.  Do  youfollow him (go to  3)  or6  wait  for  thegreen light (go to 2)?
   1 1. When on  the  Navigator's  screen  (3),   move the cursor to the desired location   on the map and press  FIRE.  This  will   cause  the  destination  cursor  to  be   located  at  the  position   you   have   selected.
   1 1. Turn on the engineer's light, clicking)
   1 1. Select  +D  compressed  file  from  its   source (i.e another +D disk or even the   dreaded tape)d
   1 1. Read in a track from a +D disk into  an   area of memory.<
   1 1. PILOT'S VIEW.
   1 1. Enter the ENGINEER'S screen by pressing   2./
   1 1. Begin by turning the video tape  upsidedown and removing the five screws.L
   1 1) ZX Spectrum  software  from  yesteryear   right through to present day. We  would   especially like some more  manuals  (or   photocopies of such) for typing  in  on   the PC.
   1 1) It got HIM investigated!
   1 1) First, we need to  get  the  PC  format   text file into the Spectrum. We do this   with a function on the emulator:  "LOAD   SCREEN  OR  MEMORY  BLOCK".   This   is   accessed by pressing F10, X and then L.
   1 1) A Spectrum, of course, you wouldn't&
   1 1 per title PD idea&
   1 1 metre 6 way IPC cable
   1 1 Spectrum 128k
   1 1 Spectrum +3
   1 1 Rubber keyed 48k
   1 1 QL computer and spare machine
   1 1 Interface one
   1 1 ELM CLOSE
   1 1 DK Tronics keyboard
   1 1 CG. CHASSIS GROUND. This  circuit  (alsoknown as FRAME GROUND - FG) is a mechanismto ensure that  the  chassis  of  the  twodevices are  at  the  same  potential,  toprevent electrical shock to the  operator.This circuit is not used as the  referencefor  any  of  the  other  voltages.   Thiscircuit is optional. If it  is  used  careshould be  taken  to  not  set  up  groundloops.
   1 1 +D interface
   1 1 +D 3.5" drive (780k DSDD)
   1 007Software, Bradway Software and so on.(
   1 0,0;"SOKOBAN v1.0 (WRIT FOR C
   1 /LIMITATIONS'. You can load up SNAP  READER4a with these G-DOS patches loaded, but itwon't load the .SNAps correctly.u
   1 .m,.j,m)j.
   1 .m,)j.m'j$
   1 .8   1 (prog) .
   1 .50 calibre machine gun in
   1 .10-11  .10
   1 . __   .4 - 2  .
   1 . The  plus  sign  isoptional, so the ideal form would  be  VAL"1E6" (the letter E doesn't have to  be  acapital, by the way!).
   1 .  this   uses   everypossible four  digit,  or  two  byte,  hexnumber.  The   four   digit   hex   numberallocated to a memory location is known asits address.  And  each  location  can  beaddressed, that is written  into  or  readout of, by quoting it's unique four  digithex number.
   1 -o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-'
   1 -LOAD and SAVE-
   1 -3 to -25v
   1 - EWGF (6th Feb '96)
   1 , which happens to   work out at 7530 hex. So, press F10, X,   L and then Enter the details below:b
   1 , POKEing NMIADD with 5000would mean it would start when you pressedthe multiface button! (30109,40)d
   1 +D snapshots can often be reduced to BASICand  code  files  using  a  handy  utilitywritten by Miles  Kinloch.  This  utility,called Snap Out, allows  you  to  exit  toBASIC at any point (the  Multiface  has  asimilar option built in) and in most casesyou can then save  the  BASIC  loader  andcode. If you don't know where the code  isin memory, try a  guessing  game,  PEEKingaddresses until you find successive zeros.
   1 +D error messages (see above).
   1 +D Utilities collection (early)   AN10&
   1 +D Support:
   1 +D DOS filename.
   1 +D Bug in save exposed
   1 +3 & CP/M Support:
   1 +2a MOD KIT. Converts +2a to +2  for  fulluse of +D and most 128k S/W (2 port):O
   1 +.532533226
   1 *sb Swaps programs.
   1 *sSCREEN$ will swap screen pictures#
   1 *s x,y. SWAPs y bytes starting at x  with those stored in the Multiface. This could be  useful  for  swapping   between   two screens or fonts.
   1 *run will auto boot the  'run'  file  fromdrive 1.2
   1 *pb Stores the current Basic program.%
   1 *pSCREEN$ will store a screen picture%
   1 *p x,y. PUTs y bytes starting at  x  into the Multiface.8
   1 *gb Extracts the stored program. 
   1 *gSCREEN$ will get a screen picture#
   1 *g x,y. GETs y bytes from  the  Multiface and places them at address x.G
   1 *V is the VERIFY command.
   1 *S is the same as above, but saves a file.You can add  normal  extensions,  such  asLINE, CODE or SCREEN$.j
   1 *M is the MERGE command.
   1 *LC-90 ORIGINAL
   1 *LC-100 ORIGINAL
   1 *L "xNAME" loads  a  file.  'x'  indicateswhich drive and NAME denotes the filename.T
   1 *C is the CAT command. It performs a  fastcatalogue of any drive specified. *C  willcat drive 1.`
   1 *=1200 baud is the standard tape speed  ofthe Spectrum.7
   1 ***The values FIRST,  LAST  and  TO  POSITrefer to the length of the PATTERN as  setup by CHANGE PATTERNS LENGTH. The  defaultis 63 and it  is  best  left  there!  Justenter the values as above  for  a  perfectcopy of your original PATTERNS format***
   1 *** NOTE ***
   1 * Wildcard cataloguing
   1 * When releasing torpedoes, fly very  low.This lets  the  torpedo  skim  the  water,increasing  your  chances  for  a  perfect'hit'.
   1 * When approaching the Ark Royal,  do  notworry about approaching her from he  rear.As soon as you turn the landing lights on,the Ark Royal  will  re-orientate  herselffor you.
   1 * The CLS# command, which  restores  black  text on a white screenB
   1 * Sector loading and saving. The  benefits  are  endless,  and  begin  with   sector  editors and adding  secret  messages  in  sectors.
   1 * SAVE to a +D disk
   1 * Return to the Ark Royal frequently. Thiswill give you  a  chance  to  refuel  yourtanks and restock your  ammunition.  Also,any damage done  to  your  plane  will  berepaired.
   1 * Remember to keep your lights off on  theEngineer's screen - except when  they  aredefinetly needed. Flak increases when  theenemy can see you.
   1 * RENAME files
   1 * Protect the  Ark  Royal  at  all  costs.Avoid confrontations unless the Ark  Royalis in danger because flak from enemy  firecan easily destroy your Avenger.
   1 * MOVE files to streams. Handy for dumping  text files to the printerE
   1 * MERGE from a +D disk
   1 * LOAD a file with the  LOAD  Px  command.  All files on a +D disk have an ID number  from 1-80 (max. 80 files  allowed  on  a  disk, 780k per disk). So, if you have  a  long filename, and it happens to be  the  11th file on the disk,  you  could  type  LOAD  D1  "NEWPROGRAM",  or  you   could  simply type LOAD P11!
   1 * It is a good idea to eliminate  as  manyU-boats and  E-boats  as  you  can  beforeattempting   to   attack   the   Bismarck.Otherwise the Ark Royal will still  be  indanger even if the Bismarck has been sunk.
   1 * If you do run out of  fuel  or  if  yourplane experiences engine failure, you  canditch your Avenger in the ocean. If you doso successfuly, you will  be  rescued  andwill live to fight another day.
   1 * If a spotlight is tracking you, lose  itby quickly changing direction to  get  outof range of the light.j
   1 * Full disk catalogue, comprising of  file  name, program number, file  type,  start  addresses, lengths and sector lengths.|
   1 * Fly trial runs to see  how  far  a  fullload of fuel will take  you.  Even  thoughyou may have sunk the Bismarck,  you  willstill need enough fuel to  return  to  theArk Royal to  successfully  complete  yourmission.
   1 * Fly at less than 2000 feet as  often  aspossible so you can avoid being picked  upon enemy radar. This is  also  a  valuabletactic for dive bombing enemy targets  andfor landing on the Ark Royal.
   1 * File copying facillities
   1 * File copy between the +3 and +D  drives,  including all wildcards and extras.O
   1 * FORMAT +D disks
   1 * ERASE files from a disk
   1 * Check your status screen (by pressing S)regularly to see the extent of the  damageinflicted on the Ark  Royal  and  on  yourAvenger.
   1 * * MULTISTORE * *
   1 * * MULTIDUMP 1 / 3 * *
   1 * * MULTIBASIC * *
   1 * * MF_MAXIRAM * *
   1 * * MF RAMDISK * *
   1 * * CLASSIX * *
   1 * $   # #"
   1 *  When  landing  keep  the  nose  of  theAvenger up, keep your airspeed  below  100mph and ensure your  rate  of  descent  isless than five feet per econd.
   1 *   $ #  "
   1 ).  Because  it's  in  theROM, address 3 will always contain 255.A
   1 (pointer+9)<>78
   1 (pointer+26): LET b=b+1: NEXT n
   1 (pointer+10)<>65 THEN NEXT  n:  GO  TO&
   1 (pointer)=229 THEN NEXT n: GO TO 100   80 IF  PEEK  (pointer+8)<>83   AND   PEEKP
   1 (pointer)=0
   1 (g(n,1),g(n,2))="@" THEN NEXT n: 
   1 (address will be entered here later; as   you know I'm going to move soon and IO
   1 (US Gold): 30
   1 ([email protected])
   1 (PEEK (pointer+m));: NEXT m:  PRINT  :&
   1 (Once primes, twice drops)
   1 (N+PEEK 23638)/2
   1 (Min order = 6)
   1 (Covers issues 1-18)
   1 (C)1988 Gremlin Graphics Software Ltd%
   1 (Branches nationwide)
   1 (Arcade #2178)
   1 (A+2);:NEXT J:IF NOT PEEK 16384  THEN%
   1 (42800,218)
   1 (32611,24)
   1 'm)'j)m'j$
   1 'Under-spec' I hear you cry ? I am  afraidso. The current lovey of the PC  world  isthe rather over- rated Pentium chip,  withthe normal 486-DX chip being  upgraded  tospeeds of 75Mhz - 100Mhz, my  poor  little33Mhz doesn't stand a  chance  of  playingthe  latest  gourad-shaded  polygon  basedCD-ROM based games without  some  form  ofjerkiness.
   1 'UP' I screamed.
   1 'SPACE' to go to the next page
   1 'INK VAL "2";"This is red!"
   1 'INK SQR PI;"This is red!"
   1 'I' to return to the instructions!
   1 'D' to re-catalogue/catalogue another%
   1 &&o&+i+((&
   1 & Contributions:
   1 $$## ##  "
   1 ##$##$ ###"
   1 "Zzzz" (Mastertronic): 4
   1 "You cheating sod!", screamed Rob, "You'vegot some spare cards hidden!"G
   1 "Y" (Ocean): 1
   1 "Xcel" (Program Techniques): 4
   1 "XOR" (Logotron): 3
   1 "What do YOU want", said Andy.
   1 "Variable not found" is probably generatedif you VERIFY an array that doesn't  existin RAM:[
   1 "V" (Ocean): 1
   1 "The   Warlock   of   Firetop
   1 "Street Fighter 2" (Kixx): 1994
   1 "Speccy Sensations 2" CD.
   1 "Sorry", shouted the card players as  theybeat Dok with chair legs and cricket bats.T
   1 "Sorry guys.", stammered Dok.
   1 "Sorry boss.",  said  Dave,"You  lot,  getup.", he said, in a menacing tone  to  themass of twisted bodies.k
   1 "SNAP!" shouted Dok.
   1 "RE TRY:";m$
   1 "Professional
   1 "Or else what?", said Dave.
   1 "Or else THIS!", shouted Roybenson.#
   1 "Ok, what do you want?", said Dave.#
   1 "Ok, ok, here.", said  Dok,  emptying  hissleeve and producing four packs  of  cardson to the table.d
   1 "Of course, I've written (Mr  Sherwood)  aletter saying that nope, it's not PD,  andAlch Research are the  sole  distributors,also  advising  him  not  to  include   mysoftware on his list. So, you are free  tomake  any   comments   on   his   actions,stressing my  displeasure  if  he  doesn'tremove the stuff from his catalogue."
   1 "OK, we'll give in to your demands",  saidAndy, "Dave, get the tapes ready. Everyoneelse - to the AlchMobile."n
   1 "No.", said Lloyd,"Paul has gone  for  ourlunch."1
   1 "No.", replied Dok, sharply.
   1 "No I  haven't.",said  Dok,  beginning  topanic.0
   1 "Nice.", commented Lloyd, as Miles steppedback, proud of  his  latest  creation.  Hemoved one step too far and fell  into  thebeating of Dok. The whole  group  fell  tothe floor.
   1 "Lets take a look then.", said Orson.%
   1 "LEFT: ";l$;AT 15,25;"RIGHT:"  ;r$;AT%
   1 "Kong" (Ocean): 4
   1 "Keep it down you lot.",  said  Andy,  whowas struggling to answer the  three  sacksof mail which had arrived (it was a  quietday).
   1 "Ivan Iron Man Stewart's Super  Off  Road"(Virgin): 316
   1 "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom"&
   1 "I've done it!", he shouted,  "  the  verylast  bug  is  eliminated  from  BetterDosand i've  put  in  my  final  refinement!""Lets give it a try  then.",  said  Lloyd.
   1 "I will be sending a copy of update 10  toeveryone who  orders  something  from  me,along with  my  explanation  of  the  realfacts and a copy of  my  repair  bill  (toshow people the  false  accusations  beingbranded about) which is my right  to  selfdefence."
   1 "I want all  your  adult  software,  in  abrown paper bag", demanded Roybenson.O
   1 "Has  he?",  said  Roybenson.  The  screenpanned  to  the  left  and  showed   Paul,fastened to a conveyor belt.p
   1 "HKM" (US Gold): 3
   1 "Greetings!",  said  the  figure  on   thescreen. It was the evil Roybenson and  hisshifty sidekick Raygun Smith.q
   1 "Frank Bruno's Big Box" (various): 10%
   1 "Escape  from  the  Planet  of  the  RobotMonsters" (Domark): 37@
   1 "Eek!", screamed Rob.
   1 "Dear or dear, do you lot HAVE to do this?", said Andy6
   1 "Daley   Thompson's   Olympic   Challenge"(Ocean): 305
   1 "Cheating  AGAIN?",  said  Dave   in   hismenacing tone, "You know the penalty."P
   1 "Chartbusters" (various): 20
   1 "Cassette 50" (Cascade): 50
   1 "Aren't you missing one  of  your  team?",cackled Roybenson.<
   1 "Aaarrgghh! My knee is not purple!"#
   1 ";d$;AT 18,25; "QUIT: ";q$;AT  19,25;%
   1 "10 Great Games" (Gremlin): 10
   1 "   50 LET t=t+1
   1  will store any picturewhich is  currently  on  the  screen  intoMultiface memory.R
   1  which you can't do as  of  yeton your Spectrum.0
   1  to the figure to get  theaddress of our copy..
   1  providingof course  you  have  actually  made  thatbackup:
   1  ofRAM. The only difference is that the BASICversion takes 10 minutes and  40  seconds,the  machine  code  version  take  half  asecond!
   1  is the address) and A will contain 1or 0, depending on whether the  screen  isor is not being touched at the appropriatepoint.
   1  is a nice number. I would   normally use 32000 but this is normally   associated  with  Tasword  2  and   the   format we have is not compatable yet.
   1  is a nice address,  because  if  youdiscount  the  '3',  it  can   easily   becompared with the true area in the ROM. Ifyou are  looking  at  a  ROM  disassembly,simply add 3
   1  any one of these should  haveappeared way back in issue 12 !=
   1  POSITION: This is used to  'chain'your individual PATTERNS together to  makethe complete  song.  If  your  compositionsimply consisted of one PATTERN then  thiswould always be 1.
   1  - on the48K model is RAM.
   1  # $ #   "
   1   to3FFF. It contains the  BASIC  interpreter,the  editor,  various  input  and   outputroutines  and  the  character  set   whichcontains all the data for the  letters  ofthe  alphabet,  figures  and   the   othergraphic symbols available on the Spectrum.The other 48K - from 4000 to 
   1   hmmm,maybe only 40K at a time, or 1/20th of thesource disk !>
   1   +3 to +25v
   1   # ###  "
   1                      MARCH 1996.